[新聞] 羅比道歉,頭子不屑

看板Oasis作者 (fade away )時間18年前 (2006/11/01 20:49), 編輯推噓4(402)
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Noel snub for Robbie apology October 31, 2006 NOEL GALLAGHER has revealed ROBBIE WILLIAMS sent Oasis a grovelling apology for his song slagging off him and LIAM. I uncovered Robbie’s cheeky tune, where he berated Liam for being inbred, last month. And after I printed the lyrics to D***head, a secret track on No1 album Rudebox, Robbie fired off a desperate note to Oasis’ management trying to get out of trouble. Noel told me of the contents of the paranoid email during the Q Awards held at London’s Grosvenor House Hotel yesterday. And he dished out a trademark slating to his old adversary into the bargain. Noel said: “I read your story about the song. I haven’t heard the album — I doubt I will — apparently that’s the best track on it. “He sent this note to our office claiming he didn’t know it was on the album. He can f*** right off. I don’t give a f*** what he thinks and I don’t give a f*** about him.” I can also reveal the contents of Robbie’s grovelling email. A source at Oasis HQ told me: “Robbie said he was really sorry and claimed he didn’t know how the track got on the album. “He said he had no idea how the story got in The Sun, claiming the only copy of the song was on his computer. “He apologised to Noel and Liam and everyone else involved.” Robbie and The Gallaghers have had a long-running feud. Last month Robbie told me it must be hard being Noel as he has to listen to cheesy music. But Noel hit back yesterday adding: “I love Abba and I love Britney Spears.” Noel is the last person I would expect to make a camp statement like that. But he did redeem himself by ridiculing PAUL WELLER’s man-bag. I told you yesterday Liam’s excuse for having one was that the Modfather was a proud owner too. Noel said: “Weller came to our housewarming with this manbag thing but wouldn’t say what it contained. “Eventually he coughed that his soul was in it. That’s where Liam got the idea.” Come on Liam, time for a big night out to air your manbag. That should give Robbie ammunition for another song entirely . . . The Sun http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,4-2006500418,00.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/01 21:51, , 1F
有人同時很喜歡Rob和OAS嗎 Orz..
11/01 21:51, 1F

11/01 22:47, , 2F
11/01 22:47, 2F

11/02 09:49, , 3F
11/02 09:49, 3F

11/02 09:47, , 4F
哈你來了! (打個招呼...XD)
11/02 09:47, 4F

11/02 14:03, , 5F
2F..我也是= =
11/02 14:03, 5F

11/02 16:34, , 6F
那...你們買Rudebox了嗎? Orz... 有幾首歌不錯 @@
11/02 16:34, 6F
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