[情報] 2020 夢幻隊教練團名單確定

看板NBA作者 (KKKK)時間6年前 (2018/10/12 00:22), 編輯推噓22(2648)
留言38則, 32人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
消息來源:https://goo.gl/5kLDWr 內容: Nate McMillan Named 2019-20 USA Basketball Men's National Team Assistant Coach The USA Basketball Men's National Team coaching staff today was finalized with the announcement that NBA head coaches Steve Kerr (Golden State Warriors) and Nate McMillan (Indiana Pacers) and Villanova University head coach Jay Wright have been selected as assistant coaches for the 2019-20 USA Basketball Men's National Team. 美國男籃今天宣布助理教練團名單: Steve Kerr(勇士總教練) Nate McMillan(溜馬總教練) Jay Wright(維拉諾瓦大學總教練) Led by coach Popovich, we have assembled an incredible coaching staff for the USA National Team, and we are excited to have Steve Kerr, Nate McMillan and Jay Wright join the team as assistant coaches," said Jerry Colangelo, who has served as the managing director of USA Basketball Men's National Team program since 2005. "It's special that each coach has prior USA Basketball experience as either a player or coach, and each coach has compiled a successful and impressive resume. I'm very confident that the USA Basketball National Team is in excellent hands the next two years." 自從2005年起擔任美國男籃國家隊總經理的Jerry Colangelo表示: 「教練團中的每一位都有在球員或是執教生涯中參加過夢幻隊,以及每個教練都有豐富  的履歷是很特別的。我對於夢幻隊未來兩年的前景相當看好。」 "I am honored and fortunate to have such gifted coaches share this USA Basketball responsibility with me," said Popovich, a 1970 graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. "Steve Kerr, Nate McMillan and Jay Wright are not just knowledgeable, dedicated individuals, but they exhibit the creativity, tenacity and respect for the game needed to compete in the international arena. Popovich表示: 「我很榮幸能夠和這些才華洋溢的教練們共事。Kerr、McMillan和Wright不僅閱歷豐富、 奉公克己,同時展現了在國際賽事上不可或缺的創造力、韌性與投入。」 Currently, the USA National Team enjoys a 76-game win streak (53 straight wins in FIBA and FIBA Americas competitions, and 23 consecutive wins in exhibition games). The USA men have won three-straight Olympic gold medals (2008, 2012 and 2016) and, for the first time ever, back-to-back FIBA World Cup gold medals (2010 and 2014). The USA win streak dates back to the bronze medal game of the 2006 FIBA World Championship in Japan (Sept. 2, 2006). 目前美國隊正享有76連勝(國際FIBA與美洲FIBA共53連勝、表演賽共23連勝),奧運三連 霸與第一次的世界盃連霸。自從2006年在日本的FIBA世界盃僅拿下銅牌以後從未輸過。 Since first fielding a team of legendary NBA stars in 1992, USA Basketball national teams featuring NBA players have claimed gold medals in 14 of 17 international basketball competitions and compiled a 134-7 record in those official events, while also posting a record of 51-1 in exhibition games. 從1992年美國隊派出NBA球星開始,在17個國際賽事拿下14面金牌。 共計在正式比賽拿下134勝7敗,表演賽中拿下51勝1敗的戰績。 心得: 恭喜西瓜再度入選夢幻隊教練團~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1539274977.A.C71.html

10/12 00:24, 6年前 , 1F
10/12 00:24, 1F

10/12 00:34, 6年前 , 2F
10/12 00:34, 2F

10/12 00:39, 6年前 , 3F
為什麼麥米倫是西瓜啊 在拓荒在溜馬都有成績
10/12 00:39, 3F

10/12 00:42, 6年前 , 4F
10/12 00:42, 4F

10/12 00:42, 6年前 , 5F
kerr:挑三小啦付錢給我們勇士去打就好 還不用整合
10/12 00:42, 5F

10/12 00:43, 6年前 , 6F
10/12 00:43, 6F

10/12 00:46, 6年前 , 7F
10/12 00:46, 7F

10/12 00:46, 6年前 , 8F
10/12 00:46, 8F

10/12 00:48, 6年前 , 9F
10/12 00:48, 9F

10/12 00:48, 6年前 , 10F
10/12 00:48, 10F

10/12 00:53, 6年前 , 11F
10/12 00:53, 11F

10/12 00:55, 6年前 , 12F
Kerr這種教練才適合眾星雲集的球隊吧 很會帶心
10/12 00:55, 12F

10/12 00:55, 6年前 , 13F
10/12 00:55, 13F

10/12 00:55, 6年前 , 14F
我自己秀來不及了 誰跟你在那邊跑戰術
10/12 00:55, 14F

10/12 00:58, 6年前 , 15F
馬刺也很重視跑戰術 所以Popo無法帶大咖摟?啥邏輯
10/12 00:58, 15F

10/12 01:10, 6年前 , 16F
西瓜就是一顆爛西瓜幹 拓荒者的成績玩爛一堆潛力
10/12 01:10, 16F

10/12 01:11, 6年前 , 17F
球給7號 冰爛Bayless,Rudy,S-Rod 重用Blake
10/12 01:11, 17F

10/12 01:12, 6年前 , 18F
10/12 01:12, 18F

10/12 01:15, 6年前 , 19F
10/12 01:15, 19F

10/12 01:20, 6年前 , 20F
西瓜就帶心而已 臨場戰術應變就算了
10/12 01:20, 20F

10/12 01:27, 6年前 , 21F
10/12 01:27, 21F

10/12 01:29, 6年前 , 22F
球給23戰術 嘻嘻
10/12 01:29, 22F

10/12 01:31, 6年前 , 23F
10/12 01:31, 23F

10/12 01:44, 6年前 , 24F
10/12 01:44, 24F

10/12 01:53, 6年前 , 25F
籃球教練最好不重要 青賽沒BS能打東冠?
10/12 01:53, 25F

10/12 01:55, 6年前 , 26F
幫CD大補充:無限7號iso QQ 無限 12號 iso
10/12 01:55, 26F

10/12 02:33, 6年前 , 27F
10/12 02:33, 27F

10/12 04:12, 6年前 , 28F
10/12 04:12, 28F

10/12 05:56, 6年前 , 29F
推翻譯 奉公克己!
10/12 05:56, 29F

10/12 08:04, 6年前 , 30F
如果是這個陣容打其他國家 教練還真的變得不太重要
10/12 08:04, 30F

10/12 08:58, 6年前 , 31F
10/12 08:58, 31F

10/12 10:25, 6年前 , 32F
10/12 10:25, 32F

10/12 10:25, 6年前 , 33F
10/12 10:25, 33F

10/12 11:00, 6年前 , 34F
蠻無聊的 美國隊陣容派伊凡卡當總教練也能冠
10/12 11:00, 34F

10/12 15:28, 6年前 , 35F
10/12 15:28, 35F

10/12 17:06, 6年前 , 36F
教練也勇士 球員也勇士 都給你們玩就好了啊
10/12 17:06, 36F

10/12 19:25, 6年前 , 37F
10/12 19:25, 37F

10/13 00:27, 6年前 , 38F
10/13 00:27, 38F
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