[新聞] Torre successor has big cleats to fill

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Baseball beat : Torre successor has big cleats to fill 有錢人家的飯碗不好捧 By PETER ABRAHAM THE JOURNAL NEWS Phil Bengston was an All-America tackle at the University of Minnesota and gained great respect around the NFL as the defensive coordinator for the Green Bay Packers from 1959-67. Phil Bengston1959-67年在綠灣包裝工隊,在NFL界享譽盛名。 Yet he has gone down in history as the unfortunate soul who replaced Vince Lombardi as coach, couldn't win and was dismissed after three seasons. 在接替Vince Lombardi以來,贏不了比賽然後被踢走。 Gene Bartow coached college basketball for 34 seasons at six schools and was once chosen to coach the U.S. National Team. The arena at Alabama-Birmingham is named in his honor. Gene Bartow執掌大學籃球長達34季,帶過六個學校,也曾入選U.S. National Team教練 But Bartow is best known for following John Wooden as the coach of UCLA and lasting only two seasons. His 59 victories were not good enough for a school used to winning national championships. 不過最為人知的是,Bartow繼任John Wooden之後的UCLA教練職位,然後只帶了短短兩季, 他的59勝,對於一直習慣勝利的學校來說,似乎不夠好。 The list goes on and on. Ray Handley replaced Bill Parcells with the Giants. Phil Jackson turned the Bulls over to Tim Floyd. Bear Bryant gave way to Ray Perkins. It's never good to be the man who replaces The Man. 例子不勝枚舉: 巨人的位置,Bill Parcells坐完換Ray Handley坐。 Tim Floyd繼任Jackson。而Bear Bryant則把紐約噴射機讓出給Ray Perkins開。 這些人的飯碗都捧的不輕鬆。 Is this the grisly fate that awaits Joe Girardi, Don Mattingly or Tony Pena? 這種可怕的宿命會落在Joe Girardi,Don Mattingly或Tony Pena等人身上嗎? "Be yourself," Torre said when asked what advice he would give to his successor. 當被詢問到給繼任者的忠告時,Torre說:「做自己,好自在」。 But that won't be enough in New York. 不過,這對紐約永遠都不夠。 "When I took this job I felt the one most important thing I had to try to do was insulate my players from a lot of the distractions that went on here," Torre said. "Because there's so much stuff that if you allow yourself to get caught up in it that it really takes away from going out there and trying to play the game." 老頭接著說:當我執掌洋基時,我認為最重要的一件事,就是讓球員不受外界的干擾。 As the Yankees consider who best to replace Torre, how that person can handle the inevitable comparisons has to be one of the factors. It will take a lot of self-confidence to succeed. 當洋基在考慮誰是接班人時,這人要如何應付外界無法避免的比較,也是考量因素之一, 這需要強大的自信。 Red Auerbach dealt with the problem the best way, retiring as coach of the Boston Celtics after their 1966 championship and handing over a loaded team to star center Bill Russell. As player/coach, Russell continued the dynasty with two more titles. 從波士頓塞爾提克退役的教頭Red Auerbach對於處理問題的最好方式,就是把球隊交給 Bill Russell,同時身為球員/教練的Russell,延續了王朝。 It's too late for that now with the Yankees. The next manager inherits a team in transition. The Yankees remain laden with stars but they are aging. The Yankees of Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada and Mariano Rivera will soon be the Yankees of Robbie Cano, Joba Chamberlain and Melky Cabrera. 不過現在對於洋基而言太晚了點,新教頭勢必有個過渡時期要帶領, 洋基的天空依舊有滿天星,不過他們年紀也漸漸增長了。 But the new manager could have a significant ally in his quest - Alex Rodriguez. 新教頭搞的定阿肉嗎? The relationship between Rodriguez and Torre improved significantly this season to the point where there was genuine respect. But Rodriguez also knew that Torre was more connected to Jeter. They were like father and son in many ways. 本季阿肉跟托瑞的關係顯然有長足的改善,話雖如此,阿肉還是清楚知道,托瑞比較愛 Jeter,就像把拔跟兒子一樣。 If Rodriguez returns to the Yankees, it will be as a true team leader. He is far more of a mentor to the younger players than Jeter and with a new manager in place, that dynamic will become even more pronounced. He would welcome the idea of Mattingly being manager. 如果阿肉依舊回到洋基,他才是真正的領導者。對於其他菜鳥而言,他心靈導師的地位 更甚Jeter。如果是Mattingly來帶兵,他應該會蠻接受的。 Mattingly has the best chance of surviving the coming storm. As a fan favorite, he will be bulletproof for at least a few months. He also has the respect of the players and knows what it's like to be encircled by the media. 在即將來臨的風暴中,Mattingly最有機會生存下來,因為有球迷的愛,至少接下來的 個把月裡頭,他都是穿著防彈背心呢。而且他也蠻受球員尊敬的,也能夠體會被媒體 包圍是什麼樣的fu..... Mattingly also has shown a willingness to stand up to the front office by demanding that Torre be treated with respect. You can argue that his call went unheeded. But at least he defended his former boss in a time of need. We're still waiting to hear what Jeter has to say on the subject. 雖然嘴巴上說尊敬托瑞,不過身體倒是挺誠實的.... 你或許可以說他的表示一點都不被注意到,不過至少他的確適時的給了前上司一些支持。 我們或許可以等等看Jeter要說些什麼。 Mattingly also has, for now at least, the support of the Steinbrenner family. It's unclear whether George Steinbrenner has more than token power these days. But his sons have to respect the fondness their father has for Mattingly. Mattingly比較得大老闆寵幸,上行下效,老闆的兒子也跟著奉行聖旨。 It's virtually impossible that the next manager will win four World Series in his first five seasons. But Mattingly won't be Phil Bengston, either. 事實上,下一個教練幾乎不可能在他帶兵的前五季贏得四座世界大賽冠軍, 不過Mattingly也不是Phil Bengston就是了....(科) 來源:nyjournalnews -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/22 14:28, , 1F
前五季贏得四座世界大賽冠軍 幾乎是神話了
10/22 14:28, 1F

10/22 14:41, , 2F
作自己,好自在~ XD
10/22 14:41, 2F

10/22 15:13, , 3F
10/22 15:13, 3F
※ 編輯: numblife 來自: (10/22 15:18)

10/22 16:10, , 4F
上行下效不是這樣用的吧 囧
10/22 16:10, 4F

10/22 19:00, , 5F
上行下效: 上級的言行、愛好被下級推崇和模仿...
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10/22 19:01, , 6F
大老闆喜歡Mattingly下面的人也跟著喜歡 (可以這樣用嗎?)
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10/22 19:04, , 7F
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10/22 19:29, , 8F
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10/22 23:29, , 9F
10/22 23:29, 9F
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