[情報] Numb3rs確定會有第四季了

看板NUMB3RS作者 (漂舶)時間17年前 (2007/05/16 09:30), 編輯推噓2(201)
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根據下面這篇新聞的報導,Numb3rs 會有第四季。 而且演員 David Krumholtz 本人也在半官方討論區暗示了此消息,所以 應該是真的確定了。 正式的官方消息要到美國時間 5/16的白天 才會公布,大概是台灣時間的 今晚或半夜吧。 現在就等 CBS 電視台公告下一季的時間表了。 有點期待它繼續讓Numb3rs 維持原來的週五晚上時段;這樣就不會跟一堆 暢銷劇打對台,Numb3rs 可以不需要為了搶收視率而刻意炒作劇情、而可 以好好地照自己的步調走。 不過也有點期待它把Numb3rs 調到收視人口更高的時段;如果能藉此吸引 更多觀眾看Numb3rs,似乎也是不錯的選擇。 http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117964967.html?categoryid=14&cs=1 CBS cancels 'Jericho,' two others 'Class,' 'Home' axed; 'Your Mother' renewed by JOSEF ADALIAN CBS has apparently nuked "Jericho," dismissed "Class" and closed the book on "Close to Home." Net wasn't commenting Tuesday, but several people familiar with the situation said none of the skeins has been given a series order for next season. "Close to Home" had been considered near dead for several months now, with "Class" on the longshot list, but there had been speculation that CBS would exercise some patience with "Jericho." Eye skeins getting better news this week include "How I Met Your Mother," which has been picked up for a third season. Eye's most buzzworthy laffer might seem to be a no-brainer for renewal, but CBS execs make producers sweat it out until the last minute. End for "Close to Home" comes after two seasons for the Jerry Bruckheimer-produced drama. Cancellation also means that, for the first time in many years, Bruckheimer will be losing a show from his still impressive slate of hits. It's also the second consecutive year Bruckheimer has failed to place a new show on the nets' skeds. "The Class" is a heartbreaker for the small audience of the Warner Bros. TV-produced show, which seemed to find its creative voice toward the end of its shortened first season. It also produced stable ratings in the 8:30 p.m. slot, but the show's lofty auspices and huge pre-season hype had CBS execs hoping for more. As previously reported, "The Unit," "Numbers" and "Ghost Whisperer" will be back next season, as will "NCIS" and all three "CSI" skeins. Sole CBS frosh drama set to return is "Shark." Eye is also moving forward with another year of "Rules of Engagement." -- Real science is discovery, Charles. It's not invention. The truths are there, whether we find them or not. --- Numb3rs 1x11 Sacrifice --- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: LilyYeh 來自: (05/16 10:21)

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