[外電] Ryan Zimmerman delivers in a pinch, …

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Ryan Zimmerman delivers in a pinch, again Z-man 又一次代打 (可參考8/30的外電) In the 10th inning this afternoon, Nationals Manager Davey Johnson had uncommon luxury that carried with it an uncommon problem. The Phillies were intentionally walking Danny Espinosa to pitch to Jesus Flores. At his disposal, since it was the first game of a September doubleheader, Johnson had Ryan Zimmerman. He just couldn’t locate him. 今天的第一場雙重賽面對費城, 在第十局,費城故意四壞了Espynosa要來對決Flores, Davey手中還握有Z-man。 “With all these batting cages around here,” Johnson said, “it’s hard to find people.” Johnson finally tracked him down. Zimmerman went into the game and did what he usually does on the rare occasions he pinch-hits: he helped win the game. Zimmerman flared a Michael Stutes slider into center field, scoring Michael Morse with the game-winning of the Nationals’ 4-3 victory over the Phillies. Davey決定派Z-man上場,Z-man一如往常的在這個關鍵時刻貢獻球隊勝利。 Z-man擊出安打,讓Morse回來得分,國民4-3拿下費城。 Zimmerman is 6 for 15 as a pinch-hitter with 7 RBIs, two homers, a double and a walk. Here’s the thing: He doesn’t even like pinch-hitting. Z-man到目前為止的代打成績是,15-6,7分打點,兩支全壘打,一支二壘安打, 還有一次保送,好到不像話的成績。 “I don’t have a lot of experience with it,” Zimmerman said. “I don’t think I like it. It’s hard. You sit around all day and then come in. It’s not very easy.” Z-man說:[我沒有很多代打的經驗,我不覺得我喜歡代打, 要坐一整天的板凳然後突然被叫上場,我不是覺得很習慣。] Why, then, has he been so good at it? The main reason is that he’s just plain good – “he can hit,” Johnson said. 那麼,為什麼他可以做得這麼好?? 最主要的理由是"他很能打"Johnson說。 (有說跟沒說一樣..) “I have no idea,” Zimmerman said. “I don’t think I have enough of a sample size to really say I’m really good or bad at it. I don’t see myself doing it a lot, hopefully.” Z-man說:[我認為還沒有足夠的大樣本來說明我代打打得特別好或是不太好, 而我也不希望我常常在代打。] This afternoon, Zimmerman found himself in a 1-1 count. Stutes threw him a low, 82-mph slider that dove well below his knees – “a good pitch” Zimmerman said. Zimmerman eased his bat through the zone and hit a soft line drive for a single to center, another pinch-hit for Zimmerman. 在一好球一壞球時,Stutes丟了一顆82mile的滑球, 這球進壘的高度比膝蓋還要低,這次的打擊Z-man把球打向中外野, [打得好!!] Zimmerman自己說的。 (是打的不錯...) “I think it definitely take a certain kind of person to do it and be good at it,” Zimmerman said. “The more experience you have with it, the better you get. It’s not something I would want to do. I think that would be a hard way to play. It’s a tough little routine.” 代打並不是Z-man真正想做的,Z-man認為代打是非常艱難的工作! 但Z-man也同意這樣的機會越多會使得他可以打得越來越好。 If anyone has proved that, it’s Jonny Gomes. Today, Gomes pinch-hit and struck out looking, which dropped him this season to an incredible 0 for 27 with 17 strikeouts as a pinch-hitter this year. Fortunately for Gomes, he is starting tonight. Right now, he’d probably rather face Cliff Lee as a starter than any pitcher in the pinch. 最能夠證明代打是艱難的工作的人--Gomes Gomes今天也上場代打,但是又被三振了。 本季代打一共27次,0支安打,17次三振。 他可能寧願面對Cliff Lee也不想要上場代打吧。 網址: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/nationals-journal/post/ryan- zimmerman-delivers-in-a-pinch-again/2011/09/20/gIQAZRi8iK_blog.html#pagebreak -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/22 00:33, , 1F
deliver可以翻成 成功: Z又一次代打建功
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