[外絮] 快艇總管總結記者會:續留、傷勢、例行賽

看板NBA作者 (EZ78)時間1年前 (2023/04/28 09:39), 編輯推噓38(40279)
留言121則, 48人參與, 1年前最新討論串1/1
今天,快艇籃球營運事務總裁Lawrence Frank接受了賽季總結的記者會。 不過他實在講太多了 有些更廢話的我就沒放上來lol 所以我就po一些我覺得有趣的aka重要+可能被斷章取義的(X https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651649451403124736 Lawrence Frank: "There's disappointment obviously. Season ending and falling short of our goal. Also a great sense of pride in how our group competed." 「這季當然是失望的。這季的收尾並沒有達成我們的目標。但我很驕傲我們的團隊是如何 奮鬥的。」 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651649704097349632 Lawrence Frank: "I feel bad for our fans. I feel bad for Kawhi an PG, our team, our staff, Steve [Ballmer] because we feel like we let our fans and that group down. Injuries suck. They suck, but they happen... I feel for our fans who have been with us every step of the way." 「我對我們的球迷感到慚愧;我對Kawhi、PG、我們球隊、我們工作人員、Steve老闆感到慚 愧因為我覺得我們讓球迷與團隊失望了。傷病糟透了,但他們就是會發生。我能同感一直 跟隨我們每一步的球迷們。」 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651649968585986048 Lawrence Frank: "We have to be honest with ourselves and we have to look in the mirror. It starts with me. We have to get back to honoring and respecting the regular season. We have to compete harder, more consistently, and we have to earn it. Everything has to be earned." 「我們要誠實的面對自己並照照鏡子。這得從我開始。我們必須回頭重視與尊重例行賽。 我們要打得更認真、更穩定並努力贏得他。所有東西都需要努力去贏得。」 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651650642803564544 Lawrence Frank: "Clippers fans are special. We have to earn their trust every single day." 「快艇球迷是特別的。我們必須要靠每一天來贏得他們的尊重。」 (然後等一下就有點自打臉了= =) -------------------------------Ty Lue----------------------------------------- https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651650710453485568 Lawrence Frank: "We have a great head coach in T-Lue, who, like everyone in this organization, is eager to improve. He's had to adjust to a lot of different rosters, and he's adapted." 「我們有Ty Lue這個很棒的總教練。他就如同我們組織裡的每個人一樣,渴望進步。他必 須適應非常多不同的陣容,而他都能適應。」 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651653708093227008 Lawrence Frank says Tyronn Lue will definitely be back as Clippers coach next season "Why wouldn't he be back? Of course he's back. Ty is a terrific coach." 被問到Tyronn Lue下一季是否一定會繼續當快艇總教練時。 「為甚麼他不會回來?他當然會回來。Ty是個出色的教練。」 ----------------------------例行賽-------------------------------------------- https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651650908735049728 Lawrence Frank on the regular season: "We have to compete harder every single night. We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to our fans... The last 28 years, the NBA Champion has been a top 3 seed. You have to earn it. The regular season matters." 被問到例行賽時,Frank回答:「我們必須要每晚都競爭的更努力。這是我們欠我們自己的 、欠我們球迷的...過去28年,NBA總冠軍全部都是前3種子,你必須去贏得他。例行賽很重 要。」 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651651390568296450 Lawrence Frank on injuries: "Injuries are real... There's a difference between being injured and what people term as being load management. Kawhi has to work around 3 injuries after coming off ACL reconstruction." Frank談到傷病時答道:「傷病真的很嚴重...傷病與人們所說的負載管理是不同的。Kawhi 在從ACL復健回歸後面對了大約3次的受傷。」 ----------------------------核心與角色球員的去留------------------------------ https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651651886234365952 Lawrence Frank says the Clippers remain committed to Kawhi Leonard and Paul George: "Yeah. When we traded for Paul and signed Kawhi as a free agent, it wasn't for 1 or 2 years. Every year you have those guys, they give you a chance." 被問到快艇是否要繼續投入已Kawhi Leonard與Paul George為核心的陣容。 Frank:「是的。我們交易來Paul並從自由市場簽下Kawhi時就決定這不會只是1-2年的計畫 。每年你只要有這些傢伙,他們就會給你機會。」 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651652096700354562 Lawrence Frank on Kawhi Leonard and Paul George: "We're gonna continue to build around those guys and look at every which way [to improve]... We believe strongly in those guys." 談到213組合時,Frank答:「我們會繼續圍繞他們建隊並看要怎麼進步...我們強烈的相信 他們。」 https://twitter.com/FlyByKnite/status/1651653786908377088 Lawrence Frank on offering potential extensions to Paul George and Kawhi Leonard this offseason: "We want to keep them as Clippers for a long time." Frank被問到是否可能會在這個休賽季開出續約給Paul George與Kawhi Leonard時回答:「 我們想要他們長期繼續當快艇人。」 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651652583210225664 Lawrence Frank on Clippers: "There's a lot of different possibilities to get better. I think our roster has gotten better with each transaction period... Kawhi, coming off ACL, he exceeded my expectations. He went far and above from what I thought we were gonna get." Frank被問到快艇如何補強時回答道:「我們有許多不同的機會來變的更好。我認為我們每 個交易期都有讓陣容改善...從ACL傷勢回歸Kawhi超越了我的期待。他表現得比我想像中的 好上非常多。」 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651657267421511680 Lawrence Frank on the new CBA: "We're blessed to have a chairman that's all in on capitalizing on the window that we're in. the new CBA will have implications not just this year but the next couple of years. Hard decisions will have to be made and we'll make those." Frank談到新的勞資協議時:「我們非常幸運有個老闆願意全力投資我們現有的窗口。新的 勞資協議暗示了不只今年甚至包含接下來幾年,我們將必須要做出一些艱難的決定而我們 也會做出這些決定。」 ------------------------------Russell Westbrook------------------------------- https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651653017631064064 Lawrence Frank says the Clippers want Russell Westbrook back. "We want to being Russell back. It's a great example of when you have a trust in your partnership. T-Lue, PG, Kawhi advocated strongly for Russ. He brings a great energy and spirit to the team, around the building." Frank說快艇想要Russell Westbrook回到快艇。 「我們希望Russell可以回來。他就是你信任你夥伴所能獲得的成果。T-Lue、PG、Kawhi都 強力的為他站台。他帶給整支隊伍與球場非常多的能量與精神。」 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651653344870662144 Lawrence Frank on Russell Westbrook: "He said, 'hey what do you need from me? What can i give to you?' When you come in with that approach, he had to be highly adaptable. The role we described to him at the start was totally different at the end." Frank談到Russell Westbrook時說:「他對我講"嘿你需要我做任何事情嗎?有甚麼是我可以 為你做的?"當你是帶著這種態度來道球隊,他必定是適應力非常強的。他在剛入隊時的角 色與結束時有著全面性的差別。」 心得:...連Frank都圈粉了 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651659187318050816 Lawrence Frank says the Clippers want both Eric Gordon and Mason Plumlee back next season. Frank也說了快艇希望本季合約到期or非保障的Eric Gordon與Mason Plumlee下季能繼續為 快艇效力。 ------------------------------季後賽期間傷勢----------------------------------- https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651653896086126592 Lawrence Frank on Paul George: "He wasn't gonna be cleared medically until the first days of May. His goal was to play as soon as he was cleared." Frank談到Paul George的傷勢:「他到五月之前傷勢都不明朗。他的目標就是他好了就立刻 上場。」 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651652803436363777 Lawrence Frank confirms Kawhi Leonard has a torn meniscus, but the Clippers are continuing to explore his treatment. Says surgery is not a certain yet. Frank證實了Kawhi Leonard的傷勢為半月板撕裂,但快艇仍在持續探索他的治療方式。需 不需要動手術都還不確定。 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651656596320325632 Lawrence Frank on Kawhi Leonard: "Regardless of the treatment, Kawhi Leonard will be ready for next year. The ACL is firmly intact, which is great." Frank談到Kawhi Leonard的傷勢:「無論他(半月板)的治療為何,Kawhi Leonard下一季都 會做好準備出賽。他的ACL傷勢已經確定康復了,這是個好消息。」 https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1651656755892588545 Lawrence Frank says the Clippers learned about Kawhi Leonard's torn meniscus after Game 2. Frank也說快艇在季後賽的第2戰就知道Leonard的傷勢是半月板撕裂了。 心得: 這個消息報出來後有不少球迷炸鍋。因為就跟前年一樣,快艇都刻意隱瞞Leonard的傷勢營 造他之後有可能回歸的假象來賣票。 這是真的有點糟糕。 另外,訪問途中發生了一點小插曲。當Lawrence Frank在訪問中談到快艇球員Terance Mann並同時稱讚Ty Lue與Mann的定位的時候時,Mann也在不久後發推了。 https://twitter.com/terance_mann/status/1651668605774467073 LMAO 笑死我了 有不少球迷就開始臆測他是不是不滿Ty Lue甚至是Frank所說的事情 然而結果並不是球迷想像的那樣。 https://twitter.com/Farbod_E/status/1651679337371021312 He's just talking about Manchester United 他只是在講曼聯啦。 https://twitter.com/terance_mann/status/1651678594278780929 ManU playing no games! I gotta tweet with context next time smh y’all drag everything 我才不會玩這種心機!!!我下次推文一定要把上下文都打出來(搖頭嘆氣 你們全部啥都可以亂想像欸 心得: 笑死 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1682645945.A.9DE.html

04/28 09:40, 1年前 , 1F
04/28 09:40, 1F

04/28 09:40, 1年前 , 2F
04/28 09:40, 2F

04/28 09:41, 1年前 , 3F
也不一定是冤大頭啦 本季管理層極度不重視例行賽
04/28 09:41, 3F

04/28 09:41, 1年前 , 4F
總不能說四年只健康一次 我們被坑爆了
04/28 09:41, 4F

04/28 09:41, 1年前 , 5F
後勤沒有薪資上限 直接找最頂的醫龍團隊
04/28 09:41, 5F

04/28 09:41, 1年前 , 6F
這季最後面直接吃到苦果 完全沒得休息
04/28 09:41, 6F

04/28 09:41, 1年前 , 7F
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04/28 09:42, 1年前 , 8F
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04/28 09:43, 1年前 , 9F
通通都留下來 沒有drama可以散會了? XD
04/28 09:43, 9F

04/28 09:43, 1年前 , 10F
PG Kawhi就真的受傷 整季都沒在看快艇比賽現在馬後
04/28 09:43, 10F

04/28 09:44, 1年前 , 11F
04/28 09:44, 11F

04/28 09:44, 1年前 , 12F
艇迷不要放棄 未來是你的
04/28 09:44, 12F

04/28 09:44, 1年前 , 13F
04/28 09:44, 13F

04/28 09:44, 1年前 , 14F
例行賽給龜扛吧 健康問題感覺也沒招了
04/28 09:44, 14F

04/28 09:44, 1年前 , 15F
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04/28 09:44, 1年前 , 16F
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04/28 09:44, 1年前 , 17F
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04/28 09:45, 1年前 , 18F
有問到 反正就是MM Batum Roco都很棒 沒辦法都上的
04/28 09:45, 18F

04/28 09:45, 1年前 , 19F
04/28 09:45, 19F

04/28 09:46, 1年前 , 20F
那明年就回歸先發了 既然盧續留
04/28 09:46, 20F

04/28 09:47, 1年前 , 21F
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04/28 09:47, 1年前 , 22F
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04/28 09:48, 1年前 , 24F
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04/28 09:49, 1年前 , 25F
Russ的部分不是我們能控制的 到期約也不一定真的不
04/28 09:49, 25F

04/28 09:49, 1年前 , 26F
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04/28 09:49, 1年前 , 27F
04/28 09:49, 27F

04/28 09:49, 1年前 , 28F
但我還是覺得隱瞞傷勢騙票真的有夠黑的= =
04/28 09:49, 28F

04/28 09:49, 1年前 , 29F
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04/28 09:50, 1年前 , 30F
04/28 09:50, 30F

04/28 09:50, 1年前 , 31F
有阿 丟掉的3個有兩個當時都被冰到不行了
04/28 09:50, 31F

04/28 09:50, 1年前 , 32F
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04/28 09:51, 1年前 , 33F
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04/28 09:51, 1年前 , 34F
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04/28 09:51, 1年前 , 35F
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04/28 09:51, 1年前 , 36F
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04/28 09:52, 1年前 , 37F
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04/28 09:53, 1年前 , 38F
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04/28 09:53, 1年前 , 39F
04/28 09:53, 39F
還有 42 則推文
04/28 10:14, 1年前 , 82F
東岸追快艇是真的蠻累= =
04/28 10:14, 82F

04/28 10:21, 1年前 , 83F
04/28 10:21, 83F

04/28 10:23, 1年前 , 84F
確實 巫師是龜龜少數的市場
04/28 10:23, 84F

04/28 10:25, 1年前 , 85F
唉 賣票那個每年都有人在講,季後賽的票通常都提早
04/28 10:25, 85F

04/28 10:25, 1年前 , 86F
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04/28 10:26, 1年前 , 87F
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04/28 10:27, 1年前 , 88F
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04/28 10:29, 1年前 , 89F
04/28 10:29, 89F

04/28 10:29, 1年前 , 90F
不會找沒大傷病的球員嗎 請來兩位院長時就該想到的
04/28 10:29, 90F

04/28 10:29, 1年前 , 91F
04/28 10:29, 91F

04/28 10:30, 1年前 , 92F
Ballmer也非常重視這些東西 真的是好老闆
04/28 10:30, 92F

04/28 10:31, 1年前 , 93F
04/28 10:31, 93F

04/28 10:31, 1年前 , 94F
Kawhi也就算了 PG來快艇前出賽數都是7開頭餒
04/28 10:31, 94F

04/28 10:31, 1年前 , 95F
04/28 10:31, 95F

04/28 10:32, 1年前 , 96F
蠻多都要從頭開始的 也要面對隔壁的市場競爭
04/28 10:32, 96F

04/28 10:32, 1年前 , 97F
看完都官話 無聊
04/28 10:32, 97F

04/28 10:33, 1年前 , 98F
Frank以前也是總教練 這種官話他很擅長的
04/28 10:33, 98F

04/28 10:37, 1年前 , 99F
目標是冠軍的話 去哪找強度夠奪冠的雙星確實是問題
04/28 10:37, 99F

04/28 10:38, 1年前 , 100F
04/28 10:38, 100F

04/28 10:45, 1年前 , 101F
04/28 10:45, 101F

04/28 11:40, 1年前 , 102F
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04/28 11:43, 1年前 , 103F
04/28 11:43, 103F

04/28 11:46, 1年前 , 104F
真的是敗給傷病 但也連續很多年了…
04/28 11:46, 104F

04/28 11:48, 1年前 , 105F
快艇就只剩小中產的額度而已 龜接不接受要看其他球
04/28 11:48, 105F

04/28 11:48, 1年前 , 106F
隊有沒有人願意給到1500以上的報價吧 不然如果只差
04/28 11:48, 106F

04/28 11:48, 1年前 , 107F
距幾百萬的話 以他生涯賺夠的錢不如就留在LA就好
04/28 11:48, 107F

04/28 11:57, 1年前 , 108F
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04/28 11:58, 1年前 , 109F
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04/28 12:01, 1年前 , 110F
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04/28 12:45, 1年前 , 111F
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04/28 12:50, 1年前 , 112F
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04/28 13:02, 1年前 , 113F
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04/28 13:02, 1年前 , 114F
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04/28 13:05, 1年前 , 115F
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04/28 13:05, 1年前 , 116F
04/28 13:05, 116F

04/28 13:05, 1年前 , 117F
04/28 13:05, 117F

04/28 15:22, 1年前 , 118F
不要再讓pg控 給wb 控 pg操死后kl就死 然後就換pg
04/28 15:22, 118F

04/28 15:22, 1年前 , 119F
04/28 15:22, 119F

04/28 15:22, 1年前 , 120F
04/28 15:22, 120F

04/29 02:11, 1年前 , 121F
04/29 02:11, 121F
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