[分享] Q六月號Noel專訪精華(4)

看板Oasis作者 ('cause we believe...)時間15年前 (2009/08/07 14:06), 編輯推噓19(1900)
留言19則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/1
___________________________這篇頭子怨念很深哩_______________________________ Q: You were attacked onstage at the V festival in Toronto last September, suffering three broken ribs. Does that still freak you out? 去年九月你在多倫多的 V 音樂祭上被攻擊,斷了三根肋骨。 這個事件還是讓你毛毛怕怕的嗎? I can deal with shit like that pretty quickly. That's a freak occurrence that will never happen again. The weird thing is, the guy's pleading not guilty. Hang on—you assault somebody on world television, you're not getting away with it, man. But because of his plea he stands to face 14 years in jail and all these Canadians are going,"Bit harsh, isn’t it?" It's nothing to do with me. I don’t write the fucking rules. 「面對那樣的鳥事我還應付恢復得滿快的。這類令人驚恐的事件不會再發生了。 耐人尋味的是,那個傢伙竟然辯稱無罪。等等──你在全世界的鏡頭轉播下攻擊了 某人,你不可能僥倖逃脫的了,老兄。但是因為他這樣抗辯,必須面臨14年的刑期, 然後那些加拿大人開始覺得“有點嚴苛吧,不是嗎?”又不是我立下他媽的法律條文, 這個結果和我無關。」 Q: Liam suggested he was off in hot pursuit of your attacker... Liam 表示說他不會放過那個攻擊你的人... Liam's a classic pub fighter. He waited until enough people were onstage before he started swinging. 「Liam是個很典型的pub幹架打手。他會等到有夠多的人開始圍觀之後, 才開始揮拳做樣子。」 Q: On a scale of one to 10, how content are you? 以零到十分為基準,你現在有多滿足? Personally, 15. Couldn't get better. Professionally...seven. I always think we could do better. This album, for instance. There's two great tracks lying there not finished, because Liam fucked off to get married. That annoys the fuck out of me. We've got a 50-piece choir on both, they're enormous. They'll just lie there now, because by the time we make another record we'll be five years older. 「個人來說的話,15分[爆點啦^^],真的再好不過了。至於音樂專業上...7分吧。 我一直覺得我們可以做得更好。像是這張新專輯,有兩首很棒的作品擺在那邊未完成, 就因為Liam滾去結婚了。這件事讓我他媽的超不爽的。那兩首歌都有請到50人的合聲團 很可觀。現在就只能眼睜睜看著它們擱置,因為下一張專輯要生出來, 我們可能也都老了五歲了吧。」 Q: Surely if they were that good you could have delayed the album and finished them? 如果那些歌曲真像你說的那麼好,你們應該可以暫緩專輯的發行, 然後完成作品? I guess. But three of us were out in LA and there was a sense of,"Shall we wait for him? But we've all got kids and we've been out for six weeks...You'd been home for a week, drinking champagne with your missus. You've known for six months that we’d be recording an album from this date to that date, yet you chooses to get married, without telling anybody." I don't see why we should cover his arse. 「或許吧,但是我們三個當時在洛杉磯,都不禁想說“真的要等他嗎?我們都有小孩, 而且已經離家一個多月以上了...你這個傢伙倒是自己返家一個禮拜,和老婆喝著香檳 慶祝。你早就知道我們這六個月以來專輯錄製的預定進度和日期,卻還是選擇不告而別 去結婚?”我找不出為什麼我們要遷就他的理由。」 Q: Have you talk this through with him? 你有和他談過這件事嗎? There's no talking to be done. Maybe that's the problem—there's no fallout from it. I never said to him,"What are you doing, you cunt?" If albums mean that little to him, then I don't want to argue. He can fuck off as far as I'm concerned. 「我們之間沒有所謂的好好談一談。或許這正是問題所在──這件事就完全沒有下文 或者餘波。我從沒有對他說“你到底在做什麼,混蛋?”如果專輯對他來說 意義如此之小,那也沒有什麼架好吵了。對我而言他可以去死一死算了。」 Q: You have this very odd way of communicating with each other through interviews like this... 你們兄弟倆發展出一種很奇怪的,利用這類的訪問來彼此喊話的溝通方式... You can't have a conversation with Liam, they're shouting matches. He thinks if he shouts louder he wins. I can't be arsed. It'd end up in a proper fight. I'm too old for fighting now, I'm past my best. 「你根本不可能和Liam“對話”,和他說話就像是吼叫比賽一樣。他認為如果他叫的比較 大聲,他就嬴了。我根本不想鳥他,結果就會演變成肢體衝突。我現在已經不是打架的 年紀,我的高峰已經過了。」 Q: Why are you and Liam still in a band together? 那為什麼你們還待在同一個樂團呢? I don't know...Well, because we love it. We love the music. We don't get on. I don't like him and he doesn't like me, that much is evident. 「我不知道...嗯,因為我們都愛這個團吧,我們熱愛自己的音樂。除此之外, 我們就是合不來,我不喜歡他這個人,他也不喜歡我,就是這麼明顯。」 Q: But he's your brother. You must love... 但是他是你弟弟,你一定還是愛... No, no, no. I know what love is and what I see coming from him is not love. On a weekly basis I have to deal with him being this close [inches] from my face, calling me a knobhead fro some injustice that he perceives to have gone on. 「不,不,不。我很清楚什麼才是“愛”,而我從他那裡接收到的並不是。 一週復一週,我必須要在靠我的臉這麼近[幾英吋]的距離應付他,聽他叫我“豬頭”, 只因為他自以為的一些不公平的事。」 Q: What specifically don't you like about him? 你究竟特別看他哪裡不順眼? He's rude...arrogant...intimidating...lazy. He wears leopard-skin shoes. He's late. I cannot stand people who are late. 「他粗魯...自大...愛唬人...懶惰。還有他會穿豹紋的鞋子。 他愛遲到。我超受不了習慣遲到的人。」 http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00733/SNF16BIZLIAM-280_733935a.jpg
(附上一張 Liam 穿豹紋鞋的近照 :P) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 下一回是最後一篇了,Noel談自己和自己相處的時光和哲學... 也是整個訪問我最喜歡的部分...to be continued... Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- Let's pick it up, let's even try to live today, so why not smile don't dream away your life 'cause it is mine Is that a crime? This life is mine... --Verve, HISTORY -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: PatsyGallagh 來自: (08/07 14:12)

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08/07 14:52, , 3F
哎唷 每次看頭子的訪談 都笑好久 XDDD
08/07 14:52, 3F

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感謝版大 ^^
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08/09 23:33, , 14F
頭子討厭人是不需要正當理由的 他高興就好 XD
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文章代碼(AID): #1AUyHz6m (Oasis)