[心得] Supersonic觀後感

看板Oasis作者 (英搖兒童)時間7年前 (2016/11/13 01:00), 7年前編輯推噓10(1005)
留言15則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
從大概一年前 Oasis紀錄片Supersonic就被我列在2016 must-do-list上 到今天終於看了 (在Amazon上買來看的) 心裡真是各種情緒激昂 看完後好想有一台時光機讓我回到90年代回去看那時候的Oasis啊!!!! 然後看到兩兄弟以前雖然也是各種吵架但也有不少充滿brotherly love的畫面 有點淡淡的感傷 嗚嗚嗚回不去了QQQQ ----------------------------以下有雷 & 文極長----------------------------- "So, what d'you think, looking back at that time, 'cause it's like 2 and a half year really, from being signed to playing Knebworth, what happened to that band what happened to you in those 3 years? Sorry, that was a big question." "It is a big question, and it deserves a big answer." 電影以1996年的Knebworth gig開場 各種採訪旁白和一堆live footage穿插著敘述當時的情況 一開始Liam和Noel的旁白就完全抓住我的心了 "Oasis was definitely like a f***ing Ferrari, great to look at, great to drive and it would f***ing spin out of control every now and again when you go too fast." "We were just lads from a council estate. Two brothers, head cases.Oasis's greatest strength was the relationship between me and Liam, it's also what drove the band into the ground in the end, if you know what i mean." 尤其是當Noel說"it's also what drive the band into the ground in the end"的時候 我內心小劇場又是一陣感傷懷念阿阿阿 (還有每次播出演唱會片段都會忍不住跟著哼唱XD) 接著就回到Oasis最初期 講他們從一開始一直到1996年那場演上會之間的故事 (還有一段Liam把他跟Noel比喻成該隱和亞伯 個人超喜歡那段XD) 然後還有不少兩兄弟小時候&青少年時期的照片 覺得超可愛的啊!!! 聽Liam和Noel的媽媽Peggie和大哥Paul描述那時候的他們也超有趣 像是Liam從primary school的時候就是個show-off -- 聽到這段快笑死XDD 接下來就是Bonehead, Tony, Guigs登場 組了Rain 到改名 然後就從Liam房間裡的海報上的Swindon Oasis得到了靈感 Noel打電話回家時 Peggie跟他說Liam組了個樂團 "How's Liam?" "Oh he's out rehearsing." "What for? He's not joined the Shakespeare f***ing group has he?" "Oh no, no he's in a band." 還有Noel後來confront Liam "You're singing?! After all the times I've sat in our bedroom wih an accoustic guitar and you used to tell me shut up, now you've decided you want to become a f***ing singer?" 這兩段莫名的戳中我的笑點 還有Noel講這段話時同時戳Liam肚子的肢體互動簡直讓我超想尖叫的 欸欸欸你們兩個什麼時候要和好啦QQQ 後來Noel就加入了 超愛他們從一開始就超狂妄的風格啊 說Phil Collins 是junk food music (McDonalds's music) 還有"I want a severed head of Phil Collins in my fridge by the end of this decade and if I haven't I'll be a failure" 還有Noel一開始寫出Liver Forever的時候 就知道這會是首經典的歌 (可惡我超喜歡這樣的他啊!!!) "I knew enough about music to know this is going to be a great song." (一開始Bonehead聽到這首也是超震驚 一個天啊這你寫的?!的那種感覺XD) 但儘管這樣那時候他們還不有名 根本沒人在討論他們 不過因為跟一個女團Sister Lovers共用rehearsal room 然後其中一個團員Debbie Turner剛好是Alan McGee的前女友 Oasis一群人在某次跟著被一個Glasgow的pub邀去表演Sister Lovers去到club 說也想要上台 然後在Debbie很有義氣的說"If they're not playing then we're not playing"後 又剛好被unexpectedly showed up的Alan McGee聽到了他們的表演 然後接下來就起飛(?)了XD 然後穿插媽媽登場的片段 其實我之前沒那麼認識Peggie但看完這部也是很愛她 而且看到兩兄弟談論她有些時候都覺得有點感人 Liam的旁白:"Mum was an angel, still is. Not impressed by all this rock n roll business, and rightly so." Noel:"You know, when I think of those times ...she kind of brought us up on her own, really. And three lads,particularly one of them being Liam,it was very tricky. I mean, she gave it all up for us,you know what I mean? I wanted to make her proud.I wanted to get her to stop from doing, like, three f***ing jobs and put her feet up, you know what I mean, and have nice things." 我超喜歡每次Noel提到覺得媽媽很偉大都要提一下因為"She raised Liam" 超級好笑XDD 記得之前有個訪問Noel講到他的hero時就說 "My mum, because she brought Liam Gallagher up. I mean, f**k me." 然後有一小段媽媽的flashback 關於她1963年剛到Manchester時候的故事 還有一堆兄弟們小時候的照片 超!!!可!!!愛!!! 還有說什麼她覺得Liam和Noel小時候就有一些jealousy between them XDD 不過她很高興他們兩個在同個樂團裡 "I would not have wanted Liam in a band without Noel." 對照後來的事情發展我內心突然又各種感慨萬分 然後就是轟動的Supersonic和TV debut (Noel他講到寫這首歌的時間 "I went in the back room and, as bizarre as it sounds, wrote Supersonic in about however long it takes six other guys to eat a Chinese meal." XDDD) 個人超喜歡這首的然後重聽他們以前演唱會上的片段根本超嗨XD 然後也開始有各種他們的新聞和採訪(基本上就一如往常的狂傲和超有性格XD) 還有去Amsterdam的ferry上後來還被遣返的那件事 Noel說他喜歡McGee的其中一個原因就是他打電話告訴他 "Everyone's been arrested"後McGee只說了句"brilliant" 還有Liam和Noel吵這件事的經典片段也是 超好笑 N:"The thing about getting thrown off ferries ... getting deported .. is not something I'm proud about" L:"Well I am" N:"If you're proud about getting thrown off ferries why don't you go and support Westham and get the f**k out of my band ... these lot think it's rock n roll to get thrown off a ferry -" L: "shut up" 快笑死XDDD 然後記者採訪時問"You've been portrayed as young hooligans, do you think that image is fair?" Liam問Noel 這問題是給我的嗎 Noel超級肯定的說"this is your question" XDDD 然後有談到一點兩兄弟著名love-hate relationship 講說他們什麼都能吵 Liam還說了有時候甚至不用開口 "All we got to do is look at each other in a certain kind of way and we row without even opening our mouth. We're just going 'Grrr' inside our heads." 然後Noel說他討厭silbing rivalry這個詞但他承認這本質上就是XD Noel也說他自己就像是貓 Liam像是狗 貓是很獨立然後不太在乎其他人的 "They don't give a f**k, right bastards." 然後狗則比較需要陪伴 "Dogs are just 'Play with me, play with me. Please throw that ball for me.' Because they f***ing need some company." 還有他們之間的power struggle "It's about me being in charge and everybody directing everything towards me and Liam being pissed off about it." Ignition Management的Christine Biller則說 "The two brothers, grew up together, one's one way, one's the other. Noel has a lot of buttons. Liam has a lot of fingers." 還有Paolo Hewitt表示:"Democracy never works in a band.It's been proven a million times. And the trouble you had with Oasis is you had two people vying for the Prime Minister job. That tension, that antagonism, it drove that band, and it killed that band, is what it did." 接下來有一段Noel和Liam跪趴在旅館地上比腕力 (這畫面真的很微妙XDDD) (Noel贏了) 覺得這樣的兩個人意外的可愛啊!!! 比完腕力後Liam講了一段好像很有哲理但我不太確定他是不是想表達什麼的話(?) "It's all about what's inside the f***ing tin of beans that counts, not what the f***ing wrapper is,or how much it costs, or who you buy it off, or what till you get it from." Noel則對著鏡頭說"If this ever goes on, like, a video, for the kids, I would apologise, but I'm not going to! 'Cause he's a prick!" (Liam高舉手歡呼) 天啊 這兩個人怎麼可以這麼好笑XDDDDDD 後來他們去日本然後對於粉絲知道他們感到震驚XDD Bonehead表示:"We arrived in Japan and there were like, 1000 girls at the airport. People waiting for us and shouting my name. 'Liam, Liam! Noel! Guigs! Tony!'It was just, like, 'F**k off, this is Japan? But they know me name?'" 然後Noel說日本粉絲超熱情到哪裡都跟著他們 "it's like a mania, it's like what we always read about." Liam則說:"I absolutely loved Japan. It was f***ing mayhem. Guigs wasn't too keen on it, he was like, 'Oh, I don't know what they're fussing about.' And I'm like, 'Me, you f***ing lunatic! That's what they're fussing about!'" 天啊我真的超愛Liam的啦 尤其是他的"Me, that's what they're fussing about" 真的是十足的Liam風格XDDD 接下來有個GQ雜誌的女記者說她在他們到日本第一天晚上的故事 Liam很認真的問她 她相不相信上帝 然後說自己不相信 "because if there was a God, all that wouldn't have happened." 再來是Liam自己的flash back回想那時候的自己 然後講了一些關於他們家庭的故事 尤其是他爸 雖然以前就大概知道 但聽他們談起這幾段還是有點難過 L:"I was definitely angry with life and that ... sh*t with my dad and just life in general. I was an angry young man, so singing them songs sort of released all my sh*t onto other people, but in a good way, you know what I mean?" "My dad, he used to knock my mum about. There were many times when, like, it got like that. He never touched me, I don't know why he didn't. You know, sometimes he'd f***ing, he'd want the crack instead of having to witness it." Peggie:"He used to kill Noel. Noel was the one that got it the most. I remember Noel once saying, 'If you don't get out of here, Mum, and leave him,' he says, 'I'm going to kill him.' And I thought, 'Oh, Jesus. You can't be doing time for the likes of him.'" N:"Yeah, my dad used to beat the living daylights out of me. I've never felt compelled to either talk about it or write about it. I know that I think it's no one else's business. You can't let that kind of thing affect you in any way because then you're carrying that weight all the way through life." "You can't let that kind of thing affect you in any way because then you're carrying that weight all the way through life." -- 好喜歡Noel講的這句 然後回到Peggie說她決定離開了他 她留了一隻叉子一隻刀子和一支湯匙給他 然後想說自己是不是留太多了XD 接著Noel講到 (雖然看這幾段有點沉重 但也同時有種 Noel是個能寫出很猛歌詞的人 這件事實在不怎麼讓人意外 的那種感覺) "I wouldn't say I was scarred, but everybody's childhood makes them what they are. You can't think about it too deeply because it would f***ing drive you mad. I think it benefitted me in the way that it made me withdraw into my own world and from that came the learning to play the guitar. I guess, in some way, my old fella beat the talent into me." 天啊我真的很愛Noel QQQ 接下來是第一次到了美國 跟日本的粉絲相比 美國沒什麼人知道他們 不過Noel說他不介意 反而覺得是個fresh start Liam跟美國海關的對話則是超級爆笑的 海關:"Right, who've we got here then?" Maggie (他們的tour manager): "He's a singer." 海:"What's the purpose of your visit?" Liam:"Not a f***ing visit.I'm not visiting, mate, I'm a f***ing rock star. I'm here to steal your soul." 海:"Okay, you can follow me now, sir." 笑翻了XDDD Liam真的好經典XDD 然後講到大家都吸了某種叫Meth的毒品 不知道是誰找到的 (雖然他們一開始都以為是古柯鹼) 吸了之後精神變得恍惚 然後有次在LA的某個pub演出狀況就很糟 而且那場演出 工作團隊上負責setlist的人出包把給Noel的歌單弄得跟別人的不太一樣 後來就變得同時台上在表演不同首歌 情況變得很亂 Liam和Noel就吵了起來 然後Liam把他的鈴鼓丟向Noel Noel就暴怒 Noel:"I was in a fury. I left a little bit of me on that stage that night. After that night, it was more 'me and them' as opposed to 'us'." 然後Noel就去找了tour manager Maggie, 要了一些錢和護照說要回家就真的離開了 整個團隊一陣緊張 Liam:"He takes the money and runs. I remember some f***ing soppy note coming through the door, saying, like,'How can we go on like brothers?' It was like, 'F**k right off!' So that got rolled up and then another line of crystal meth went up the old f***ing tubular bells." Bonehead: "There's our songwriter gone. Sh*t! I think it's really over, innit?" 後來Maggie根據他的電話帳單等資訊猜到他在舊金山 "And then I noticed there was one number 415, and I thought, ah, San Francisco. We've just been to San Francisco and I knew that he had some little fling over there." 再來就是Noel講他的故事 他在某場演唱會上遇到這個女的 然後那天就打電會給他 那時他只想逃離那裏 於是就做了飛機到了舊金山 那段時間他也過得不太好 但在那樣的狀態下倒是創作了Talk Tonight (我超愛這首啊!!) "I don't know what the f**k I thought I was doing. I was just going to, like, disappear, you know. It was quite a traumatic time. But Talk Tonight was written about those few days and out of that came that great song. So it was meant to be." 接下來聽Noel演唱Talk Tonight超級有感覺啊 聲音又超棒的QQQ 總之歷經波折後樂團又團聚了 Noel:"I just needed a bit of time out, I guess. I may have been trying to teach somebody a lesson and failed miserably." 不知道為什麼聽到這段話嘴角不爭氣的上揚了XDD Mark Coyle表示這首歌顯現了Noel平常不會讓人看到的delicate side "He doesn't show these emotions ... apart from when you stick him behind the glass with a microphone, and then he can let this emotion loose that he's got and suddenly you can see /Noel/. You kind of see, almost, a little boy or summat, you know. Something very, very innocent and very pure. They're my favourite moments. It's like a door opens and a bit of light comes in, and then the door's shut again, you know, and he's calling you a twat." 很愛很愛這段啊 頭子感性的一面<3 然後是Some Might Say還有Tony離團 Noel說從錄Definitely Maybe的時候他們就花很多時間在喬鼓但總是喬不好 後來的歌也有很多問題 他就去跟Owen說:"That's the f***ing last time he's ever in the f***ing studio" 接著又講了一堆抱怨的話 隨著American Tour整件事惡化 雖然Bonehead有試著幫忙協調 叫Liam和Noel 'go easy on the guy' 接下來有段....充滿象徵意義的畫面配上團員們講述這件事的旁白 Tony:"I was quite a reserved guy. I think people might have looked at that as some kind of weakness, but no, I didn't want to be the leader. I'll sit back here and do me drums." 然後Noel就比喻這有點像"a pack of feral dogs exclude one puppy" Liam:"Our Kid, I just think, made his mind up, you know what I mean, and just didn't fancy him. 'He's not going to be able to do these next songs.' Or 'I don't want him to do it,' you know what I mean? Yeah, I mean, I'm gutted for him, but it is what it is, man." 後來Noel和Tony有場爭執 雙方都講了一些有點激烈的話 最後Noel讓Owen去跟Tony說想要他離開 然後找了Alan White進來 Tony: "I was shell-shocked. Still, to this day, it's with me. I think about it every day, believe it or not." 接下來有段講他們在錄音室的錄第二章專輯的故事 Owen講到Noel和Liam:"And they had this freaky thing where Noel would play the song once on an acoustic guitar in the control room to Liam, give him the words and he'd f***ing sing it. Noel would listen to it once to check Liam's got the phrasing for the entire song that he's only just heard the once. Noel would go, 'Nice one, Liam.'" 超喜歡這樣的小故事 關於兩兄弟這樣的合作無間XDD 還有他們也常常同時在看足球 後來還有段一群人玩滅火器玩的很嗨的片段XDD 覺得蠻幼稚但是也挺可愛的XD 結果後來有次Liam從pub帶了一些人回來 玩得有點瘋 剛好Noel又還在工作 然後不知道是誰又玩起了滅火器 (他們怎麼那麼愛玩滅火器..) Noel的吉他有點被弄壞 很不爽 兩兄弟就吵架 比以前吵的都更兇 Noel還用板球球棒擊Liam的頭 跳出窗外開車走 Liam突然出現拿個垃圾桶丟向車子 Alan White:"It can't be over, I've only just joined." L&N: "No, no, no, no. This is going to happen all the time." Alan: "F***ing hell, mate. What kind of f***ing band is this?" 看到這段覺得超好笑 他們兩個真的太有個性了XD 然後Noel就說 每次他們吵(打)架完 之後又會像什麼都沒發生一樣 一切都很正常 "We had a tour booked and we were rehearsing in Brixton Academy. It was all fine. Me and Guigs got a taxi home." 但接著突然話鋒一轉"The next day, Guigs just doesn't show up." 後來從Marcus那邊聽說Guigs想要離開 Bonehead:"What's happened to Guigs is he's had a bit of a f***ing breakdown. That's when you kick yourself, you know. When you're that blinkered that you couldn't stop and notice that your mate wasn't feeling right." Noel:"Any kind of chaos going on around, he would have shot down, do you know what I mean? Bass players are like that." Liam:"Guigs is a gentle soul ... He wasn't like me and Noel, or like Bonehead. You know, we were f***ing pretty mental." 結果後來暫時找來代替Guigs的standin bass player Scott又說要離開 (因為他想念他女友XD) Noel就說 怎麼我們的貝斯手不想跟我們一起演出 代替他的也不想 "we must be like, the biggest three c*nts in the world." 還好後來回到英國後 Guigs又重返Oasis和他們一起演出了 再來有段超級充滿brotherly love的一段 超級超級喜歡這樣的他們的啊!!! Noel:"Liam was always cooler than me, I think. He had a better walk and clothes looked better on him and he was taller, and he had a better haircut. And he was funnier. Liam clearly would have liked to have had my talent as a songwriter. And there's not a day goes by when I don't wish I could rock a parka like that man." Liam: "I know Noel thinks I'm doing okay. We didn't need to pat each other on the back and go, 'Oh, you're great.' Me and him are like telepathic, you know what I mean?" 然後還有Liam超級隨性的把啤酒放下然後突然親Noel 就覺得雖然以前也是吵但他們感情還是很好啊 還有那個telepathic 好希望他們能和好啊!!! 然後講到Noel怎麼開始唱歌的 他說他一開始也沒有想過 但Liam有時候會在演唱到一半的時候走下台 然後Noel就不得不接手 然後Noel說越這麼做 Liam就越覺得自己這樣沒關係XD Noel:"That's one of the reasons why I had to start doing vocals." 但Liam後來對於Noel唱accoustics也有表示:"When I'm allowed to do the job, then thing's good, yeah, I'm happy. When I'm not allowed to do the job, I'm not happy. He's a great f***ing songwriter and always will be, but singing's my gig. If you're going to start singing the f***ing songs as well as writing them, what am I doing, making the f***ing tea?" 接下來有一段關於各種上新聞還有引發爭議的部分XD 關於Brit Awards Noel說:"What does a Brit Award mean? F**k all. In the grand scheme of things, all that sh*t was irrelevant. Has-beens shouldn't present f***ing awards to gonna-bes." 其中一個評審:"This will ruin your career." Noel:"If anyone's going to ruin my career, it's going to be me, not you." 還有"The one voted for by the fans means a lot. Anything that's voted for by fans is special. Anything that's voted for by idiots, corporate pigs, means nothing to us. You know, because really the music, f**k all that. Writing songs is difficult. Talking sh*t is easy." 實在太愛這樣的Noel了XDD (喔然後Noel說Liam一個人應該要得最佳樂團獎因為他一個人就有七種人格之類的XD) 後來又有個因為談到毒品然後引發很多政治人物不滿XD "As soon as people realise that the majority of people in this country take drugs, then, I mean, the better off we'll all be ... You know, it's like getting up and having a cup of tea in the morning ... it's as common as having a cup of tea." 新聞媒體各種報導這句話 但Noel表示只要他們在頭版上 他才不介意新聞怎麼寫他們XD 後來關於Liam和Noel的父親也是有不少新聞 Tommy Gallagher有一段時間一直想要跟他成名的兒子們連絡上 發生一些事後Liam就不太爽 講了一些威脅的話後來上了報紙 Peggie:"He had no intentions of making up with them. That was his last thought, but of course he got paid from the News Of The World. And then, of course, it was all over the papers the next day. He's always said it was me and the three kids that ruined his life. But I would just like him to know that it wasn't us that ruined his life. He ruined his own life." 不過我特別喜歡的一段是Noel看到Liam快要爆發時一直要他冷靜 "Do not react" Paulo Hewitt:"To give Noel his due credit, he contained Liam because Liam would have gone for him and Noel protected his brother." Liam:"I probably got calmed down by Our Kid, I think." 整個覺得Noel是個好哥哥啊!!! 電影最後再度回到Knebworth那場經典的演唱會作為結尾 Noel在這邊講的旁白也超棒的 節錄幾段我很喜歡的:"This thing that we're all part of.It did feel like the end of something as opposed to the beginning of something. I had a sense of that, even at Knebworth ... that it was never going to happen again. That it happened in such a short space of time. Two-and-a-half years from signing off to walking out on that stage. It's just magic. We were a band who had the tunes, who were grafters, who came from nothing and wanted it all. We were the last. We were the greatest. Nothing anybody does could be as big as Oasis." "It was the pre-digital age. It was the pre-talent show, reality TV age. Things meant more. It was just a great time to be alive, never mind a great time to be in Oasis. We were about to enter into a celebrity-driven culture and I've always thought that it was the last, great gathering of the people before the birth of the Internet. It's no coincidence that things like that don't happen any more." "I just wanted it all, f***ing there and then, you know what I mean? I just wanted it all to happen in one big "f**k-off" explosion of madness. I loved every minute of it. It meant the be-all and end-all, man.Life or death. And I wouldn't change anything. I'd do it all again in a f***ing heartbeat." Second to last 是 Knebworth Gig上的Shampagne Supernova 那畫面整個超嗨超瘋狂的啊啊啊 真是羨慕那時候在場的人的 最後的結尾則是有Noel和Liam和Peggie的總結的旁白 (有幾段我聽的都要哭了orz) 配上Masterplan作結 Peggie有說:"I wish it had gone a different way,but it hasn't. It's caused a lot of problems with them two, but it's their life, so you have to just let them get on with it." Liam: "I get where she's coming from because obviously me and Our Kid ain't got a relationship any more." 聽了簡直很心碎啊當Liam這麼講時QQQ (不過他也有講就算當初沒組團然後去當了魚販之類的也一樣會打架XDDD) 抱歉好像不小心打太長了... 總之真的是超棒的一部紀錄片啊!!! 人不在台灣沒辦法和大家一起包場看 不過希望大家也會跟我一樣喜歡囉XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Oasis/M.1478970000.A.3A5.html ※ 編輯: britpopkid (, 11/13/2016 01:02:40

11/13 02:22, , 1F
11/13 02:22, 1F

11/13 10:58, , 2F
怕被雷先推 以後也考慮收DVD
11/13 10:58, 2F
※ 編輯: britpopkid (, 11/13/2016 13:28:52

11/13 13:51, , 3F
明天看完金馬再來看這篇XD 一定會買DVD收藏
11/13 13:51, 3F

11/13 19:33, , 4F
未看先推;) 謝謝你的分享哦!
11/13 19:33, 4F

11/13 19:54, , 5F
11/13 19:54, 5F

11/13 19:54, , 6F
11/13 19:54, 6F

11/13 19:54, , 7F
11/13 19:54, 7F

11/13 19:54, , 8F
11/13 19:54, 8F

11/13 23:39, , 9F
She raised Liam !
11/13 23:39, 9F
個人覺得這絕對值得買DVD收藏的XD 然後同意Blackbird大說的 他們的對話真的很白癡但又很有愛啊!!! 對照現在真的會看了有點感慨QQQ ※ 編輯: britpopkid (, 11/14/2016 09:52:18

11/15 02:07, , 10F
我是禮拜天場 先推!
11/15 02:07, 10F

11/15 20:07, , 11F
11/15 20:07, 11F

11/15 20:07, , 12F
片段真的會想跟著唱出來 XD (開頭還聽到石玫瑰的This Is
11/15 20:07, 12F

11/15 20:07, , 13F
The One算是個小驚喜)
11/15 20:07, 13F

11/21 00:46, , 14F
第二排看完 看得開心、唱得開心~~
11/21 00:46, 14F

12/25 11:35, , 15F
WOW 看完這篇好像重看了一次電影XD
12/25 11:35, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1O9qgGEb (Oasis)