[新聞] Yankees Reliever Undergoes Second M.R.I.

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Yankees Reliever Undergoes Second M.R.I September 10, 2009, 7:40 pm By Tyler Kepner The Yankees right-hander Dave Robertson underwent a second magnetic resonance imaging exam for his stiff right elbow Thursday in Pensacola, Fla. Dr. James Andrews, who examined Robertson, recommended that he rest for 10 days to two weeks before starting a throwing program, a timetable that does not rule out Robertson for a chance to make the postseason roster. Robertson has a 3.29 earned run average in 42 games, averaging more than 13 strikeouts per nine innings. News source:http://0rz.tw/tNgr5 --------------------------------------------------------------- The Long and Short of Derek Jeter September 10, 2009, 11:26 pm By Jay Schreiber Twice in his remarkable career, Derek Jeter has had a hitting slump that suggested he was letting outside factors distract him ever so slightly at the plate. The first slump came in April 2004, when in the presence of his new, and very expensive, teammate, Alex Rodriguez, Jeter went 0 for 32. The second came this week, when Jeter went 0 for 12 over the course of three games in two days, perhaps because he was trying a little too hard to get the last few hits he needed to pass Lou Gehrig. Back on April 29, 2004, Jeter ended that 0-for-32 slump emphatically, smacking a first-inning home run off Oakland’s Bary Zito that carried over the left-center field wall at Yankee Stadium. On Wednesday night at the Stadium, Jeter ended his slump ingeniously, dropping a first-inning bunt down the third-base line that the Tampa Bay Rays didn’t even try to make a play on. A blast and a bunt, one more little piece of evidence to support the notion that Jeter may not be the most talented player of the last decade and a half, but he might just be the most resourceful. News source: http://bats.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/10/the-long-and-short-of-derek-jeter/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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09/11 17:37, , 5F
不是Hughes or MO就好.
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09/11 18:23, , 6F
反正現在牛棚人很多 不用急著上
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