[新聞] Rattled Moose weighs his future

看板NY-Yankees作者 (喵天使)時間17年前 (2007/09/03 20:06), 編輯推噓17(1702)
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這是上面那篇被砍的國內新聞的消息來源 出處:http://0rz.tw/be31m Rattled Moose weighs his future Sunday, September 2, 2007 By BOB KLAPISCH STAFF WRITER It took Mike Mussina two days to come to come to terms with his demotion; that's how long he spent avoiding reporters after Ian Kennedy's summoning from Class AAA Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. The Bombers insist they still have plans for Mussina, but they're just being polite. It's hard to believe they'll trust a 38-year-old pitcher with no arm strength as the pennant race boils down to the last few games. Actually, the Yankees believe Mussina still has talent, but that he's paying the price for letting himself get out of shape last winter. One insider said, "He got his [two-year] contract and didn't do a thing after that. Now his arm is shot and it's too late to build it back up." The club is assuming Mussina has been sufficiently embarrassed to work harder over the winter and will earn back his spot in the rotation next spring. But in the meantime, don't be surprised if Mussina is traded to a National League team. He clearly needs to be facing weaker lineups. As an intelligent, battle-tested veteran who's proven he can succeed in New York, Mussina might just tempt the Mets. Julio Franco's visit (這段是梅子隊的新聞) Talk about a sign of the times: Former Met Julio Franco, having signed with the Braves and called up by the major league team Saturday, wandered into the visitors' clubhouse to say hello to his ex-teammates. Not only did Franco's visit violate the unwritten rule of fraternization among players, it clearly irked some Mets, including Willie Randolph and Tom Glavine. The manager said, "That wouldn't go over too well in the clubhouses I grew up in." Added Glavine: "You play long enough, I guess you see everything." Back when baseball was actually a game, not an entertainment industry, wearing the other uniform meant you were the enemy, at least for as long as you were at the ballpark. But Randolph was right when he said, "I guess free agency changed all that." Today, everyone is everyone's friend – same union, same group of agents, guests at each other's golf tournaments. And you wonder why there are fewer collisions at home plate. Joba suspended 2 games Here's our take: There's no way Joba Chamberlain meant to throw at Kevin Youkilis. You know why? Because it happened twice. It would've been more damning if Joba had fired that up-and-in missile one time. But only a cold-blooded killer would aim for a guy's head twice. It requires a level of malice that Chamberlain appears not to possess. -- 我是覺得… But no professional killer would aim for a guy's head twice... -- 時間過客零界蒼雨遙星輪瑪杜克破 ◣◣ ◢██ 天亂紋凌六魄屍鬼刑雷閃打愛囚劍靈 靜魔散逸流止幻界末日與遙遠的 ‧ ◆ 冒險反極雷電翼天蠍名紋雪狼湖心 的悲嘆者光舞的夏天溫柔的殘影 初秋陣雨微風曲破曉之幽暗夜視者 畫師之墓他失去的蹤跡帶鈴寶牙 ▆▇◢██╯ 獵罪者迅魃子午裂圓霧裡穹畸形塔 ▎▍▌ The Numeric Order ◢████◣ 數 字 騎 士 團 . Ⅵ ▌▋▊ 地王劍魔夜后天外劍行海空斷殺 ◤◤ ◥◥ 風馳電掣.所向披靡.超級龍捲蔥 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/03 20:14, , 1F
09/03 20:14, 1F

09/03 20:51, , 2F
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09/03 20:53, , 3F
哈哈 我也是
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Is it good to drink?
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09/03 21:17, , 7F
Ve la rui~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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09/03 21:28, , 8F
禁國內新聞很久了阿 反諷啥 = =
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09/03 22:42, , 10F
想酸哈洋 ,請至性相關板酸個痛快
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汝:ㄖㄨˇ 「代」你。書經˙堯典:汝能庸命,巽朕位。
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09/04 00:44, , 16F
汝?吾? 嗯.....
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09/04 02:11, , 17F
又開始酸了 哈哈 樹大有枯枝 這洋基板人多就有...
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09/04 08:32, , 18F
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09/04 09:32, , 19F
4F何不去看無清河 XD
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文章代碼(AID): #16s_ZUD9 (NY-Yankees)