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看板Nadal作者 (燈泡)時間15年前 (2009/02/11 01:00), 編輯推噓3(301)
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http://tinyurl.com/cunt3j 內附記者會影片 (拍謝 本篇為快速翻譯) FEBRUARY 11 | 2009 ROTTERDAM: RAFA PREPARES FOR BOLELLI SINGLES ENCOUNTER Rafa will be back on court this Wednesday after a first round loss in doubles on Monday afternoon. He’s concentrating on translating his singles game to the indoors surface for tomorrow's first round where he will open on Center Court against Simone Bolelli of Italy at 7:30pm (local time). It will be the first time they meet in the ATP circuit. 在雙打首輪淘汰後,豆豆單打將在當地時間週三晚上七點半(台灣時間週四凌晨兩點半)出 賽,對上義大利的Simone Bolelli,兩人巡迴賽未有交手紀錄。豆豆正在專心準備單打, 適應室內硬地。 A week after winning the Australian Open with a fifth consecutive victory over Roger Federer, world number 1, Rafa Nadal hasn't budged from his belief that he's still just the world's second-best player. 在贏下澳網的一週後,豆豆還是堅持他仍然只是世界上第二好的選手。 "I'm getting tired of this question", said the top seed on Monday after his doubles loss alongside fellow Mallorcan Ignacio Coll-Ruidavets at the Rotterdam Open. "對於這些問題我覺得很累。"豆豆在週一跟Mallorca同鄉Ignacio Coll-Ruidavets 搭檔的雙打賽後記者會上這樣說。 "When someone has 13 grand slams and 14 Masters titles, there is no discussion about who is the best", he said respectfully of Federer. "當一個人有13座大滿貫跟14座大師賽冠軍時,誰是最佳就沒有什麼好討論的了。" 豆豆尊敬Federer的說。 Rafa flew to Rotterdam on Sunday where he had a night practice session only hours after touching down to get used to what is now a faster indoor court at the Ahoy arena. 豆豆週日才到鹿特丹,只有一個晚上的時間可以在速度快很多的室內硬地上練習。 "I didn't have much time off but it’s worse when you have lost," Rafa said. "After a win it is always difficult to play the next event”. "In tennis, when you lose you have the opportunity to win the next week but when you win, you don't have any time to rest." "我沒多少時間練習,但當你輸了之後這會更糟,"豆豆說"在勝利後的下一項賽事 總是很困難.""在網球運動裡,當你輸了的時候你還是有機會贏得下一項賽事,但當你 贏的時候你沒有太多時間休息。" DOUBLES MATCH Rafa got back to work on court yesterday afternoon, adjusting to indoor conditions during a doubles match which he unfortunately lost after one hour and three minutes of play. 昨天下午豆豆回到工作崗位了,試著在雙打中調整在室內硬地的狀態,但很不幸 在一小時又三分鐘的比賽後輸了。 The world number one teamed with fellow Mallorcan Ignacio Coll-Ruidavets but the wild card pair had no luck against a much experienced couple, Frenchman Michael Llodra (last year's singles champion) and compatriot Arnaud Clement 6-3, 6-4. 豆豆跟同鄉Ignacio的外卡組合碰上舞男和檸檬的經驗老道組以6-3 6-4輸了。 Rafa said that his brief participation the team event was mainly for fun and to get accustomed to what are speedier conditions at the Ahoy arena for this edition of the first-ever 500 series event on the ATP 2009 calendar, as well as try to help his 21-year-old friend Ignacio Coll-Ruidavets, with whom he frequently trains. 豆豆說他打雙打主要是為了好玩跟適硬場地,還養幫助他的好朋友Ignacio,他們 同時也是訓練伙伴。 “I also want to help a young player from Mallorca”, said Rafa. “I trained all of December with him, he helped me prepare for Australia. I was trying to help him here”. 我也想幫幫Mallorca的年輕選手,"豆豆說,"我整個12月都跟他一起訓練,他也幫助 我準備澳網,在這裡我試著幫他。" Vamos Rafa! -- 豆豆就甘心 一如當年也是來自Mallorca的Moya大叔提拔豆豆一樣 -- ═══════════════════════════════ ◢███◣ ◢ ◣ ◢██ █◣◢█ ◢█◣ ◢█◣ ◢█◣ ◢█◣ ◢██ ◢█◣ █████ █ █ █ █ █◥◤█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▇▇ █ █ξ◥█◤ζ ◥█◤ ◥◤◥ ◥ ◤ ◥█◤ ◢█◤ █◥◣ ◥◤◥ █ ◥◤◥ ═══════════════════════════════ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/11 01:14, , 1F
蛤 我上個推文說Nadal教他是亂猜的耶 沒想到真的是!
02/11 01:14, 1F

02/11 01:15, , 2F
西班牙球員真的都好棒喔! 一個拉一個!
02/11 01:15, 2F

02/11 08:26, , 3F
02/11 08:26, 3F

02/11 10:04, , 4F
02/11 10:04, 4F
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