第一次社課嚕The first time club meeting LU

看板NCCU_sk8ers作者 (RRRRRRRebirth)時間17年前 (2007/09/25 01:21), 編輯推噓2(201)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
今天是中秋節 It's moon festival today. 大家都要到嚕 Hope that we can get together LU . 就要跟新社員見面了 There are lots of newcomers. 有多的板的都帶來 If there are spare boards,don't forget to bring it today. 我們大約7點半玩板 We skate around pm7:30. 在資訊大樓前 We skate at the square next to computer center. 好機掰~英文真難翻 Chicken is so crooked~Translation is fucking difficult ※ 編輯: FionLi 來自: (09/25 01:24)

09/25 01:35, , 1F
09/25 01:35, 1F
※ 編輯: FionLi 來自: (09/25 01:59)

09/25 16:39, , 2F
How G bye?
09/25 16:39, 2F

09/25 16:40, , 3F
Kenny的另外一個帳號,wanted alltogether板專用
09/25 16:40, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #16z_8GE2 (NCCU_sk8ers)