[討論] 1108 1109 文字預告

看板NextTopModel作者 (*Ai*)時間15年前 (2008/10/08 11:25), 編輯推噓5(502)
留言7則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 "AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL" (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) "Top Model 11 Confidential" (CONTENT RATING TBD) NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN FOOTAGE FROM CYCLE 11 A look at never-before-seen footage of the cycle 11 contestants that includes the ladies improvising a rap in the hot tub, one girl revealing a hidden talent and a very candid chat between Tyra and the model wannabes (#1108). 1.回顧周,會播出之前未公開的畫面 ================================= WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 "AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL" (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) "Now You See Me, Now You Don't" (CONTENT RATING TBD) TYRA ANNOUNCES THE OVERSEAS LOCATION The ladiespull a disappearing act for this week's challenge. As is Top Model tradition, the remaining girlstest theiron-cameratalents when they shoot their CoverGirl commercialwith the help ofcycle 10 winner, Whitney Thompson. During judging, Tyra reveals this cycle's overseas destination and one girl is sent home (#1109). 1.女孩們學演戲,要拍CG廣告,胖妮會回來指導參賽者 2.泰媽會在評審室宣布出國地點.但有個女孩要先被送回家 http://i38.tinypic.com/rcu2h5.jpg
(沒有客座評審? 還是被泰媽屁股擋住了?) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/08 11:31, , 1F
10/08 11:31, 1F

10/08 11:33, , 2F
10/08 11:33, 2F

10/08 11:33, , 3F
10/08 11:33, 3F

10/08 11:37, , 4F
我覺得有人會被陰 有很多照片魔人遇到廣告都不太行
10/08 11:37, 4F

10/08 11:49, , 5F
10/08 11:49, 5F

10/08 12:02, , 6F
我討厭回顧 都是一些很無聊的東西 沒爆點
10/08 12:02, 6F

10/08 19:20, , 7F
他們要演啥?? 老鴇嗎?
10/08 19:20, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #18x2WVJa (NextTopModel)