[外絮] Marbury:SAS你沒資格評論KI,收回你的言

看板NBA作者 (Body health)時間2年前 (2021/10/17 19:39), 編輯推噓297(305888)
留言401則, 316人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
Marbury:SAS你沒資格評論KI,收回你的言論 Stephon Marbury: it's sad to hear stephen a smith talk about kyrie irving the way how he's ta lking about him calling him selfish this man has done so much stuff for huma n beings and giving back and trying to help so many different people all dif ferent cultures not just black people. Marbury:看到SAS那樣批評KI,真的很可悲,他說KI自私,但KI幫人類做了太多事,回 饋那麼多,並幫助許多不同文化背景下的人 He played a little bit of basketball, but come on, seriously? You letting th is guy talk to you about sports? This guy never got hit in a football game, he never swung a bat, and this is the person who they have speaking and talk ing about what’s going on in sports? Man, you need to defund his voice. 他只打過一點籃球,就讓這樣的人來聊比賽?認真的嗎?他從來沒有打過橄欖球,沒有 揮過球棒,但卻讓他去聊體育界發生的事情?兄弟,請你收回你的言論。 Stephen A Smith: He was Sensational and Kyrie Irving is Sensational. I don't even belong in t he mentioned, in the same breath, as if I'm a journalist to report a comment ator. That's where my stuff lies, not as a ballplayer. SAS:他是絕佳的球員,KI也是絕佳的球員,我甚至不配和他們一起被提起,我只是一名 記者、評論員這些才是我的專長,不是籃球運動員 But I'm a grown, I'm a grown-ass man. I'm a black man. And I've watched peop le like yourself in these positions where you can be leaders and you elect t o take a pass and that is what I am accusing Kyrie Irving of doing and let's go down the list! 但我是一名成年黑人男性,我看太多和你處在相似位置的人,當你可以成為領袖時,卻 自己放棄了機會,這也是我一直以來質疑KI的地方,讓我們來細數一下他的事蹟吧 You're in Cleveland, you're playing with the great LeBron James. you can't g et along with him, you decide to ask out of it, you transfer the Boston beca use you threatened Cleveland that you would not be willing to play. If they didn't move you,you go to Boston and what do you do? They go to the finals w ithout I'm sorry, they go to the Eastern Conference Finals without you becau se you get hurt, you come back the next year and things are a bit discombobu lated. You apologize to LeBron James saying that you didn't realize what he was talking about at the time because there was a leadership issue. 你在騎士隊效力時,在優秀的詹姆斯身邊打球,你和他合不來,決定選擇離開,你威脅 球隊,如果他們不交易你,你就不上場打球 You go to Boston and what do you do?They go to the Eastern Conference Finals without you because you get hurt, you come back the next year you apologize to LeBron James saying that you didn't realize what was talking about at th e time because there was a leadership issue. and you promise Boston fans I w ould stay there, and then you get up and leave, you end up going to Brooklet . 然後你來到了波士頓,都做些了什麼?你受傷了,他們在沒有你的情況下打進東區決賽 ,第二年你回來後,卻讓球隊變得混亂,然後你向詹姆斯道歉,說你沒能理解他那時候 說的話,因為那時候你在和他爭領導權,之後你承諾塞提球迷你會留下,但你還是去了 布魯克林。 You're there the first year, KD ain't with you because he tears his Achilles , you only play 20 games. Then the next year you come and you get hurt right before the season is halted because of a pandemic. During the summer time b efore play was to be resumed, you're encouraging. Players to put themselves in a position where billions of dollars would caught it would cost them bill ions of dollars. If they work to sit up there and not playing a bubble, beca use the players in the NBA owners would have ripped up the CBA agreement bec ause they were losing so much money. It would have read it all contracts, nu ll avoid, and then you would have had to start all over. You go public with that Proclamation, without talking to CP3 in the leadership for the NBA Play ers Association. 你去籃網第一年,KD因為跟腱受傷沒打,你就只打了20場比賽,到了第二年,你在 賽季因疫情暫停前就受傷了,到了夏天快要複賽的時候,你在沒和球員工會主席CP3以及 球員工會商量下,就號召球員們抵制賽季,將他們置於足以損失數十億美元的境地,如 果他們像你說的一樣不參加複賽的話,那些NBA球隊老闆就會撕毀勞資協議,因為這讓他 們損失太多的錢,這會讓之前的合約都變得無效,一切就得從頭再來 Then after that you're going for 10 months off. I'm talking about Kyrie obvi ously, you're going for ten months off and that 10 month span once you come back, you play seven games over a two-week period and to say, I need a break for personal reasons. And now here we are with the vaccine. I'm not an anti -vaxxer. I'm vaccinated but I was nervous about it too. Okay, I understand K yrie's reservations, but when you go to an ICU unit and you see a bunch of b lack people in there, you understand that has been infected by the virus. Th is, when you think about pre-existing conditions that have plagued our commu nity and what have you and you see, black people dying, do take the position that I think I took, if you don't want to do that, that's fine. But my poin t is you left Brooklyn hanging. So KD and James Harden is there, because of you, but you're not there with them 之後你休息了10個月,你回來後也就打了七場比賽,然後就說自己因為私人原因所以要 休息,現在又有新問題,就是這個疫苗問題,我並不反對疫苗,因為我已經接種了疫苗 ,但我當時也很緊張,我理解他對疫苗有所保留的地方,但如果你去一趟重症病房,你 會看到裡面有很多我們族群黑人們感染了病毒,並接著死去,我能理解你的觀點,如果 你不想打疫苗,OK 沒事,但我的重點是你把籃網擱在那,KD和哈登都是因為你才來籃網 的,但你卻不挺他們 we get to question his leadership. Based on the multitude of decisions that he has made. It doesn't make him a bad person because he's not, it doesn't g et us to ignore his philanthropy because we shouldn't. He's a beautiful pers on whose hearts in the right place who's done a lot of great things for a lo t of great people. But on this particular issue, I believe he's wrong. If yo u disagree with me, I respect that whether you in China or New York or anywh ere in between, you have a right to voice your opinion, but don't act like, just because I didn't play the game on your level that ,I don't let say that kyrie Irving 我們會質疑他的領導力,都是基於他做出的一系列令人費解的決定,但這並不表示他是 一個壞人,因為他不是,這不會讓我們忽視他的慈善,我們也不會這麼做,他是一個善 良的好人,為很多人做了很多好事,但就單單以這件事情而言,我相信他是錯的,如果 你不同意我的觀點,我也尊重這一點,不論你人在中國,還是紐約,還是其他任何地方 ,你都有權利說出你的觀點,但不要搞得我籃球沒你那麼強,就認為我不能去評論他 https://youtu.be/unkqwbJAKHs
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1634470740.A.605.html

10/17 19:41, 2年前 , 1F
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10/17 19:42, 2年前 , 2F
我沒當過總統 不能說嘴蔡英文
10/17 19:42, 2F

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10/17 19:51, 2年前 , 20F
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10/17 19:51, 2年前 , 21F
SAS這次滿就事論事的 KI做的善是跟一些行為不能並論
10/17 19:51, 21F

10/17 19:51, 2年前 , 22F
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10/17 19:51, 2年前 , 23F
KI如果單一就疫苗這件事就算了 問題是素行不良
10/17 19:51, 23F

10/17 19:52, 2年前 , 24F
你沒打過籃球 憑什麼評論KI 笑死 PTT鄉民?
10/17 19:52, 24F

10/17 19:52, 2年前 , 25F
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10/17 19:52, 2年前 , 26F
政治正確 其他人也挺不下去了
10/17 19:52, 26F

10/17 19:53, 2年前 , 27F
= = SAS這次有什麼問題 我覺得他說得對阿
10/17 19:53, 27F

10/17 19:55, 2年前 , 28F
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10/17 19:56, 2年前 , 29F
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10/17 19:56, 2年前 , 30F
收回你的話 哈啊......哈啊......
10/17 19:56, 30F

10/17 19:56, 2年前 , 31F
SAS說得滿正確 KI做的並不是幫誰發聲 而是單純自慾
10/17 19:56, 31F

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10/17 19:58, 2年前 , 38F
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10/17 19:58, 2年前 , 39F
SAS解釋得很清楚 KI一直以來的言行都沒什麼道義
10/17 19:58, 39F
還有 322 則推文
10/18 10:02, 2年前 , 362F
SAS這篇說的非常得體欸 給推
10/18 10:02, 362F

10/18 10:02, 2年前 , 363F
所以SAS平常都在喇小 明明可以正經講話
10/18 10:02, 363F

10/18 10:03, 2年前 , 364F
SAS平常都在裝瘋賣傻 這次難得正經一次
10/18 10:03, 364F

10/18 10:05, 2年前 , 365F
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10/18 10:17, 2年前 , 366F
就算KI無腦 也真的不想看看SAS
10/18 10:17, 366F

10/18 10:22, 2年前 , 367F
KI就是毒瘤 走到哪都一樣
10/18 10:22, 367F

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10/18 11:44, 2年前 , 375F
薪水小偷捐了一點錢就變慈善家不能批評喔 笑死
10/18 11:44, 375F

10/18 12:00, 2年前 , 376F
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10/18 12:09, 2年前 , 377F
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10/18 12:14, 2年前 , 378F
照他這樣講 那我們鄉民是不是也不能評論NBA球員
10/18 12:14, 378F

10/18 12:18, 2年前 , 379F
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10/18 12:52, 2年前 , 380F
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10/18 13:17, 2年前 , 382F
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10/18 13:19, 2年前 , 383F
SAS壓倒性完勝 嚇死我了
10/18 13:19, 383F

10/18 13:20, 2年前 , 384F
連SAS都能嘴KI 就知道KI的行為有多荒謬
10/18 13:20, 384F

10/18 13:30, 2年前 , 385F
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10/18 14:21, 2年前 , 386F
只能說KI太好打 連SAS都可以搞一套完整無破綻的論述
10/18 14:21, 386F

10/18 14:50, 2年前 , 387F
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10/18 15:31, 2年前 , 388F
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10/18 16:27, 2年前 , 389F
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10/18 17:13, 2年前 , 390F
本來想噴SAS, 沒想到說得很好
10/18 17:13, 390F

10/18 17:15, 2年前 , 391F
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10/18 17:39, 2年前 , 392F
來看看有沒有人會被捅 XD
10/18 17:39, 392F

10/18 18:13, 2年前 , 393F
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10/18 18:40, 2年前 , 394F
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10/18 20:02, 2年前 , 395F
那蔡英文來講真的笑死 蔡英文沒有你們她當不了總統
10/18 20:02, 395F

10/18 20:02, 2年前 , 396F
KI 沒有你們他還是爽領高薪打球 懂?
10/18 20:02, 396F

10/18 20:10, 2年前 , 397F
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10/18 21:48, 2年前 , 398F
10/18 21:48, 398F

10/19 00:02, 2年前 , 399F
KI等級的邏輯 隨便一咖都能打爆 真以為記者吃素R
10/19 00:02, 399F

10/19 06:47, 2年前 , 400F
10/19 06:47, 400F

10/19 06:58, 2年前 , 401F
10/19 06:58, 401F
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