[洋基] Bowa to stay with the Dodgers

看板NY-Yankees作者 (金小三)時間16年前 (2008/10/25 08:51), 編輯推噓9(901)
留言10則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
From 彼得胖 blog http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2008/10/24/bowa-to-stay-with-the-dodgers/ Bowa to stay with the Dodgers It was never going to happen, but you can officially forget about Larry Bowa coming back to the Yankees and coaching under Joe Girardi. The Dodgers announced this afternoon that Bowa would remain with the team as the third base coach. Don Mattingly is also staying on Joe Torre’s staff. I think the Yankees will look internally to replace Bobby Meacham. But one outside candidate could be Dale Sveum, who the Brewers decided not to keep as their manager. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/25 08:59, , 1F
OK,we should trade Robinson Cano now lol
10/25 08:59, 1F

10/25 10:30, , 2F
10/25 10:30, 2F

10/25 10:34, , 3F
*drinks Bushmills*
10/25 10:34, 3F

10/25 10:36, , 4F
10/25 10:36, 4F

10/25 10:40, , 5F
10/25 10:40, 5F

10/25 11:17, , 6F
10/25 11:17, 6F

10/25 18:20, , 7F
10/25 18:20, 7F

10/25 21:50, , 8F
10/25 21:50, 8F

10/25 23:12, , 9F
10/25 23:12, 9F

10/27 16:34, , 10F
Cano <------> Bowa !!!!
10/27 16:34, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #190cs7g0 (NY-Yankees)