[外電] There's no slowing down this Kidd

看板Nets作者 (運動家的風度)時間17年前 (2007/01/29 01:02), 編輯推噓16(1606)
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There's no slowing down this Kidd By Marcus Thompson II Posted on Sun, Jan. 28, 2007 The Nets guard is averaging the most minutes (37.7) since the 2000-01 season (39) 這位籃網當家控衛本季的平均出場時間(37.7 分鐘)是 2000-01 球季以來 最高的 (39分鐘) DURING THE PREGAME warmups before the Warriors matchup against New Jersey on Wednesday, the Oracle Arena video board ran a clip of the top 10 plays of the week. One of them was a fast-break assist by Nets point guard Jason Kidd, who sped by a couple of defenders and jumped between a couple more before dumping off a no-look pass to Richard Jefferson. 在勇士主場迎戰籃網的賽前熱身時,勇士主場 Oracle Arena 的大螢幕上 正播放著上週的十大好球,其中一球正是由籃網隊控球後衛 Jason Kidd 發起的快攻,他加速閃過了好幾個防守者,並在兩個防守球員的包夾中跳 起來,並在落地前傳了個漂亮的 no-look pass 給左側跟進的 Richard Jefferson,完成了一次漂亮的快攻。 Rookie point guard Marcus Williams, Kidd's backup, stopped shooting 3-pointers to watch the highlights. Though he had seen the play live, he still was moved enough to say "wow" as he stared at the video board. 目前擔任 Kidd 替補的新秀控衛 Marcus Williams,原本正在進行三分球 的練習,這時卻停下了手邊的工作,專心地看著大螢幕上的精采畫面。雖 然當時他也在現場,但現在看到這個精采畫面的重播時仍然忍不住大叫了 一聲 "wow!!"。 Kidd's play is drawing such a reaction regularly. At 33 years old, and in his 13th NBA season, he is putting together perhaps his best campaign. 其實 Kidd 的比賽總是可以招來這樣的讚嘆,這位今年 33 歲的球員,今 年是他生涯的第 13 個球季,也可能是他狀況最佳的一個球季。 "He's a Hall of Fame point guard, one of the best ever to do it," said Nets color commentator Mark Jackson, who is second on the NBA career assists list. "The incredible thing is that he's sustaining it at this point in his career. He's been fantastic, a joy to watch. He knows the game. He's a true PG, a great competitor and he brings it every single night." 「他是個名人堂的控球後衛,可能是他們當中表現得最好的幾個人之一。 」Mark Jackson 這麼說道,他是目前助攻排行榜上的第二名。 「最難以 置信的是他可以一直持續這樣的表現,他真的是非常驚人,看他打球絕對 是種享受。他對比賽的暸解非常透徹,他是個純種的控球後衛,是個可敬 的對手,而每個晚上他都能帶來這樣的感動。」 You can't really overstate how amazing Kidd's play has been this season. He has an NBA-high eight triple-doubles. He's second in the league in assists, behind Phoenix's Steve Nash, tops NBA guards in rebounds and is averaging more minutes (37.7) than he has since 2000-01, when he averaged 39. Kidd 本季的驚人表現誇張得不能再誇張了,他的 8 次大三元全聯盟排名 第一,助攻次數僅次於 Steve Nash 排名第二,籃板數在後衛中排名第一 ,而平均每場的出場時間則是自 2000-01 球季以來最高的 37.7 分鐘。 He's doing this without the services of New Jersey's best interior player, forward Nenad Krstic, who is out for the season with a torn anterior cruciate ligament. He's doing this with perimeter star Vince Carter disappearing occasionally and a noticeable decline in production from swingman Jefferson, who is now out for nearly two months after right ankle surgery. He's doing this while his family is falling apart (he and his wife are now divorcing). 在 Nenad Krstic 因傷宣佈整季報銷、超級球星 Vince Carter 偶爾隱形 、搖擺人 Richard Jefferson整季受到傷勢影響而表現下滑、以及家庭問 題重重的情況之下, Kidd 不為惡劣的環境所影響,獨立完成了這些艱鉅 的任務。 Kidd, who has been selected to seven All-Star games, has a good chance to end a two-year absence at the All-Star Game, especially with former 76er Allen Iverson moving to the Western Conference. Kidd, who finished fourth in voting among Eastern Conference guards, could be invited as a reserve. Jason Kidd,這位七度入選明星賽的超級球星,由於七六人的 Iverson 轉到西區,目前有機會可以擺脫連續兩年錯過明星賽的窘境,以東區後衛 第四高票的票數,被邀請到明星賽來擔任替補球員的位置。讓我們期待 Kidd 的精采演出吧! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/29 01:02, , 1F
好快的M 我的M XD
01/29 01:02, 1F

01/29 01:16, , 2F
推一個 kidd太屌了 希望一定要進asg
01/29 01:16, 2F

01/29 01:23, , 3F
Kidd 進ASG的機率 八成以上
01/29 01:23, 3F

01/29 01:35, , 4F
01/29 01:35, 4F

01/29 01:36, , 5F
01/29 01:36, 5F

01/29 01:37, , 6F
01/29 01:37, 6F

01/29 01:50, , 7F
Kidd 真的功不可沒,看到這篇之後感覺更深刻了~
01/29 01:50, 7F

01/29 02:20, , 8F
一月份打的大部分是弱隊 .....
01/29 02:20, 8F

01/29 03:08, , 9F
01/29 03:08, 9F

01/29 03:16, , 10F
01/29 03:16, 10F

01/29 03:16, , 11F
01/29 03:16, 11F

01/29 03:33, , 12F
01/29 03:33, 12F

01/29 09:46, , 13F
01/29 09:46, 13F
※ 編輯: chinlingts 來自: (01/29 13:43)

01/29 14:49, , 14F
01/29 14:49, 14F

01/29 15:46, , 15F
Go Kidd, you can do it!!!!! I LOVE YOU~~~~~
01/29 15:46, 15F

01/29 15:57, , 16F
01/29 15:57, 16F

01/29 15:57, , 17F
01/29 15:57, 17F

01/29 15:58, , 18F
01/29 15:58, 18F

01/29 15:58, , 19F
01/29 15:58, 19F

01/29 17:11, , 20F
對阿 直接用PCman 我覺得pcman也比較好用
01/29 17:11, 20F

01/29 18:18, , 21F
01/29 18:18, 21F

01/29 20:14, , 22F
KIDD~我最愛的中鋒 @@
01/29 20:14, 22F
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