[新聞] Bruney no better

看板NY-Yankees作者 (耿秋)時間15年前 (2009/05/07 23:17), 編輯推噓22(22018)
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1. Bruney的傷勢不太妙, 他的肘傷本來預計週四下午要投看看決定肘傷是不是好了, 但週六時他感到疼痛所以復健的時間又延後了。Bruney週三時承認大部份春訓的時 間他的感到手肘有問題, 卻還是一直投卻沒有告訴球隊(看來他要跟Marte和郭泓志 結拜了)。一直撐到4月25日被診斷出手肘有問題放到傷兵名單裡。Bruney表示: " 我實在是不聰明, 處理肘傷要很小心...因為你要冒韌帶撕裂傷的風險。最好還是聰 明點小心處理才好。能夠說出來真好因為這樣讓我覺得我不夠誠信, 就因為我感受到 壓力。" 他希望明天就不會痛了, 那二週內便可以歸隊。(這年頭受傷不講正夯) 2. 小王週四預計要在坦帕投80球, A-Rod會和他同場出賽。A-Rod最快的話週五就可以歸 隊。 3. Bernie Williams賽前來到隊上, 他表示這個球季他計畫常來球場, 這是Bernie被迫 退休兩年後和球隊關係修復的徵兆。 4. Carl Crawford第九局的盜壘,讓他本季的盜壘數累積到20次傲視全大聯盟。 Bruney no better http://www.lohud.com/article/20090507/SPORTS01/905070462/-1/SPORTS By Peter Abraham ‧ pabraham@lohud.com ‧ May 7, 2009 Brian Bruney will play catch this afternoon to determine whether the strained flexor muscle in his right elbow has healed. Bruney felt pain when he played catch on Saturday and was shut down. "It was a setback," Girardi said. Bruney admitted yesterday that he had a problem with his elbow for most of spring training and pitched through it without informing the team. He also resisted going on the disabled list when he was diagnosed on April 25. "I wasn't smart," Bruney said. "Any time you're dealing with the elbow, you need to be careful. ... You risk tearing a ligament. It's better to be smart about it." Bruney got a lecture on his mistake a few days ago. "They finally sat me down and told me I can't be John Wayne and I can't try and tough it out," he said. "It's a good thing we had that talk because I don't think I would have been completely honest or open. I'm feeling the pressure." Bruney had a 3.38 ERA in nine appearances and was the primary set-up man. The bullpen has been a disaster since he went on the DL. "I see what's happening like everybody else," Bruney said. "But I'm not doing any good if I go out there injured." Bruney said the muscle hurts only when he pitches. He hopes that if he feels no pain today, he could return to the team within two weeks. Extra bases: Several of the Tampa Bay players commented during batting practice on how empty the seats were around home plate. Rows only a few feet from the field were empty at first pitch. ... Chien-Ming Wang, who is on the disabled with weakness of the abductor muscles in his hips, is scheduled to throw 80 pitches today in Tampa in the same game Rodriguez will play in. ... Former Yankee Bernie Williams was in the clubhouse before the game. He has been out promoting his new jazz guitar record "Moving Forward." Williams said he planned to be around the Stadium often this season. He and the team had cool relations for two years after his forced retirement. ... Carl Crawford stole a base for the ninth straight game, giving him a major-league best 20 for the season. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/07 23:18, , 1F
又一個隱瞞傷勢的白痴- -
05/07 23:18, 1F

05/07 23:20, , 2F
05/07 23:20, 2F

05/07 23:22, , 3F
05/07 23:22, 3F

05/07 23:23, , 4F
05/07 23:23, 4F

05/07 23:24, , 5F
Pavano有隱瞞- -,他肋骨斷掉跑去投復健賽
05/07 23:24, 5F

05/07 23:24, , 6F
05/07 23:24, 6F

05/07 23:25, , 7F
05/07 23:25, 7F

05/07 23:27, , 8F
洋基沒有 Bernie 的位置,他的火力也不能站 corner。
05/07 23:27, 8F

05/07 23:33, , 9F
05/07 23:33, 9F

05/07 23:34, , 10F
吉祥物的話 我寧願挑田口壯XD
05/07 23:34, 10F

05/07 23:35, , 11F
05/07 23:35, 11F

05/07 23:43, , 12F
很讓人不爽 洋基現在是人人有傷要隱瞞就是了
05/07 23:43, 12F

05/07 23:44, , 13F
眼殘看成Burnett 挫了一下...
05/07 23:44, 13F

05/07 23:51, , 14F
欠 Bernie 一個退休, 搞不好可以破解魔障 #13Al7rgz
05/07 23:51, 14F

05/07 23:53, , 15F
Nady目前好像4~6週就可以回來 這是上禮拜的消息
05/07 23:53, 15F

05/08 00:00, , 16F
他是自己不退休,跟Yankees,有啥關係- -
05/08 00:00, 16F

05/08 00:02, , 17F
05/08 00:02, 17F

05/08 00:02, , 18F
用錢本來就不一定買的到冠軍 這很正常吧
05/08 00:02, 18F

05/08 00:03, , 19F
本來就買不到冠軍 機率可能比別隊多一點罷了
05/08 00:03, 19F

05/08 00:04, , 20F
只要進季後賽就是隨緣了 不然去年小熊也不會第一輪掰
05/08 00:04, 20F

05/08 00:04, , 21F
05/08 00:04, 21F

05/08 00:05, , 22F
05/08 00:05, 22F

05/08 00:06, , 23F
花大錢阿, 看看LAD 的 Manny. 好恐怖
05/08 00:06, 23F

05/08 00:09, , 24F
05/08 00:09, 24F

05/08 00:09, , 25F
科科 洋基解套了 現在那隊還趕酸別人
05/08 00:09, 25F

05/08 00:11, , 26F
05/08 00:11, 26F

05/08 00:11, , 27F
但是如果別人跟我說他用藥,我也絕對不會信 沒想到...
05/08 00:11, 27F

05/08 00:12, , 28F
科科 之前某豬還一直嗆說要簽Manny 說不該簽鐵爺
05/08 00:12, 28F

05/08 00:12, , 29F
05/08 00:12, 29F

05/08 00:16, , 30F
洋基中WS的機率已經比其他29隊多太多了 XD
05/08 00:16, 30F

05/08 00:17, , 31F
先止敗好嗎= =
05/08 00:17, 31F

05/08 00:18, , 32F
止敗是遲早會止的 XDXD
05/08 00:18, 32F

05/08 00:18, , 33F
05/08 00:18, 33F

05/08 00:26, , 34F
老實說,這幾年澇賽的洋基看久了,反而習慣了 =.=a
05/08 00:26, 34F

05/08 00:28, , 35F
05/08 00:28, 35F

05/08 00:36, , 36F
05/08 00:36, 36F

05/08 00:53, , 37F
05/08 00:53, 37F

05/08 01:00, , 38F
05/08 01:00, 38F

05/08 01:03, , 39F
05/08 01:03, 39F

05/08 16:19, , 40F
05/08 16:19, 40F
文章代碼(AID): #1A0ljmud (NY-Yankees)