[傷兵] Z-bo & Beasley

看板NBA_Fantasy作者 (神秘之風低調吹送)時間12年前 (2012/01/02 15:56), 編輯推噓6(601)
留言7則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Zach Randolph said late Sunday that his knee is sprained, leaving him day-to-day. We're not sure if he's already had an MRI, or if one is coming on Monday. In any case, it sounds like the injury is not serious and we're guessing he'll be listed as day-to-day. He's risky for Week 2 at this point, so watch for more news on Monday. 膝蓋扭到了,DTD,去年的籃板大將 Michael Beasley had eight points and seven rebounds on 3-of-10 shooting before leaving with a left index finger injury toward the end of Sunday's game. It looked like he said that he could see the bone in his finger on television. Beasley received five stitches and Wes Johnson would likely slide to small forward if he's going to miss time, meaning the Wolves might start Wayne Ellington at shooting guard. Anthony Tolliver and Derrick Williams would also see a boost, and it's also possible this could be a catalyst for the Wolves to start Ricky Rubio over Luke Ridnour. Stay tuned. 手指受傷了,其他人的行情都有機會看漲 LOVE應該上看20reb/game 其他人我不敢推薦,大家都有自己的看法 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/02 16:34, , 1F
一個盟中兩隻 另一個中一隻 囧r2
01/02 16:34, 1F

01/02 16:37, , 2F
Z-Bo QQ 下禮拜對手有Love orz
01/02 16:37, 2F

01/02 19:14, , 3F
01/02 19:14, 3F

01/02 19:32, , 4F
2隻都有 可是分在不同盟= =
01/02 19:32, 4F

01/02 20:40, , 5F
01/02 20:40, 5F

01/02 21:26, , 6F
01/02 21:26, 6F

01/03 10:25, , 7F
逼司哩上了 .....FUCK 我昨天丟了
01/03 10:25, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1F0MClh6 (NBA_Fantasy)