A few weeks of rest for Kim

看板NED-BEL-LUX作者 (︿(@ ̄o ̄@)︿)時間13年前 (2011/06/16 11:31), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Yesterday, Wednesday, during her match against Romina Oprandi at the UNICEF Open in Rosmalen (NL), Kim Clijsters injured her right ankle again. She is forced to rest a few weeks now and as a consequence misses out on Wimbledon. As she headed for the net, Kim slightly skidded on her left foot, her right foot faltered and she fell. In doing so, she bruised her right ankle and injured her tendon. The new, albeit atypical injury has nothing to do with the previous ankle injury and couldn't have been prevented by the tape around Kim's ankle. Kim has no other choice now but to rest, recover and to not play tennis for a few weeks. She has to bow out of Wimbledon, which starts on Monday. In about a month's time Kim will be able to resume training. She wants to prepare fully for the American tournaments later on this summer, mainly eyeing the U.S. Open late August. "It's just so frustrating that this happened right now," Kim said. "I've always enjoyed the particular atmosphere at Wimbledon, but I have no choice but to rest now." 15-06-2011 -- そうさ 僕らは 世界に一つだけの花 一人一人違う種を持つ その花を開かせることだけに 一生懸命になればいい 小さい花や大きな花 一つとして同じものはないから NO.1 にならなくてもいい もともと特別な Only one -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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