[情報] 小馬汀的最新消息

看板NBA_Fantasy作者 (叫我第一名)時間15年前 (2009/11/09 13:03), 編輯推噓7(704)
留言11則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
G Kevin Martin may be out for at least eight weeks because of the hairline fracture in his left wrist, but he still holds this season's high mark for points scored in a game. Martin had 48 against Memphis on Monday. Martin was given two options as they related to his left-wrist injury. He could put it in a cast to be worn for eight weeks, or he could have surgery and be able to begin rehabilitating within approximately two weeks. (小馬汀有兩種選擇,一種是不動手術,採固定式復健法,大概8周會好,另一種是動手術 ,預計兩個禮拜後就可以進行復健..) He chose the latter, and will have the procedure done on Monday. It's the latest in a long line of disappointing injuries for the sixth-year player, as he played in just 61 games in the 2007-08 season because of a groin injury and 51 games last season because of a bone bruise in his left ankle. (他選擇了後者..預計星一進行手術)(07-08球季因傷只打了61場比賽,08-09球季因傷只 了51場比賽~~) 出自: http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/players/3843/news;_ylt=Aosp7LpXA5ibmQmIUiuwf0gIPaB 所以有小馬汀的人..應該不用抱到8周..如果手術後復健順利..就能快點看到他的身影~~ 意思有錯.請告知... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/09 13:05, , 1F
11/09 13:05, 1F

11/09 14:34, , 2F
11/09 14:34, 2F

11/09 14:40, , 3F
小馬丁誤我兩季~~~~ 我要大力譴責國王隊醫
11/09 14:40, 3F

11/09 15:42, , 4F
11/09 15:42, 4F

11/09 15:43, , 5F
11/09 15:43, 5F

11/09 15:44, , 6F
11/09 15:44, 6F

11/09 15:49, , 7F
話是這麼說沒錯 不過它回來 要怎麼跟球隊融合才是問題吧....
11/09 15:49, 7F

11/09 16:24, , 8F
11/09 16:24, 8F

11/09 16:25, , 9F
11/09 16:25, 9F

11/09 17:21, , 10F
之前的報導說動手術就確定out"至少"2個月 約8周
11/09 17:21, 10F

11/09 19:22, , 11F
十二人盟 都不知道該不該丟ˊˋ
11/09 19:22, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1AzwAEO4 (NBA_Fantasy)