[試題] 97下 鍾仁賜 植物生理學 期中考

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課程名稱︰植物生理學 課程性質︰選修 課程教師︰鍾仁賜 開課學院:生農學院 開課系所︰農業化學系 考試日期(年月日)︰97/04/13 考試時限(分鐘):110 minutes 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : Midterm examination of plant physiology (2009/04/13) 1.How does air relative humidity affect the transpiration rate of leaf ? If the air surrounding a transpiring leaf gets warmer, how will such a change affect the transpiration rate of the leaf ? 2.What is the importance of the water potential concept in plant physiology ? What is turgor pressure ? Can plant cells have negative turgor pressure values ? Can you calculate the turgor pressure of a cell from water potential and osmotic potential values ? 3.Discuss the main functions of secondary metabolites in plants and relate these functions to the sites of accumulation of secondary compounds in the plant. 4.What are the key intermediates of the phenolic biosynthesis pathway, and how is it regulated ? Do any phenolic compounds play a role in primary metabolism or development in plants ? 5.What class of defensive compounds is produced mainly in the Brassicaceae ? What type of defense compounds would most likely occur in seed ? 6.Describe the singaling pathway whereby insect herbivory activates genes for proteinase inhibitors via jasmonic acid. What other stress responses are regulatedby jasmonic acid ? 7.Discuss the meaning and significance of the term "stress relaxation" in relation to the process of plant cell expansion. Why is stress relaxation crucial for the process of plant growth ? 8.What are oligosaccharins, and what physiological role do they play ? 9.Given that plant species are characterized by a variety of sizes, and that all plants eventually die, what is the true meaning of the term "indeterminate growth" ? 10.Define the terms "senescence", "programmed cell death", and "apoptosis". Is senescence synonomous with "necrosis" (death) ? Explain your answer. Discuess the various types of senescence that can occur during plant development. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #19wBA57e (NTU-Exam)