[情報] Wii任天堂全明星大亂鬥新情報

看板Nintendo作者 (小火兒)時間18年前 (2006/06/06 22:52), 編輯推噓23(23030)
留言53則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
New Smash Bros. Brawl details revealed Tuesday 6-Jun-2006 12:34 PM Series director reveals new info on the Wii fighter. Plus: is a Nintendo DS version on the way? Super Smash Bros. Brawl director Masahiro Sakurai is keeping fans informed on the development of the Wii fighter, by answering burning questions on his official Smash Bros. website. Courtesy of a forum user, the Japanese-fielded questions have been translated over to our native tongue, and some new 'Brawl details revealed. Among the info splurged, Sakurai noted that the Wii instalment of the series will stress "easiness" over the small details of combat, to help make the game easier to play for newcomers. The 'Brawl director also touched on the game's character line-up, noting that it hasn't been finalised yet. Sakurai said that the reveal of Solid Snake means that they're contemplating adding one or two more non-Nintendo fighters to the game, but he notes that the characters must have appeared on Nintendo systems at some point to be considered. Even though an online mode was already confirmed by Nintendo President Satoru Iwata at E3 2005, Sakurai isn't as quick to champion the now year-old announcement. The 'Brawl team are apparently looking into the feature and hope to include online play in time for the game's 2007 release, but we're told there are currently no plans for leader boards or the like. Interestingly, Sakurai also mentioned a possible Nintendo DS entry in the Smash Bros. series. While he said there's nothing in development at the moment, he didn't rule out a stylus-waving Smash Bros. for the future. Keep your eyes on this space for more Smash Bros. revelations. 看的懂的重點:1.遊戲操控將會簡單一些,以幫助這個系列的初學者。 (真是為那些可能被吸引的Lu著想阿~) 我只希望有n64的順暢度阿~ 2.史捏克的加入意味著會加入一些非任天堂,而且曾在任天堂平台 上的優先考慮。(那可以加的實在很多阿..) 3.一個網路的模式已經被宣布過,但是還沒有計畫好。 4.可能會有NDS版。 (只要做到類似N64的就新滿意足啦) m(_ _)m 其他重點請其他人補完 :D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/06 23:05, , 1F
06/06 23:05, 1F

06/06 23:06, , 2F
隨時隨地就可簡單地面對面或Wi-Fi對戰 有何不出的道理阿
06/06 23:06, 2F

06/06 23:07, , 3F
06/06 23:07, 3F

06/06 23:10, , 4F
06/06 23:10, 4F

06/06 23:11, , 5F
洛克人又不紅 他進來我怕砸了大亂鬥的招牌
06/06 23:11, 5F

06/06 23:11, , 6F
洛克人的技巧隨便想就一堆,急凍人 Balabala...
06/06 23:11, 6F

06/06 23:16, , 7F
06/06 23:16, 7F

06/06 23:16, , 8F
里昂和洛克人 我選里昂 因為洛克人不紅了
06/06 23:16, 8F

06/06 23:16, , 9F
06/06 23:16, 9F

06/06 23:17, , 10F
曾在任系平台 FC上的洛克人好歹也算招牌了阿
06/06 23:17, 10F

06/06 23:17, , 11F
06/06 23:17, 11F

06/06 23:19, , 12F
06/06 23:19, 12F

06/06 23:20, , 13F
高橋名人還有可能 洛克人不可能 因為洛克人不紅了
06/06 23:20, 13F

06/06 23:22, , 14F
06/06 23:22, 14F

06/06 23:22, , 15F
06/06 23:22, 15F

06/06 23:23, , 16F
品牌影響力 :D
06/06 23:23, 16F

06/06 23:23, , 17F
重點不是現在紅不紅吧@@ 那我就無法理解像敲冰塊之類的
06/06 23:23, 17F

06/06 23:24, , 18F
角色 還可以出現在大亂鬥裡面
06/06 23:24, 18F

06/06 23:25, , 19F
06/06 23:25, 19F

06/06 23:25, , 20F
那不一樣 因為敲冰塊是任天堂的 洛克人是卡普空的
06/06 23:25, 20F

06/06 23:26, , 21F
06/06 23:26, 21F

06/06 23:29, , 22F
還有大盜 怎麼每次說到懷舊角色都是這幾個人
06/06 23:29, 22F

06/06 23:29, , 23F
小精靈很有可能 NAMCO=PAC MAN 任天堂和NAMCO關係良好
06/06 23:29, 23F

06/06 23:30, , 24F
06/06 23:30, 24F

06/06 23:34, , 25F
06/06 23:34, 25F

06/06 23:35, , 26F
06/06 23:35, 26F

06/06 23:37, , 27F
大亂鬥DX碧姬公主把Toad拿在手中當盾牌 ricksimon作何感想
06/06 23:37, 27F

06/07 00:07, , 28F
06/07 00:07, 28F

06/07 00:13, , 29F
06/07 00:13, 29F

06/07 01:13, , 30F
我覺得很好笑阿XD SSMB我都用Pikachu的(挺)
06/07 01:13, 30F

06/07 01:14, , 31F
縮寫好像縮錯了..是SSBM...Super Smash Bros. Melee
06/07 01:14, 31F

06/07 02:10, , 32F
結城晶是誰? 櫻花大戰的男主角嗎?
06/07 02:10, 32F

06/07 02:37, , 33F
06/07 02:37, 33F

06/07 07:58, , 34F
多年前我有寄信給天堂希望讓別家廠商遊戲角色參戰 難道任
06/07 07:58, 34F

06/07 07:59, , 35F
天堂是採取我的建議製作Wii版大亂鬥的嗎? 我有寫SONIC和蛇
06/07 07:59, 35F

06/07 08:36, , 36F
說到寫E-mail給日本 日本還真是有寫必回耶XD 而且挺快的
06/07 08:36, 36F

06/07 08:37, , 37F
過去我問過FAMITSU、任天堂、D3P 全都有回而且快速
06/07 08:37, 37F

06/07 10:25, , 38F
用英文問還用英文回答我 真親切 上次我寫慶賀20週年和台灣
06/07 10:25, 38F

06/07 10:26, , 39F
100期慶祝 FAMITSU還回信說謝謝我長期以來支持FAMITSU
06/07 10:26, 39F

06/07 11:57, , 40F
其其實 FF應該也有加入的可能性吧?
06/07 11:57, 40F

06/07 11:59, , 41F
幾乎站在SONY那邊的SNAKE都來了 我能說FF不可能嗎
06/07 11:59, 41F

06/07 12:04, , 42F
06/07 12:04, 42F

06/07 12:56, , 43F
我實在是想不到任天堂還有什麼角色可以參戰的 苦惱中
06/07 12:56, 43F

06/07 17:31, , 44F
剛剛看了對岸的論壇提到Bowser Jr.(新超級Mario),
06/07 17:31, 44F

06/07 17:32, , 45F
06/07 17:32, 45F

06/07 17:34, , 46F
06/07 17:34, 46F

06/07 17:36, , 47F
而Ice Climbers、Mr. Game & Watch、將可能從系列中消失ꄠ
06/07 17:36, 47F

06/07 20:00, , 48F
如果那段大陸論壇的話能信 我就送看到這句話的人一台Wii
06/07 20:00, 48F

06/07 20:41, , 49F
06/07 20:41, 49F

06/07 22:30, , 50F
我只是開玩笑的 XD 以上純屬虛構
06/07 22:30, 50F

06/08 12:22, , 51F
結果成真了 XD 我的Wii~
06/08 12:22, 51F

06/08 12:52, , 52F
06/08 12:52, 52F

06/11 14:20, , 53F
06/11 14:20, 53F
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