[網宣] 國際領袖服務社講座--國際生涯發展的機會

看板NTUfin00作者 (凌舞娃)時間14年前 (2010/05/31 01:24), 編輯推噓0(000)
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講題:國際生涯發展的機會- 服務學習能為你開生涯之門 Global Career Development Opportunities - Learning Unlocks Doors 講員Speaker::榮維琪女士Vicky Long (“國中得勝者”創辦人) 時間Time:18h30~20h30 June 2, 2010 地點Place:新生大樓102教室Xingsheng Building 102 我們很榮幸邀請到台灣得勝者基金會的創辦人,榮維琪小姐,來跟我們分享她獨特的人生 旅程。她曾在龍蛇雜處的紐約看守所,幫助無數毒癮者戒除毒癮,重見光明,包含妓女、 角頭老大、變性人等等。她洞察到這些問題其實都從青少年時期開始,於是她與其夫婿榮 司提反先生來台從事國中生的“得勝者生命教育課程”,近年來也積極發展大專服務學習 。得勝者基金會在台十七年間,輔導過高達兩百萬之多的國中生。 Confused? Empty? You feel that you are not doing anything you want to do? Vicky Long has devoted herself to Champion, the counseling institution for Taiwanese junior high school. She used to work with drug addicts, prostitutes, gangsters in New York City for their rehabilitation. By helping others change their life, she feels energetic and young. If you want, you can also make your life different by helping others and making this world a better place. 演講內容Topic Goals: 預備你未來的職業 Prepare for your future career. 培養能傳遞的技能 Cultivate transferable skills. 提升你的人格和專業 Improve yourself personally and professionally. 讓你的大學生活充分發揮 Maximize your time in university. 影響別人,改造世界 Change your world by influencing others. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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