[blog] US Open Timesonline blog 9/4

看板Nadal作者 (燈泡)時間15年前 (2009/09/05 22:32), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Friday, September 04, 2009 Shopping on Fifth Avenue and working hard on my forehand Hello everyone, 大家好 Here we are again with a new post to this blog. 新的一篇又來啦。 At every Grand Slam tournament there is always one day off in between matches. Today it was that day so the only thing I really do is to practice in the morning and take it easy in the afternoon after I am back at my hotel. I practiced not too late. At 9.45 I took the car to get me to the site and at 11.30 I had my over hour and half practice. 大滿貫比賽和比賽間都有一天休息日,所以今天我只有在早上練了一下球,然後下午悠閒 的待在旅館。我沒練太晚,9:45搭車到球場,11:30結束一個半小時的練習。 Today I practiced with Ryan Harrison who is an American kid that is only 17. It is good to hit with these kids since they are helping you out and allowing me to work on specific shots or movements. For example my serve and backhand worked really well yesterday so I played a bit more of forehands. I prefer when my forehand is not working since it is a more natural shot for me and it comes back earlier. I suppose you know what I mean, right? 今天我和一個美國17歲的小朋友Ryan Harrison練習,跟這些小朋友練球很棒,因為他們 可以幫你練特定的擊球方式或移位。譬如我的發球和反拍昨天發揮得很好,今天我就多 練一點正拍。我比較喜歡正拍不靈時,因為這對我來說是更自然的擊球方式,回復也比較 快。我想你們懂我說的,對吧? (譯OS: 哩供瞎?) Then this afternoon I took it easier and stayed in my room for some time. At around 7 I decided to have a walk by the 5th avenue and did a bit of shopping. Bought a few things I needed. I don't usually go out there shopping during tournaments, and definitely not when I am on holidays... and things like this but felt like it today and a bit of walk is also nice to clear the head. 今天下午我比較放鬆,在房間待了一會兒。大約七點我決定走到第五大道小小血拼一下, 買了一些我需要的東西。我不太常在賽事期間跑出去血拼,放價時更不會...但今天像 這樣的活動還有走點路讓我頭腦可以清醒一些。 Rafa -- ╭──────╥────────────────╥────────────╮ │██████║ ┌╮ ╮ ╭ ╮ ╭╮ ╭ ╭╮ ╮ ╭ ╮ ╭ │ │█Ψ████║ ╞╯ ╭┤ ┼ ╭┤ ├╯ │ Ψ ││ ╭┤ ╭┤ ╭┤ │ │ │██████║ ╰ ╰└ ╰└ ╰┘ ┘┘ ╰└ ╰└ ╰└ └────────────────────────────────────┘ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/05 23:21, , 1F
09/05 23:21, 1F

09/05 23:27, , 2F
09/05 23:27, 2F

09/06 14:43, , 3F
09/06 14:43, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1AedPg_h (Nadal)