Re: [Wang] 2009 Rotation: Chien-Ming Wang

看板NY-Yankees作者 (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)時間15年前 (2009/03/02 16:14), 編輯推噓17(17012)
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※ 引述《Belladonaa ()》之銘言: : : : Previewing the New York Yankees' 2009 Rotation: Chien-Ming Wang : After this offseason was complete with CC Sabathia and A.J. Burnett many : thought those two were Yankees' manager Joe Girardi's one and two in the : rotation. But, Chien-Ming Wang has been one of the most stable pitchers in the : league since joining the Yanks in 2006. 去年季末補進了CC跟AJ後,很多人認為這兩位投手將會是洋基的1.2號先發。但自從老王在 06年加入洋基輪值後,他一直都是聯盟中最穩定的投手之一。 : Wang, last year's ace, will be Girardi's number two this year heading into the : 2009 season and it's a place where Wang can flourish because of his : high-groundball rate and his ability to pitch deep into ball games. 老王將在新球季擔任2號先發的責任,他有很高的滾球率以及可以在比賽中投長局數的能力 : Let's examine how Wang matches up against other number twos around the league. : In this study I will use a three-year time span for Tampa Bay's James Shields, : Boston's Daisuke Matsuzaka, and Blue Jays' No. 2 pitcher from last year, and : current Yankee pitcher A.J. Burnett in comparison to Chien-Ming Wang. 現在把老王跟東區這些二號投手三年內的成績做個比較 1.光芒聖盾:James Shields 2.紅襪牛肉:Daisuke Matsuzaka 3.藍鳥前二號:A.J. Burnett : The stat set we will use is Innings Pitched (IP), W-L Record, Strikeouts (K), : Walks (BB), ERA, ERA+, WHIP, Strikeouts per 9 innings (K/9), percentage of : batted balls that were groundballs (GB%), and groundball to flyball ratio : (GB/FB). 比較的數據有:IP、勝率、K、BB、ERA、ERA+、WHIP、K/9值、滾球%以及滾飛比。 : Since 2006, Wang has led these four pitchers in GB% (58.7), GB/FB (2.67) by a : very wide margin. Burnett in those same categories comes in at 51.3% GB and : 1.69 GB/FB which makes sense since they are both sinker ball pitchers. : Dice-K lives on the edge with an abysmal 38.5% GB and 0.89 GB/FB. 老王在滾球%以及滾飛比中遙遙領先。 : Wang also leads this group with a 46-15 record in three seasons, while pitching : 512.1 innings and sporting a 3.80 ERA. He also holds the the second-best ERA+ : out of the group at 118, only Dice-K is better at 126. 在勝率方面老王的46-15也領先,他這三年投了512.1IP以及平均3.8的ERA,在ERA+部份 老王的ERA+118只輸給松阪的126。 : Where Wang struggles is his WHIP and K/9 as they are 1.305 and 4.32, : respectively. Shields owns the best WHIP at 1.199 while Burnett takes the best : K/9 at 8.93, averaging almost a strikeout per inning. 在WHIP和K/9這個項目老王則是以1.305和4.32落後,這兩個項目由Shields的WHIP1.199和 AJ的K/9值8.93取得領先。 : In case you were wondering the full gamut of stats used, I will outline each : pitcher for you. BOLD indicates leader in that particular category. 以下是比較資料 : James Shields : IP: 554.2 : W-L: 32-24 : K: 448 : BB: 114 : ERA: 4.08 : ERA+: 112.3 : WHIP: 1.199 : K/9: 7.30 : GB%: 44.4 : GB/FB: 1.18 : A.J. Burnett : IP: 521.5 : W-L: 38-26 : K: 525 : BB: 191 : ERA: 3.93 : ERA+: 109.6 : WHIP: 1.279 : K/9: 8.93 : GB%: 51.3 : GB/FB: 1.69 : Daisuke Matsuzaka (松阪只有兩年) : IP: 372 : W-L: 33-15 : K: 355 : BB: 174 : ERA: 3.72 : ERA+: 126 : WHIP: 1.324 : K/9: 8.58 : GB%: 38.5 : GB/FB: 0.89 : K: 234 : Chien-Ming Wang : IP: 512.1 : W-L: 46-15 : K: 234 : BB: 148 : ERA: 3.80 : ERA+: 118 : WHIP: 1.305 : K/9: 4.32 : GB%: 58.7 : GB/FB: 2.67 : From this stat set, we can conclude that Wang fits in as a pretty dominate No. : 2 pitcher in the Yankees rotation. Surprisingly, A.J. would make a great No. 2 : pitcher also and gives the Yankees options. 從以上比較中我們可以評斷出老王在洋基的Rotation中是個非常好的2號先發,AJ也是。 : Girardi can put two power pitchers at the top of his rotation in CC and A.J. : who will give them high strikeout and decent groundball rates. Conversely, he : can put a power pitcher and a finesse pitcher back-to-back who will give them : decent strikeout rates but better groundball rate. 阿吉可以放兩個Power pitcher在輪值的前段,他們可以製造很多的K和還不錯的滾球率, 不過也可以放一個finesse pitcher在中間,他可以給你不錯的K值和很棒的滾球率。 : This is a good problem for the Yankees to have, unlike last year. After doing : this little study I'm convinced that the AL East has the best No. 2 pitchers : in the entire league, hands down. 這對洋基來說是個好問題,在這些比較後,我確定美東地區有全大聯盟最好的2號投手們 (金鶯:可以讓我也一起玩嗎?) Next time, I will cover A.J. Burnett and his place within the Yankees rotation. 下一次,我則會分析AJ在洋基中的定位。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: OoyaoO 來自: (03/02 16:18)

03/02 16:19, , 1F
03/02 16:19, 1F

03/02 16:19, , 2F
呼口號:美東2號 建仔最強
03/02 16:19, 2F
※ 編輯: OoyaoO 來自: (03/02 16:20) ※ 編輯: OoyaoO 來自: (03/02 16:22)

03/02 16:25, , 3F
對了 我想買觀戰手冊 上次在MLB版大家說不錯的那本是啥阿?
03/02 16:25, 3F

03/02 16:30, , 4F
李赫跟林言熹好像3月底 雜誌名不知道 因為是頭刊XD
03/02 16:30, 4F

03/02 16:31, , 5F
03/02 16:31, 5F

03/02 16:31, , 6F
03/02 16:31, 6F

03/02 16:59, , 7F
03/02 16:59, 7F

03/02 17:00, , 8F
兩人也都只當了不到兩年的2號 標準是今年定位的話前面
03/02 17:00, 8F

03/02 17:00, , 9F
03/02 17:00, 9F

03/02 17:01, , 10F
而且只是把數據拿出來秀一秀 然後告訴你結論是老王很棒.
03/02 17:01, 10F

03/02 17:01, , 11F
A.J.也很棒 美東的二號大家都很棒 這什麼鬼...
03/02 17:01, 11F

03/02 17:02, , 12F
忍不住要來質疑一下 不過Oo版友還是翻譯辛苦了...
03/02 17:02, 12F

03/02 17:11, , 13F
這幾個二號當然棒, 到某些球隊可以扛 ACE 沒問題
03/02 17:11, 13F

03/02 17:19, , 14F
03/02 17:19, 14F

03/02 17:33, , 15F
03/02 17:33, 15F

03/02 17:38, , 16F
沒錯 小神盾比較像是目前的一號
03/02 17:38, 16F

03/02 17:39, , 17F
其實我只是看到台媒報導好奇翻一下原文而已 翻完我覺得寫的
03/02 17:39, 17F

03/02 17:40, , 18F
03/02 17:40, 18F

03/02 18:25, , 19F
應該是把 Kazmir 排在 Shields 前面... 不過健康問題...
03/02 18:25, 19F

03/02 19:55, , 20F
03/02 19:55, 20F

03/02 20:05, , 22F
03/02 20:05, 22F

03/02 20:16, , 23F
呼口號:美東2號 建仔最強
03/02 20:16, 23F

03/02 20:54, , 24F
03/02 20:54, 24F

03/02 21:08, , 25F
03/02 21:08, 25F

03/03 00:37, , 26F
03/03 00:37, 26F

03/03 02:35, , 27F
金鶯二號.. 上原:好歹我在奧運也跟建仔拚了個平手..
03/03 02:35, 27F

03/03 15:28, , 28F
03/03 15:28, 28F

03/03 20:15, , 29F
居然說是媒體抄這篇XD 鄉民真可愛
03/03 20:15, 29F
文章代碼(AID): #19gvLBgf (NY-Yankees)