[情報] Hedge fund徵股票分析師

看板NTU-GIIB2006作者 (終於退伍了!)時間15年前 (2010/02/08 10:40), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Dear all: 我們是一家hedge fund 辦公室在台北 目前缺一名股票分析師 每天的工作是看財務報表、研究報告和新聞 用Excel建立評價模型以做出投資決策 需要的能力是會計、閱讀和Excel 此外 我的老闆還特別強調以下特質: (1)細心 (2)肯吃苦 (3)願意學習 (4)對於科技產業有興趣 (5)自動自發 我覺得若要得到我的老闆的青睞的話 最好用成績單證明你有細心和自動自發的特質 再用一篇有關科技公司或產業的報告證明你對於科技產業的興趣 以下是我老闆寫的正式求才廣告 有興趣的人就將履歷、成績單掃描檔和相關報告寄給我老闆吧 gm@mdgcap.com 謝謝~ Equity Research Analyst - Buy Side Company name: GM Mindgence 宏明管理顧問公司 Job description: -will cover technology stocks listed in the US, Taiwan and Hong Kong. -will work closely with Sr. Analyst and conduct in-depth fundamental, bottom up research. -responsibilities include, but are not limited to modeling, valuation and financial due diligence, analyzing and forecasting company financial statements, proactive market/industry research, and stock idea generation. Priority requirements: - Detail oriented and enjoy working with numbers and building earning model using Excel. -Clear thinker, articulate. -Highly motivated; self-starter. Supplementary requirements: -MBA graduate or MS (science/engineering majors) who are committed to a career in equity research/investment analysis. -Has excellent academic credentials. -Strong critical reading skills in English. Please send your resume to Mr. Chang at gm@mdgcap.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #1BRtcxO_ (NTU-GIIB2006)