[NFL!] 噴射機不排除讓Rodgers坐板凳

看板NFL作者 (祝福雙K 但勇士輸就是爽)時間3周前 (2024/12/06 02:40), 3周前編輯推噓7(705)
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事先聲明:本外電可能導致板上引戰,建議斟酌閱讀 https://shm.to/k69cuZ8 Jets Leave Door Open For Aaron Rodgers To Be Benched 原文作者:RICH CIMINI/ESPN(RealGM摘要轉錄) https://i.imgur.com/S67tQ9F.jpeg
Aaron Rodgers may no longer have a firm grasp on the starting quarterback job with the New York Jets Aaron Rodgers(龍哥)有可能快要失去紐約噴射機隊先發QB的保障了! Rodgers played one of his worst games of the season in a 26-21 loss to the Seattle Seahawks at MetLife Stadium on Sunday, leading to a tepid endorsement from interim coach Jeff Ulbrich. 龍哥在上週日主場對戰西雅圖海鷹隊的比賽中,迎來了他本季表現前幾差的比賽, 這也導致噴機代理教練Jeff Ulbrich對他的支持沒有以前熱絡了。 Ulbrich punted when asked to give an assessment of Rodgers' performance, which included a red zone interception -- a game-changing pick-six in the second quarter. Ulbrich先是被記者問到第一題:評估Rodgers 上週的表現。但這題不好回答, 因為龍哥在第二節快得分時的傳球,卻遭到對手攔截並且反達陣,進而扭轉戰局— 所以教練決定略過。 He was asked if he's contemplating a quarterback change. Instead of shutting down speculation with a direct "no," he replied, "Not as of today." Ulbrich接下來又被問到「會不會考慮更換QB」,不同於其他教練直接用「不會」 來句點記者的質疑,他的回應反而增添了讓人想像的空間:「今天還不會」 ——————————————————————— 心得:紐約記者釣魚的意圖也太明顯了XD https://i.imgur.com/mBr3fIG.jpeg
不過幾週前The Athletic對於噴射機內部管理的專題報導,似乎會讓不少球迷倒抽口氣 https://shm.to/cZxxIUW New York Jets owner Woody Johnson hasn't been impressed with what he's seen from Aaron Rodgers on the field this season. 噴射機隊老闆Woody Johnson對於龍哥本季的表現,本來就已經不大滿意了 According to a report, Johnson wanted to bench Rodgers after the Jets' 10-9 loss to the Denver Broncos in Week 4. The 40-year-old quarterback was sacked five times in the loss and threw for just 225 yards with zero touchdowns. AR帶領的噴射機在第四周雖然只以1分惜敗野馬隊,但全場只得到9分。已經40歲的 龍哥不僅沒有傳球達陣,還被擒殺5次。就算只看傳球碼數,225碼這個數字以龍哥的 標準來看已經是偏低的 Johnson called an all-hands-on-deck meeting that featured several prominent members of the organization after that game, per the report. Several members of the coaching staff, including then-coach Robert Saleh, offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hackett and defensive coordinator (and now interim head coach) Jeff Ulbrich were in attendance. Woody Johnson還為了噴射機進攻組的不順暢,召開了全管理層會議。除了當時的 總教練Saleh外,進攻組長Hackett與防守組長Jeff Ulbrich也出席了。 It was during that meeting, per The Athletic, that Johnson suggested to everyone that the team should bench Rodgers in favor of Tyrod Taylor. 老闆直接在會議上,對教練團提議應該讓龍哥坐板凳,改讓黑人QB Tyrod Taylor上陣 The coaching staff pushed back against the idea. At the time, the Jets were 2-2. Johnson's suggestion created some tension within the organization and Saleh was fired just nine days later. 儘管教練團馬上否決了老闆提出的「QB換人當」提議,而且噴射機當時的勝率還能保住 在5成(2-2),然而它終究增加了球隊內部氣氛的緊繃,Saleh更是在9天後遭到開除 紐約媒體本來就取材廣泛,加上噴射機高層也不大能沈住氣,從上面報導來看,噴射機的 季後賽等待期又要拉長了.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1733424046.A.7D4.html ※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 ( 美國), 12/06/2024 07:39:55

12/06 08:54, 3周前 , 1F
12/06 08:54, 1F

12/06 09:52, 3周前 , 2F
紐約隔壁隊剛好缺四分衛,考慮一下嗎 XD
12/06 09:52, 2F

12/06 09:56, 3周前 , 3F
巨人隊是曾經簽下Warner帶Eli Manning啦,但龍哥又
12/06 09:56, 3F

12/06 09:56, 3周前 , 4F
不是Warner XD
12/06 09:56, 4F

12/06 17:15, 2周前 , 5F
12/06 17:15, 5F

12/06 19:54, 2周前 , 6F
12/06 19:54, 6F

12/06 22:19, 2周前 , 7F
快要退休去當政治人物了吧 XD
12/06 22:19, 7F

12/07 19:38, 2周前 , 8F
12/07 19:38, 8F

12/07 21:35, 2周前 , 9F
love 在口袋區 超爽的 待了好幾秒 望向 AR8 老了還要
12/07 21:35, 9F

12/07 21:35, 2周前 , 10F
四處逃竄 真慘
12/07 21:35, 10F

12/07 21:57, 2周前 , 11F
Mark Sanchez不算吧? 除了你噴之外也沒球隊忍耐度這麼
12/07 21:57, 11F

12/07 21:57, 2周前 , 12F
12/07 21:57, 12F
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