[閒聊] joke

看板NCCU_S.A.作者 (being the being ~ )時間19年前 (2005/11/21 23:00), 編輯推噓0(000)
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And here is a small gift for you: a Polish joke: Note: IN Germany, and especially in Berlin there is a lot of Turks, who migrated from Turkey to look for money. Russians are considered violent and their Mob (heishehui 黑社會) tend to be very cruel, even compaed to Italian Mob. IN a huge disco place in Berlin a Russian was wearing a t-shirt with a print on it, which stated: "Turks have three problems!" It was't long until a Turk (looking like working out all his life since the craddle) showed up and told him with an unpleasant voice: "It's you who will have a problem very soon, asshole" The Russian said: "That is first of your problem - aggression. You got offended easily for no good reason, and try to beat people. That's childish!" The Turk went away, but when the Russian wanted to leave the place, just outside of the building a crowd of angry Turks waited for him: "Now you will pay for your lack of manners!" they all shouted. "And that is your second problem - calmly said the Russian - you cannot resolve the problem one to one, like a real man. You have to call all your relatives for help. That is pitiful!" Now he got them REALLY ANGRY! They all suddenly produced knives, swearing and geting closer to the Russian. For that the Russian said: "And that is your third problem. Every time a gunfught is about to start, you have with you only knives" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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