[試題] 1031 蕭明福 總體經濟學 第一次小考

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課程名稱:總體經濟學 課程性質:整開 課程範圍: 開課教師:蕭明福 開課學院:社科院 開課系級:經濟系 考試日期(年月日):2014/10/28 考試時限(Mins): 附註: 試題本文: 1. Assume an economy in which only broccoli and cauliflower are produced. In year1, 500 million pounds of broccoli are produced and consumed and its price is $0.5 per pound, while 300 million pounds of cauliflower are produced and consumed and its price is $0.8. In year2, 400 million pounds of broccoli are produced and consumed and its price is $0.6 per pound, while 350 million pounds of cauliflower are produced and its price is $0.85 per pound. a. Using year1 as the base year, calculate the GDP deflator in year1 and 2, and calculate the rate of inflation between year1 and 2 from the GDP deflator. b. Using year1 as the base year, calculate the CPI in year1 and 2, and calculate the CPI rate of inflation. 2. 廠商靜態選模型設定如下(τ:利潤稅率) maxτ = (1-τ)[PxAF(N)-WN] {N} a. 繪圖並說明廠商最適選擇一階條件的經濟意義 b. 討論τ上升對勞動需求N的影響 3. 消費者靜態選擇模型設定如下(l為休閒,n為勞動,a為實質財富) max u(c,l) {c,l,n} subject to l+n=1 c=wn+a,a>0 a. 以圖形說明消費者最適一階條件的經濟意義 b. 請從替代效果與所得效果角度討論實質工資w上升對勞動供給n的影響 (不一定要用圖形分析) c. 總體經濟領域,通常假設替代效果____於所得效果,來排除勞動供給後彎 的情況,已確立勞動供給受到實質工資的__向影響 4. ABC computer company has a $20,000,000 factory in Silicon Valley. During the current year ABC builds $2,500,000 worth of computer components. ABC's costs are labor, $1,000,000; interest on debt, $100,000; and taxes, $200,000. ABC sells all its output to XYZ Supercomputer. Using ABC's components XYZ builds five supercomputers at a cost of $800,000 each ($500,000 worth of components, $200,000 in labor costs,and $100,000 in taxes per computer. ) XYZ has a $30,000,000 factory. XYZ sells four of the supercomputers for $1,000,000 each. At year's end, it had not sold the fifth. The unsold computer is carried on XYZ's books as an $800,000 increase in inventory. a. Calculate the contributions to GDP of these transactions, showing that all three approaches give the same answer. b. Repeat part (a), but now assume that, in addition to its other costs, ABC paid $900,000 for imported computer ships. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NCCU_Exam/M.1442686988.A.824.html
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