[新聞] Yankees are hurtin’ for certain

看板NY-Yankees作者 (小貓貓)時間14年前 (2010/05/23 15:27), 編輯推噓18(1804)
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http://tinyurl.com/2wjnnmf NEW YORK – If ever there were an appropriate time for a black cat to reappear at a baseball stadium in Queens, it was Friday night. Might as well complete the trifecta, for to run into the sort of bad luck befalling the New York Yankees of late, surely someone in pinstripes broke a mirror and walked underneath a ladder. 厄運無三不成禮:黑貓出現,然後洋基隊裡一定有人打破鏡子,還從梯子下方走了 過去。 Alas, no coal-colored kitty appeared Friday night at Citi Field to curse the Yankees the way one did the 1969 Chicago Cubs at Shea Stadium. Already their disabled list reads like a disabled novella. Center fielder? Check. Catcher? Indeed. Designated hitter? It’s Nick Johnson, for crying out loud, which translates to: Duh. The Yankees’ May, in a nutshell: Backup outfielder Marcus Thames rolled his ankle – wait for it – when he ran over his own bat while running up the first-base line this week. 周五晚上,並沒有黑黑的貓咪出現在Citi Field來詛咒洋基隊啊,再說,他們的DL名單 讀起來已經像是DL小說了:中外野?嗯。捕手?嗯。DH?科科。還不夠衰嗎?替補的外 野手Thames也傷了腳踝,怎麼傷的?別提了。 The Yankees right now aren’t the Yankees, which is to say they aren’t the team that won the World Series last year and aren’t the team they’ll be once this misfortune abates. At least they’re still the best team in New York, a sad indictment of their foes Friday night, the New York Mets, who have nothing to blame for their mediocrity but mismanagement. 衰運加持下,洋基都不洋基了,但是跟梅子相比,他們至少還是紐約最好的球隊。 It’s not like the Yankees escaped their 2-1 victory against the Mets unscathed, of course, because they’re still paying penance on the mirror and ladder. Right-hander Javier Vazquez, finally pitching like his old self – albeit against a Mets lineup with all the firepower of a cap gun – cruised through six innings of one-hit ball before trying to lay down a bunt. The pitch from Elmer Dessens ricocheted off the index finger on Vazquez’s throwing hand. 由於仍然在贖打破鏡子跟從樓梯下走過的罪,洋基周五晚上仍非毫髮無傷地打贏梅子。 先發投手Javier Vazquez終於投得有些昔日水準了,卻在第六局嘗試短打的時候,被彈 跳球打中了右手食指。 “I feel so embarrassed,” said Vazquez, who expects to make his next start after X-rays came back negative. “I’ve been doing this for a lot of years in the National League, and this has never happened to me.” "我覺得好 >//////<," Vazquez說,"因為我在國聯好多年了,也沒發生過這種事。" 還好他的下一場先發不會受影響。 Imagine how the rest of his teammates feel. The Yankees need injury-bug fumigation. It infected Curtis Granderson’s groin, Jorge Posada’s foot and Johnson’s wrist. Outfielder Nick Swisher missed time with a bum biceps, Thames’ ankle is on the mend and Vazquez’s most important finger is swathed in a wrap. 洋基隊需要驅驅"受傷蟲"了,這蟲感染Granderson的鼠蹊部、Posada的腳、Johnson的 手腕、Swisher的二頭肌、Thames的腳踝,連Vazquez的"黃金食指"也來參一咖。 Center fielder Brett Gardner almost played victim in the sixth inning, when a changeup from Mets spot starter Hisanori Takahashi broke his bat. Shrapnel flew up the first-base line, and only Gardner’s fancy footwork saved him from going down the same river as Thames. Gardner若不是因為他自己的腿功,當晚第六局也會是受害者。 “We’ve had some freak things lately,” Yankees manager Joe Girardi said. "真的怪怪的捏"總教練說。 And yet they’re still 26-16, the third-best record in baseball behind Tampa Bay and Philadelphia, with the easiest stretch of their season on the horizon. After finishing the Subway Series and hitting Minnesota for a tough three- game series, the Yankees play 13 of their next 16 games against the game’s three worst teams. Cleveland comes to Yankee Stadium for four games and Baltimore follows for three. Three-game trips to Toronto and Baltimore are followed by a home series against woebegone Houston. 就算怪怪的,洋基的戰績還是不俗,只遜於TB跟費城人隊,而且地鐵大戰打完之後, 接下來的16戰有13戰會對上較弱的球隊,應該可以好好進補一下。 Which is why patience is a must when apprising these Yankees. These are maintenance games, important to keep the distance between them and both Toronto and Boston, not at all indicative of the lineups they expect to play in October. To pull of a victory like Friday’s, then, felt like quite the coup. 所以對洋基來說,保持耐心是很重要的,維持與紅襪與藍鳥的勝差,一場一場地贏。 Both Yankees runs were driven in by someone named Kevin Russo. He entered the game without a major league hit and left it with a pair, along with two RBIs. So depleted are the Yankees, they summoned Russo – a second baseman by trade – and stuck him in left field. He was not vaccinated prior to arriving in New York, so his ability to make it through one game, and thrive no less, portends well. 周五晚上洋基得到的兩分都是某個名叫Kevin Russo的球員打回來的。Russo在賽前 還沒在大聯盟打出安打,這場比賽一打打了兩隻而且還有兩分打點。資源耗竭的洋 基因此招喚這個交易來的二壘手,並且把他擺在左外野。 Mets manager Jerry Manuel pulled Takahashi after six shutout innings, and Dessens quickly surrendered the lead on Russo’s double down the right-field line. Born in West Babylon, N.Y., about 30 miles east of Citi Field, Russo didn’t realize he could get his family tickets, so most of them watched the game at his grandmother’s house. Russo出生在Babylon,大約在Citi Field東方30哩,他不知道能替家人要球場的票, 所大多數的家人都在他奶奶家看電視轉播。 The hero of the night was still learning how the big leagues go, and that sounds about right for a team that has endured such an odd month. It’s edifying that a little more than a week remains and likewise frightening to think about all that can happen in nine days. Baseball players, after all, have missed time with strained eyelids, faces burned from tanning beds, arms blown out trying to tear phone books apart and ribcages strained from violent sneezes. Nothing is too ludicrous for these Yankees. Russo仍在學習大聯盟的一切,而這對於一個忍受著奇怪月分的球隊而言,也是合理的 啦。再過一個多星期,五月就會過去了,可是這剩下的九天會發生啥事,讓人想了都怕 怕。畢竟棒球員總是會因為眼瞼抽筋,臉被曬黑機燙傷、手臂為了要把電話簿撕開而脫 臼、由於劇烈的打噴嚏造成胸肌扭傷啦等等理由無法上場比賽,對洋基來說,就算發生 了任何事也不滑稽。 So they cross their fingers and toes and whatever else they dare try to cross and wish this bit of bad luck away. They’ve got plenty to be thankful for. Derek Jeter is healthy. So is Alex Rodriguez. And CC Sabathia. Same with A.J. Burnett and Phil Hughes and Andy Pettitte and Mariano Rivera and Mark Teixeira. If any team is equipped to handle injuries, it’s a $200 million juggernaut fat with superstars. 所以現在只能希望厄運趕快走囉。至少許多球員都是健康的,而這已經夠感激了。 “We’re going through a thing where we’re not getting it done,” Girardi said. “You go through those things during the course of the season.” "這種事,球季中都是我們要面對且渡過的。" Girardi說 Gone is their three-game losing, thanks to the Mets, and a winning spurt may well be in the offing with Hughes starting Saturday and Sabathia on Sunday. Cat or no cat, the Yankees still own the five boroughs. And soon enough, when this bug finally passes and they’re themselves again, the Yankees can start staking claim to the rest of the baseball, too. .........(今天輸了) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/23 15:30, , 1F
Gardner差點受傷喔? 我沒看到@@
05/23 15:30, 1F

05/23 15:31, , 2F
05/23 15:31, 2F

05/23 15:38, , 3F
05/23 15:38, 3F

05/23 15:38, , 4F
05/23 15:38, 4F

05/23 15:42, , 5F
05/23 15:42, 5F

05/23 15:47, , 6F
Girardi : 毛毛的
05/23 15:47, 6F

05/23 16:56, , 7F
梅子請大法師過運了嗎? DL大軍轉移法(誤)
05/23 16:56, 7F

05/23 17:01, , 8F
借推文問一下 AJ用來砸派的是刮鬍膏嗎?還是其他東西
05/23 17:01, 8F

05/23 17:37, , 9F
05/23 17:37, 9F

05/23 17:37, , 10F
05/23 17:37, 10F

05/23 17:38, , 11F
05/23 17:38, 11F

05/23 17:48, , 12F
05/23 17:48, 12F

05/23 17:50, , 13F
同年首位是....小張,還有 Kennedy.McAllister
05/23 17:50, 13F

05/23 17:52, , 14F
Melancon,話說我們2008的Gerrit A Cole在那兒啊??
05/23 17:52, 14F

05/23 17:59, , 15F
05/23 17:59, 15F

05/23 18:45, , 16F
受害者:真正的鮮奶油?! AJ:是昨天的~~~
05/23 18:45, 16F

05/23 19:40, , 17F
05/23 19:40, 17F

05/23 20:32, , 18F
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05/23 20:47, , 19F
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05/23 21:20, , 20F
多謝小貓貓的翻譯 大推~
05/23 21:20, 20F

05/23 22:16, , 21F
05/23 22:16, 21F

05/24 01:12, , 22F
要湊滿身體不同部位就是 JOJO
05/24 01:12, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1B-DZRZh (NY-Yankees)