[新聞] Damon's strange play a TYIB winner

看板NY-Yankees作者 (chanli)時間15年前 (2008/12/17 10:25), 編輯推噓10(1002)
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Damon's strange play a TYIB winner Bizarre play involving crash, fall and wall a fan favorite in 2008 大門那顆停在牆上的球,為他贏得了2008的TYIB獎 (編:XDXDXD) 7/4在洋基球場與紅襪隊的交戰 Youkilis在滿球數時,從Rasner手中敲出深遠的左外野的安打 Damon跳起來用手套去接球,但是卻狠狠的撞到牆上,並跌倒於warning track 而那顆球,神奇的停在了牆頭上,而且停了一小段時間! 這個最後滾落地面的球,被選為了年度驚奇之選(2008 Oddity of the Year winner) 「沒看到球的那一瞬間,我以為是全壘打」Damon說 「停在牆上的球,我從未看過這樣的事情!」當晚擊出致勝3分砲的Mike Lowell說 「Johnny的際遇令人難以置信,那不是你想做就做得到的。」Joe Girardi 「不知為何,大門還對我說抱歉,但其實他已經盡他全力了」苦主Rasner NEW YORK -- It was a play that Johnny Damon can surely laugh about now. He would have liked to at the time, but it hurt too much -- both for him and for the Yankees. Of the many touching and poignant moments that will be replayed from Yankee Stadium's final season, a July 4 matinee against the Red Sox produced one of the bloopers. Damon chased a Kevin Youkilis drive to the warning track and crashed against the wall, momentarily snagging the baseball. While gravity had its way with Damon, crumpling him to the warning track, the baseball had other ideas. It sat atop the left-field fence, rolling for what seemed like an eternity on the blue padding, before finally falling to earth in one of the year's most bizarre plays. "I had no clue," Damon said. "When I didn't see it at first, I thought it might have been a home run." Damon's strange pursuit was chosen as the 2008 Oddity of the Year winner in MLB.com's annual This Year in Baseball Awards presented by State Farm, which was voted on by fans. A record 12 million votes were cast, eclipsing last year's total of 9.6 million. For background, the play occurred in the third inning of a holiday afternoon scorcher in the Bronx, with the Yankees leading, 3-1. Darrell Rasner delivered a full-count offering to Youkilis, who belted the ball deep to left-center. Reaching for the wall with his left hand, Damon jumped and appeared to snare the ball, but crashed into the fence and lost his grip. Damon was on his back, his legs in a "V" shape, as the baseball still sat atop the fence. "I think it was bizarre in that it stayed on the wall," said Mike Lowell, who delivered the game-winning three-run homer for Boston in the fifth inning. "I don't think I've ever seen that." Looking around, Damon heard it fall behind his head and finally retrieved it, but the damage was done -- two runs scored as Youkilis went to third base, sliding in safely with a triple. "Johnny's effort was unbelievable -- he ran into that wall at full speed," Yankees manager Joe Girardi said. "It's not a catch that you're probably going to make, but Johnny's effort was unbelievable. Unfortunately, he didn't have another step to the wall to secure it." As for Damon, he wound up on the disabled list for the first time in his career, suffering a bruised AC joint in his throwing shoulder after colliding with the Plexiglas that separated the playing field from Monument Park. On his way off the field, escorted by Girardi and head trainer Gene Monahan, Damon even stopped at the mound. "He apologized; said he had it the whole time," Rasner said. "He was apologetic. I don't know why. He did his best to catch that ball, and I appreciate what he did out there." Damon has a history of being involved in weird outfield happenings. His personal favorite is still the July 21, 2004, game at Fenway Park in which Manny Ramirez decided to become the cutoff man on what would become an inside-the-park home run for David Newhan, diving across the outfield to intercept Damon's throw to Mark Bellhorn. That play was a runner-up as the 2004 This Year In Baseball Blooper of the Year. "Hopefully, one of these days we can see the overhead of that play and just kind of see how everything converged and happened. It's pretty funny," said Damon. Damon's ball-on-the-wall play received 18.9 percent of ballots cast from fans around the world. Mets pitcher Johan Santana's infield single against the Cubs on Sept. 23 that hit the broken bat behind the pitcher's mound, sparking a rally that helped New York to a 6-2 win, was second with 13.9 percent. The Twins' Michael Cuddyer's bobbled catch, off of his own hat in right field at the Metrodome during a May 13 game against the Red Sox, finished in third place with 12.5 percent. Results will be rolled out daily through Friday. Here is the schedule: Source: http://0rz.tw/985ay By Bryan Hoch / MLB.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/17 10:34, , 1F
12/17 10:34, 1F

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12/17 11:02, 2F

12/17 11:02, , 3F
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12/17 12:33, , 4F
話說 是撞到牆吧~ warning track 應該在地上喔~ XD
12/17 12:33, 4F

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12/17 12:39, , 6F
12/17 12:39, 6F

12/17 12:55, , 7F
推一下這篇 本來想說晚上外電再一併整理的 實在太好笑了
12/17 12:55, 7F

12/17 12:55, , 8F
偉哉囧尼 沒合約要簽也不是制服組 休季天天有你新聞 XD
12/17 12:55, 8F
※ 編輯: chanli 來自: (12/17 14:31)

12/17 17:27, , 9F
苦主Rasner XD
12/17 17:27, 9F

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12/17 17:56, 10F

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12/17 18:15, 11F

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12/18 21:41, 12F
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