[新聞] What the Yankees Can and Can’t — Do About …

看板NY-Yankees作者 (come every now and then)時間15年前 (2009/04/20 13:34), 編輯推噓16(1607)
留言23則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1
What the Yankees Can — and Can’t — Do About Chien-Ming Wang By Tyler Kepner The Yankees get a huge break in the schedule Thursday with a scheduled day off before a three-game series at Fenway Park. They could very easily skip Chien-Ming Wang the next time through the rotation and keep everyone on regular rest. That would line up A.J. Burnett, Andy Pettitte and C.C. Sabathia for the Red Sox. 星期四的休息日,可以讓洋基在對紅襪時跳過王建民, 排出:AJ, Andy, CC三人。 “We have an off-day, and it’s something we’re going to have to discuss, how we’re going to decide to do this,” Manager Joe Girardi said. “There’s some room to play with some things.” That’s another way of saying Wang will not see the mound at Fenway. But he also will not see Class AAA, either. Waiver procedures can be tricky, and after his post-game session with reporters, Girardi took the time to clarify the rules. 王建民若被跳過,那他當然不會上芬威球場的投手丘 但他也不會去三A。 Waiver的過程很複雜,昨天賽後,吉總跟記者們解釋規則。 Wang is out of minor-league options, and according to Girardi, there is no way he could be sent to the minors without allowing other teams the chance to claim him. There is no scenario under which Wang could agree to an assignment and bypass the waiver system. If the Yankees try to send him down, they would lose him. It’s that simple. 王建民沒有下放選擇權,所以如果下放就要經過waiver,而其他隊可以選走他。 那王建民(或指經紀公司)不太可能會接受下放而且通過wavier不被選。 簡單一點說:洋基下放王建民,他們將會失去他。 Girardi is also on record as saying Wang is not injured, so the disabled list is not an option, either. The most logical route is to skip Wang on Friday and let him pitch on April 28 at Detroit. That gives him nine days off to work on mechanics and re-build his confidence. 吉總也說王建民沒有受傷,所以DL也不可能。 所以跳過一次,然後4.28對老虎,九天休息來調整。 The pitching coach Dave Eiland said Wang’s problem is simply that he is rusty, and has not pitched in major league games since tearing a foot ligament in Houston last June 15. 投教說王的問題只是太久沒投球,生鏽了。 “He was O.K. in spring training, but he wasn’t the Wang of old, so to speak,” Eiland said. “Spring training’s spring training; you can’t judge what a guy’s doing, good or bad. The regular season is totally different. In spring training, it was the same thing. But there’s no big secret answers here. He’s got to pitch his way through this.” 「他春訓時沒問題,但他不是原本的王建民。」投教說, 「春訓是春訓,你不能用它來評量這個人表現好還是壞。季賽是完全不同的。 在春訓時也是這樣,但是這沒有秘方來改,他必須一直投球來撐過來。」 Eiland said he actually saw progress on Saturday, pointing to a 1-2-3 first inning and an infield squibber that started the Indians’ 14-run second inning. After a three-run homer by Shin-Soo Choo, though, Eiland said Wang lost confidence and let his mechanics slip. 投教說,其他星期六他看到王建民的進步,第一局的三上三下以及第二局的內安。 但是第二局的全壘打,投教說王建民失去信心而讓mechanics跑掉。 How can Wang regain his confidence without results? 可能王建民不靠好表現來重獲自信嗎? “He’ll start getting results,” Eiland said. “But you don’t get confidence by not pitching. So he’s going to pitch. He’s going to pitch, and he’s going to get confidence, and he’s going to get better.” 「他會得到好結果的,」投教說「但是你不能靠不投球而獲得自信, 所以他要一直投球,他要持續投球來獲得自信,然後他會進步。」 Maybe so; Wang does have a very good track record of success. But let’s put his first three starts in historical perspective. According to the Elias Sports Bureau, no Yankees pitcher has ever allowed as many earned runs through his first three starts of a season as Wang has in 2009. 也許王建民過去的紀錄不錯,現在把他本季前三場的成績放進歷史來看。 Elias Sports Bureau的紀錄:從來沒有一個洋基投手一開季前三場先發有 王本季這麼多的自責分。 In six innings, he has allowed 23 earned runs. His earned run average is 34.50. To reach his career E.R.A. coming into the season (3.79), Wang would have to roll off 48 2/3 consecutive scoreless innings. 六局掉23分自責分,目前自責分率34.5。如果王建民要把自責分率調降到 生涯平均(3.79),他需要連續48又三分之二局不掉分。 http://tinyurl.com/csb88a -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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※ 編輯: yyhong68 來自: (04/20 13:54)

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將近5.4場 CG....
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必須投出Hershiser記錄的4/5... orz
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多投找出問題來吧 29號加油!!
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對lester @@ 真打上我就來賺國難財
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紅襪那邊應該是對的.. NYY這邊是還沒更新(還沒決定要換)
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唉唉 Tsu我帶你回去吧
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文章代碼(AID): #19x0bBeC (NY-Yankees)