[外電] David Robertson, or: Location...

看板NY-Yankees作者 (Jake McGee)時間12年前 (2012/09/10 16:23), 編輯推噓9(9017)
留言26則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
David Robertson, or: Location, Location, Location http://ppt.cc/dlFL by Jeff Sullivan - September 7, 2012 It was a really big deal when, on Tuesday, the Orioles beat the Blue Jays and the Yankees lost to the Rays, causing a tie atop the AL East standings. Just weeks earlier, the Yankees had had a ten-game advantage, and losing that kind of edge — to the Orioles! — was unimaginable. Then, Wednesday, the Orioles lost to the Blue Jays and the Yankees beat the Rays, restoring for New York a slim lead. So it was a really big deal when, on Thursday, the Orioles beat the Yankees in Baltimore in a series opener, tying the division once more. The Orioles clearly aren't going to go away, and while we can't actually know that, it sounds good, and it gets people amped for the stretch run. 星期二的比賽相當關鍵 因為金鶯擊敗藍鳥而洋基輸給光芒 這樣的結果導致洋基與金鶯並列美東第一 在幾周前洋基還保有10場的勝差 結果洋基敗掉領先 而且這對手竟然是金鶯! 這是大家無法想像到的 然而星期三金鶯輸給藍鳥 外加洋基擊敗光芒 使得洋基重回美東龍頭寶座 但是星期四的比賽金鶯在系列賽一開始就重挫洋基 兩隊又重回平手局面 顯然的金鶯哪都不會去 這很棒 而且這讓人們陶醉在球賽中 Those who didn't follow along will see that the Orioles beat the Yankees 10-6. In so doing, the Orioles slugged a half-dozen home runs, and remember that the game was not played in Yankee Stadium. Those who have taken a closer look, or those who watched, will see that the Orioles pulled ahead in the bottom of the eighth after the Yankees staged a massive rally in the upper half. A 6-1 game turned into a 6-6 game, which turned into a 10-6 game. After the Yankees tied it up, they probably felt good about handing the ball to David Robertson. Minutes later, they felt a lot worse. 金鶯以10比6擊敗洋基 金鶯一共擊出6發全壘打 請注意這場比賽是在巴爾的摩開打而不是在洋基球場 8局上半洋基從6-1追到6-6 8局下金鶯又超前至10-6 在洋基追平後 大概已經很放心交給Robertson 但幾分鐘後感覺完全不同 We all know Robertson for being a terrific reliever. He was posting silly strikeout rates before every reliever in baseball started posting silly strikeout rates. A year ago Robertson was an All-Star, and he picked up some votes for the AL Cy Young and the AL MVP, and while those voting processes are flawed and while Robertson obviously never stood a chance to win either award, he was dominant. He remains pretty dominant. Robertson strikes out roughly a third of all the batters he faces. 我們一直知道Robertson是非常棒的牛棚投手 他的三振率相當可怕 一年前他進入明星賽 而且得到美聯CY跟MVP的某些票數(雖然他沒有機會獲得這些獎項) 他在球場上宰制力十足 幾乎三振他所面對1/3的打者 Last year, Robertson faced 272 batters and he allowed one of them to hit a home run. J.J. Hardy, on August 29. Last night, Robertson faced three batters and he allowed two of them to hit home runs. Allow me to summarize David Robertson's 13-pitch appearance in Baltimore Thursday night: 去年Robertson面對272位打者 只有Hardy擊出過全壘打(8/29) 星期四的比賽 他被擊出2發HR 讓我總結一下Robertson那晚投的13球 -David Robertson relieves Justin Thomas -Adam Jones homers -Matt Wieters singles -Mark Reynolds homers -Boone Logan relieves David Robertson That's a disaster, as 6-6 turned into 9-6 in an inning and a game of incredible significance. Jones' solo shot to lead off broke the tie that had just been established moments earlier, and here's what Jones had to say about that: 完全是場災難 6-6變成9-6的比賽 Jone的陽春麵打破僵局 以下是他賽後的說法 ”That's the biggest hit I've ever had in my life. Everything else up to this point has been leading up to this,” he said. "這是我一生到目前最重要的一擊 所有情況都搭配的很好" We don't have to take this further — Robertson showed up, and Robertson was bad, fortunately or unfortunately depending on your loyalties. But we're going to anyway because that's what we do here. Not only did Jones homer; he homered in a 1-and-2 count. Not only did Wieters single; he singled in an 0-and-2 count. Not only did Reynolds homer; he homered in a 3-and-2 count. David Robertson got to two strikes on all three batters he faced, and he put none of them away. This is David Robertson, who accidentally strikes out his neighbors when he goes to make coffee. 不只是Jones打HR(2好1壞) Wieters也打安打(2好0壞) Reynolds又擊出另一隻HR(2好3壞) Robertson面對這三位打者都投到2好球 但1位也沒出局 What went wrong for Robertson? It turns out it's very uncomplicated. The 0-and-2 pitch he threw to Wieters was actually a fine pitch, a high and tight fastball right where Robertson wanted it to be. Wieters just did a good job of hitting it. Robertson's final pitches to Jones and Reynolds, however, were mistakes, and bad ones. Let's examine. 所以到底是怎麼了? 後來發現很簡單 1. 當對面Wieters 2好0壞時 Robertson投出高球要吊Wieters 但沒成功 2. 對面Jones跟Reynolds時 Robertson投的很糟 我們來看看 Jones first, obviously. Robertson got ahead with two quick strikes, then a curveball slipped out of his hand and sailed over Jones' head to the backstop. Still, Robertson was ahead in the count, and catcher Russell Martin had an idea: Robertson對Jones很快就投出2好球 然後接下來的曲球是大暴投 當然Robertson還是球數領先 Martin這時有想法(見下圖,吊高球) http://www.fangraphs.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/robertsonjones1.png
Martin wanted Robertson to come with a high fastball, above Jones' belt. It would look good to Jones on the way in, like high fastballs do, but in theory he'd swing under it or behind it. Robertson's perceived fastball velocity is already through the roof on account of his stride length. The perceived velocity of high fastballs is only greater. The plan seemed sound; the execution was suspect. Martin想吊高球 在Jones的腰帶之上 在一般狀況之下 Jones會揮棒過慢或是揮得太低 而且Robertson的火球也不慢 這計畫聽起來不錯 http://www.fangraphs.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/robertsonjones2.png
The red dot is where Martin wanted the pitch to be. The baseball is where the baseball wound up. Robertson missed badly, such that he threw a 1-and-2 fastball at the thigh over the inner half of the plate. Jones destroyed it and the Orioles were again out in the lead. 紅點是捕手要的位置 但Robertson失投而且投到紅中 Jones沒有放過 並且將球送出場外 金鶯就領先了 Wieters followed with a single. That brought the scorching Reynolds to the plate, and the count ran full. You only have so many options as a catcher in a full count in a close game, as you usually don't want to call for something out of the zone. Martin settled on an idea. Wieters接著擊出安打 Robertson對Reynolds 投成2好3壞 在比數接近的比賽中 投到滿球數還是有很多的配球方法 但你通常不會想投到好球帶外 Martin此時有想法(見下圖, 投外角低 削好球帶) http://ppt.cc/_Y4o Fastball, at the knees, on the outer edge. Of the four quadrants of the strike zone, pitchers love to target the quadrant down and away, because that's where most hitters have the least success. Robertson would’ve loved for this fastball to go where it was supposed to go, but it didn't. It went somewhere else, somewhere way worse. 速球配在外角(膝蓋高度) 是打者不容易有效擊中的 但是這科速球卻不是朝外角低而去 跑到更慘的地方(見下圖) http://ppt.cc/i-jF Again, red dot is intent, and baseball location is baseball location. I thought about inserting a Gameday still to further drive home the laughable location of this pitch, because it was just right down the middle, but I'm not going to do that. I don't think it's necessary. Just recognize that this was a fastball right down the very middle of the strike zone. Robertson didn't miss his spotcompletely, but he missed his spot in the worst possible way, and Reynolds took him deep. Earlier, the Orioles took the lead, and here, the Orioles got their insurance. 再一次 紅點是捕手要的位置 球卻投到中間偏高 Robertson很少投的這麼偏差 但他這天卻投到最慘的位置 然後就被Reynolds扛出去 That's the story of how David Robertson came apart and the Orioles took their lead right back. Now then, one thing we have to recognize is that not every hittable pitch gets hit or hit hard. Pitchers very frequently get away with mistakes, because hitters are not automatic. Another thing we have to recognize is that pitchers miss their spots all of the time. I love looking at before/after pitch-location images, and I'm constantly watching the catchers' gloves during games. Once you see how often pitchers miss, you can't un-see it. Pitchers miss, and Robertson missed. 這就是Robertson被打爆的故事 但不是每顆失投球都會被打者逮到 因為打者不是機器 投手常常可以逃過一劫 But Robertson missed badly, at the wrong times in the wrong game, and it's uncharacteristic of Robertson to struggle. Many have probably been wondering how what happened happened, and this is how it happened. Robertson's a great reliever, but not because of his two-strike fastballs near the middle of the plate. 略.... Incidentally, this is probably one of the reasons why Catcher ERA doesn't really show anything. Catchers can call for what pitches they want, and what locations they want, but the pitchers have to approve the pitches, and then the pitchers are the ones responsible for where the baseball actually goes. The catchers can give them an idea but the catcher can't make the pitcher hit his target. Russell Martin was David Robertson's catcher last night, but don't go blaming Martin for Robertson getting torched. Martin's ideas were fine. That's all that they were. 捕手可以要求 球往哪投 但是球真正要朝向哪裡飛是投手的責任 不要怪Martin的配球(事實上他的想法沒錯) 要怪就怪Robertson的狀況不好 For both teams, there are 25 games left in the regular season, and the Orioles and Yankees have the same record. It's not all because of David Robertson, but Robertson wishes he didn't suck against the Orioles more strongly than he ever has in his life. 略.... ===== 蘿蔔那場狀況真的很差 球投不到要的位置 常奪三振的曲球 那天根本投不出來(唯一一球是大暴投) 狀態要趕快調整回來 在洋基戰績吃緊的狀況下 牛棚的穩定度更是球隊的安定力量 -- 5/14/12 http://rays.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=21443319&c_id=mlb B. Francisco K J.P. Arencibia K K. Johnson K -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/10 16:38, , 1F
09/10 16:38, 1F

09/10 17:39, , 2F
配球本來就沒問題啊 真的是蘿蔔失投
09/10 17:39, 2F

09/10 17:47, , 3F
09/10 17:47, 3F

09/10 17:50, , 4F
曲球投太少了啦 隔天多丟點曲球三球K掉Jones
09/10 17:50, 4F

09/10 17:51, , 5F
D-Rob速球stuff很好沒錯 不過command沒有好到就靠
09/10 17:51, 5F

09/10 17:52, , 6F
09/10 17:52, 6F

09/10 17:53, , 7F
想像一下可能成為下一個D-Rob的Mark Montgomery 如果
09/10 17:53, 7F

09/10 17:54, , 8F
都不丟他招牌的滑球 只丟速球...他還能K成那樣嗎XU
09/10 17:54, 8F

09/10 17:54, , 9F
09/10 17:54, 9F

09/10 17:55, , 10F
看是投手記錯球種還怎樣的 不然,曲球會下沉還是掉,
09/10 17:55, 10F

09/10 17:56, , 11F
09/10 17:56, 11F
吊高球那球不是沉球 http://ppt.cc/xVvs 請看Pitch/x http://ppt.cc/MnTR Robertson"只會"投 四縫 切球 變速 滑球 曲球 近年來只投 四縫 切球 曲球 和一點點變速

09/10 17:57, , 12F
另一個數據 D-Rob整個八月K/9 7.82 Curve只丟了14.2%
09/10 17:57, 12F

09/10 17:58, , 13F
The 0-and-2 pitch he threw to Wieters was
09/10 17:58, 13F

09/10 17:58, , 14F
生涯他的curve丟的比率是22% K/9是11.96
09/10 17:58, 14F

09/10 17:58, , 15F
actually a fine pitch, a high and tight fastball
09/10 17:58, 15F

09/10 18:00, , 16F
right where Robertson wanted it to be.right where
09/10 18:00, 16F

09/10 18:01, , 17F
09/10 18:01, 17F
The 0-and-2 pitch he threw to Wieters was actually a fine pitch, a high and tight fastball right where Robertson wanted it to be. Wieters just did a good job of hitting it. 蘿蔔在對面具鐵爺2好0壞時 投的高球不錯 夠高也是蘿蔔想要的位置 但是面具鐵爺打得更好 就樣.... ※ 編輯: JakeMcGee 來自: (09/10 18:07)

09/10 18:02, , 18F
就Wieters那天狀況好有抓到打成single 沒有失投
09/10 18:02, 18F

09/10 18:03, , 19F
就算是MO神 投得位置再屌 還是會有MLB打者可以打成H
09/10 18:03, 19F

09/10 18:05, , 20F
09/10 18:05, 20F
※ 編輯: JakeMcGee 來自: (09/10 18:13)

09/10 18:08, , 21F
09/10 18:08, 21F

09/10 19:38, , 22F
哪有好意外的 NYY季中突然從末段一路殺上第一 又不停
09/10 19:38, 22F

09/10 19:38, , 23F
09/10 19:38, 23F

09/10 23:42, , 24F
這篇好文!! 辛苦翻譯&解說~~
09/10 23:42, 24F

09/11 13:35, , 25F
我怎麼覺得吽樓上說的那段我一點都不意外= =
09/11 13:35, 25F

09/11 13:36, , 26F
09/11 13:36, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #1GJQEIm2 (NY-Yankees)