[試題] 103-1 管傑雄 工程數學-微分方程 期末考

看板NTU-Exam作者 (台灣吻仔魚)時間9年前 (2015/01/14 14:27), 編輯推噓1(100)
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課程名稱︰工程數學-微分方程 課程性質︰必修 課程教師︰管傑雄 開課學院:電資學院 開課系所︰電機系 考試日期(年月日)︰2015/1/14 考試時限(分鐘):170 試題 : 1. (20%) Use Laplace transform to solve the following differential equation: ty'' - 2y' + ty = 0. Subject to y(0) = A, a constant. y(t) = ? 2. (8%) Evaluate L^(-1){(1/s^2)/[1-e^(-s)]}. Hint: expand 1/[1-e^(-s)] as the series of e^(-ns) and plot the picture. 3. (12%) Expand f(x) = x, 0 < x < L, (a) in a cosine series, (b) in a sine series, and (c) in a Fourier series. / 14 12 10 \ 4.(10%) Solve X' = (1/4)| -3 2 -5 | X \ 0 0 8 / 5.(10%) Solve the following system of differential equations: / (D+1)x + (D+1)y = e^(-t) \ 2Dx + (2D+1)y = t 6.(20%) Solve the following differential equation k d^2u/dx^2 = du/dt ,for 0 < x < L, t > 0 (都是偏微分) which subjects to the given boundary conditions: ux(0,t) = ux(L,t) = 0 and u(x,0) = f(x) for 0 < x < L. 7.(20%) Use Fourier Integral method to solve Laplace's equation d^2u/dx^2 + d^2u/dy^2 = 0 , for 0 < x < L, y > 0 (都是偏微分) which subjects to the given boundary conditions: u(0,y) = u(L,y) = 0 for y > 0 and u(x,0) = V, a constant, for 0 < x < L, with the following expansions: (a) u(x,0) = V, for all x 屬於 R (b) u(x,0) = V, for 0 < x < L, and u(x,0) = -V, for -L < x < 0, and u(x,0) is periodical with the period of 2L. Please solve the equation respectively with the above expansions. (c) 加分題,抄在黑板上,大意是比較(a) (b) 的解, 討論有限範圍與全域的解唯一性。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NTU-Exam/M.1421216854.A.93F.html

02/13 00:25, , 1F
02/13 00:25, 1F
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