看板Nets作者 (chuckjr)時間19年前 (2005/12/27 19:45), 編輯推噓18(1803)
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By FRED KERBER December 27, 2005 Before the game, Knick coach Larry Brown was asked if he knew how to defend the Nets' Big Three of Jason Kidd, Vince Carter and Richard Jefferson. 在比賽之前,尼克老教頭Larry Brown被問到要如何去防守籃網的三叉戟: Jason Kidd,Vince Carter and Richard Jefferson。 "No, I don't know," Brown answered. Brown的回答是:"不,我不知道。" For three quarters, he wasn't kidding. 而當比賽的前三節打完之後,看起來他不是在開玩笑。 Then, making it even worse for the Knicks, the Nets came up with a bunch of other headaches. The Knicks really had no answer for Cliff Robinson or Nenad Krstic or Jason Collins or pretty the whole Nets' team. 但是還有其他更令人頭痛的事讓尼克隊看起來更糟:尼克對籃網其他人也找不到解決 的方法,不管是大叔,Krstic或是JC,甚至全隊其他人都是。 While the Knicks played with the zest of clay for three quarters, the Nets shot at a staggering rate and eventually built their lead to 21. When the Knicks finally decided to rally behind the bench — specifically, Nate Robinson — it was too late. 在令人難以相信的命中率之下,籃網在前三節取得了21分的領先。當尼克決定要利用 板凳進行反攻的時候 -- 尤其是Nate Robinson,一切都已經太晚了。 The Nets had enough of a cushion to withstand a frigid fourth quarter and extend their season-high winning streak to six games with a 109-101 victory at the Garden. 有了前三節儲存起來的優勢,籃網成功的抵擋了第四節尼克的反攻,以109-101在客場 擊敗尼克,也把今年的連勝紀錄推進到了六場。 "We tried to put them away early, take their confidence away," said Carter, who off his 51-point night led all scorers with 27 points — six coming at the line in a span of 75 seconds that put the Nets (15-12) back atop, 109-96, with 2:55 left after the Knicks (7-19) had gotten within seven. "我們嘗試著早一點把他們甩開,擊垮他們的自信心" Carter說,在上一場比賽拿下了 51分之後,這場比賽他又拿下了兩隊之冠的27分,同時在第四節尼克把比數追到只差 七分的時候,在罰球線上連續拿下六分,幫助籃網把比數拉開到109:96,13分的差距。 "Coach Brown does a good job, regardless if they're up or down, to keep them fighting." "不管他們狀況如何,Brown總是讓他們保持在可以與對手相抗衡的狀態之中。" But how to get them to come out fighting? While Brown admitted, "I can come up with a lot of them" when asked for reasons on the Knicks' slow start, he couldn't find a way to avoid it and prevent an eighth loss in nine games. "Until the fourth quarter, we were reacting instead of acting," said Brown. So Brown relied heavily on his bench, which included Eddy Curry back from a four-game absence — part of a gang that outscored the starting unit, 63-38. The rookie Nate Robinson scored a season-high 21 points, 12 of them on four 3-pointers in the first 4:15 of the quarter to get the Garden crowd pumped. (這一段不關我們的事,懶的翻..XD~請網友幫忙吧~) "In the fourth, I think we just relaxed," said Kidd (nine points, nine assists, seven rebounds). "We didn't take care of the ball. We stopped executing and we stopped playing defense." "我想我們在第四節都鬆懈下來了。" Kidd說,他拿下了九分九助攻七籃板, "我們並沒有好好處理球,我們也沒有做好防守。" And stopped scoring. That happens when you shoot 3-of-15 and commit six turnovers. But it shows what the Nets did before that. 從得分乾旱期開始,籃網在這一段時間只有投15中3,而且還有六次失誤,但這也 顯示出了籃網在這之前所做的努力。 For three quarters, they shot 63 percent — hitting 10 straight shots in the third quarter. Richard Jefferson (23 points) didn't miss a shot from the floor, going 8-of-8. Cliff Robinson was a bench monster, shooting 7-of-10, scoring a season-high 16 points. Krstic collected 12 points. The Nets were tremendous for 36 minutes. 在前三節中,籃網有63%的FG% -- 第三節還曾經連續投進十球。拿下23分的RJ更是 百分百的命中率,投八中八。從板凳冒出來的大叔投十中七,拿下今年季賽最高的 16分。Krstic則有12分,籃網打了前三節的好球。 "Everybody shot it well," Cliff Robinson understated. "每個人都有很好的手感" 大叔說。 But then "we struggled [and] there were a couple of times we played with them a little too much," said Jefferson. And the Knicks awoke. 但之後"我們遇到一些阻礙而我們也太放鬆了。"RJ說,而尼克隊醒了。 Rookie Channing Frye (18 points) had supplied much of the energy, although Stephon Marbury — who sat the fourth until Nate Robinson fouled out — scored 21 points. 尼克菜鳥Channing Frye拿下18分,提供了尼克一些支援,Stephon Marbury拿下了21分 ,但是他在第四節一直等到Nate Robinson犯滿畢業之後才又上場。 "It was frustrating because we fought, down 20," said Robinson, who was embroiled in the night's most heated exchange — a hard foul on Jacque Vaughn that resulted in three technicals. "這是非常令人沮喪的" Nate說,他也被捲入了這場比賽的紛爭之中 -- 一個對 Jacque Vaughn的犯規甚至引來了三個T。 "It hurts inside. ... It's like getting to the top of the hill and almost getting there then falling all the way off and starting over again." "這很令人難過,就像你爬山快爬到山頂了,結果就這樣跌下來,又得重新爬一遍。" So the Knicks got no closer than seven — which was when Carter took control. 於是尼克隊再也沒有把比數追進到七分之內 -- 當Carter把比賽控制住之後。 "He's just being aggressive," Kidd said. "He's doing what he's supposed to do. And when Vince is passing for assists, he's the total package." "他非常的有衝勁" 隊長說 "他現在所做的正是大家預期他所做的,而且當他也助攻 的時候,他就變成一個完全體了。"(是怎樣,超級塞亞人嗎...) So are the Nets. 籃網也是。 --- 那就一直連勝下去吧~ ꐊ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/27 22:15, , 1F
頭推 感謝~~~~~~chuckjr 提供這麼多外電翻譯
12/27 22:15, 1F

12/27 22:16, , 2F
12/27 22:16, 2F

12/27 22:18, , 3F
好快 明天就要比賽了 到時候又得早起加油 @@
12/27 22:18, 3F

12/27 22:39, , 4F
12/27 22:39, 4F

12/27 22:44, , 5F
12/27 22:44, 5F

12/27 22:44, , 6F
分析戰術的...等等!! 太強啦~~
12/27 22:44, 6F

12/27 22:45, , 7F
12/27 22:45, 7F

12/27 22:48, , 8F
12/27 22:48, 8F

12/27 22:52, , 9F
分析戰術嚴格來說...沒有 籃網版最薄弱之一環
12/27 22:52, 9F

12/27 23:01, , 10F
12/27 23:01, 10F

12/27 23:23, , 11F
12/27 23:23, 11F

12/27 23:29, , 12F
推! 名副其實的優文!
12/27 23:29, 12F

12/27 23:39, , 13F
12/27 23:39, 13F

12/27 23:49, , 14F
12/27 23:49, 14F

12/27 23:51, , 15F
12/27 23:51, 15F

12/27 23:58, , 16F
可以這樣一閃再閃,閃了又閃的嗎 ! XD
12/27 23:58, 16F

12/28 00:01, , 17F
12/28 00:01, 17F

12/28 00:05, , 18F
12/28 00:05, 18F

12/28 00:38, , 19F
kmart 現身說法 !!
12/28 00:38, 19F

12/28 00:56, , 20F
12/28 00:56, 20F

12/28 00:59, , 21F
連看推文都會被閃,可以這樣動不動就閃的嗎?! XD
12/28 00:59, 21F
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