[討論] 姊的小新聞

看板NextTopModel作者 (Dominic K.)時間12年前 (2012/11/29 03:01), 編輯推噓7(700)
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Angelea Preston accuses hubby of cheating -- Eliminated “America’s Next Top Model” contestant, Angelea Preston, is accusing her new husband of cheating on her. Following the shocking season that left “ANTM” viewers perplexed over her disqualification, Angelea seemed to bounce back just fine with a new husband and baby, which many believe is the reason she was cut from the show. However, the leggy model recently tweeted that all is not well with her relationship with hubby Eric Brown. “My marriage is destroyed because of this homewrecking whore,” tweeted Angelea who identified the alleged other woman as Twitter user MzPhyr. Her husband, who apparently disapproved of Angelea’s decision to air their business, suggested that social media wasn’t the place to address the issue. “Our personal life is not for Twitter, we both have 2 much class 4 that,” he wrote. “I refuse 2 discuss my personal life n marriage on twitter…” According to Angelea, MzPhyr is well aware that Eric is a married man, and while she may be okay sharing a man, Angelea said she’s not. “She’s fine being the side, but I’m not fine with it at all,” she tweeted. -- 簡單來說大概是姊的新骯貌似是出軌了 然後那女人知道姊的骯有姊 (繞口令) 但是還是覺得沒關係可以共享呦 (好像看到牽手) 姊老娘不爽就推推推推到twitter上 然後就被報導溜 雖然內文有說到姊跟新歡一直以來都有一些意見不合 但是先出軌的就要被亂棍杖刑致死啊 說真的哪個女人敢動姊的男人 不被亂槍打死就怪了 希望姊一切無恙 http://ppt.cc/f7Q3 原文連結 -- 當愛情來的時候 總是想著對方 興奮的睡不著 在想像種種幸福美好 我想快樂並不代表你愛不愛我 而是等待的過程 好像小時候數著日子 等待郊遊的那一天 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: milk80323 來自: (11/29 03:03)

11/29 06:55, , 1F
他們差了6.7歲 http://i.imgur.com/f6YYY.jpg
11/29 06:55, 1F

11/29 12:24, , 2F
6.7歲都算得出來.. just kidding~~~~~
11/29 12:24, 2F

11/29 18:46, , 3F
11/29 18:46, 3F

11/29 19:32, , 4F
我比較好奇姐在C17為何莫名奇妙消失 至今仍無解
11/29 19:32, 4F

11/29 19:43, , 5F
用當時比賽的年齡推估的啊 :)
11/29 19:43, 5F

11/29 20:32, , 6F
11/29 20:32, 6F

11/30 01:08, , 7F
11/30 01:08, 7F
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