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看板NTUot93作者 (FoBenJa)時間19年前 (2005/10/13 04:36), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
so much has happened ever since this year began... I don't even know how to express myself in mandarin... millions upon billions of questions brew inside my head... the who what... the when how... the why not... the yes no... the that so... answers kept only beyond the infinity to which i cannot approach... time presses on, forcing me to grow up... to be more mature... to become what others want me to be... situations arise, forcing me to grow up... to be more responsible... to do what others require me to do... conflicts draw near, forcing me to grow up... to be more independant... to see what others don't want me to see... as I ask myself, as I ask others, as others and teachers ask others... what is the purpose of life... is there an answer which I am truly satisfied? I've heard the endless repetative meanings which people label as their purpose in life... but not mine... something lacks, and i don't know what... i cannot comprehend... nor do I dare, for if I do, I do not know what else I would know or what else I would ask myself... I live to be happy, yet what is happiness without pain and sadness? if all is relative, then why do we live to experience both? Is life truly important in this race to carry on our existence? we are but a second of living in this eternal line of time... why the concern of the millisecond... the micro, the nano seconds... yet... can there be no concerns? I want to be left alone, yet I do not wish to be alone... I care not what others think, yet I do not wish they'd think as they do... I want to do what is right, yet the more right i get the more wrong there is... I do not wish to be angered, but so much can anger me... I do not wish to be bothered, yet... I find a need to be bothered... this is me... the way i am... so who am I? I am Ben, but who am I? who are you? you are you, but who are you? what happened? how did it happen? what do you, what do I feel? what is this? what did I just post? I don't know... I am FoBenja... and I am human... like you, like me, like all... 以上是本人腦海中的想法... 你們不懂沒關係... 因為我也不是完全了解... 可能感冒真的燒到腦子了... 阿哈哈哈哈哈哈, 爽! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/13 11:15, , 1F
10/13 11:15, 1F

10/13 22:49, , 2F
10/13 22:49, 2F

10/14 02:23, , 3F
我想我們都必須接受自己的多面向 希望你知道我的意思
10/14 02:23, 3F

10/14 03:52, , 4F
真的... 聽過了... 但是還是缺少了一些說不上來的東西...
10/14 03:52, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #13JNFOh2 (NTUot93)