Fw: [分享] 今日 MLB 賽事影片 (2013.07.31)

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※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1H-a8FRr ] 作者: miniblog (miniBlog) 站內: MLB 標題: [分享] 今日 MLB 賽事影片 (2013.07.31) 時間: Thu Aug 1 19:10:04 2013 華盛頓國民 (WSH) VS 底特律老虎 (DET) (1 : 11) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/EVhfMO http://goo.gl/4VeO7S Ace-off: Gonzalez vs. Verlander http://goo.gl/q9D5O5 http://goo.gl/Bm0KtC Hunter's solo dinger http://goo.gl/JKKb5i http://goo.gl/12U5xM Avila's two-run blast http://goo.gl/gdUjk6 http://goo.gl/aTUkCf Santiago's two-run double http://goo.gl/mvbJtu http://goo.gl/MtPe7E Nats turn two http://goo.gl/dkcc76 http://goo.gl/MtPe7E Nats turn two http://goo.gl/992QI2 http://goo.gl/DGHRkg Tigers' second five-run frame http://goo.gl/J2Ev1V http://goo.gl/07IZFZ Ohlendorf's early exit http://goo.gl/wPmQQW http://goo.gl/ktXPQK Werth's sac fly http://goo.gl/WQtxhd http://goo.gl/OsidIz Tigers' five-run second http://goo.gl/yOE8jI http://goo.gl/pkGfVc Hunter's RBI double http://goo.gl/YxO4md http://goo.gl/V9E8fC Hunter's big game http://goo.gl/KcdA8j http://goo.gl/5fCrrZ Verlander hangs tough http://goo.gl/7Xh8VC http://goo.gl/iV9bTy Recap: WSH 1, DET 11 http://goo.gl/LYfHk4 http://goo.gl/hPj9in Tigers on win over Nationals 辛辛那提紅人 (CIN) VS 聖地牙哥教士 (SD) (4 : 1) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/0gLFj7 http://goo.gl/l02mQI Phillips' solo shot http://goo.gl/o2eVZX http://goo.gl/TdXvZ6 Rivera's strong throw http://goo.gl/49j0dd http://goo.gl/w3yde0 Byrnes on Trade Deadline http://goo.gl/1rlHh5 http://goo.gl/MBSZXD Umpire checks on count http://goo.gl/9zlFmR http://goo.gl/DxmC39 Heisey's RBI single http://goo.gl/wkT33v http://goo.gl/0Vd2T0 Votto's two-run double http://goo.gl/fo1W29 http://goo.gl/6GWBkR Heisey's tough catch http://goo.gl/0NslK5 http://goo.gl/yrPclA Vincent picks off Bruce http://goo.gl/gFhlXO http://goo.gl/qidqlk Chapman earns his 25th save http://goo.gl/3cBAs0 http://goo.gl/AzrOcl Headley's RBI double http://goo.gl/Iet1KX http://goo.gl/6GWBkR Heisey's tough catch http://goo.gl/QTtcK8 http://goo.gl/qidqlk Chapman earns his 25th save http://goo.gl/4Zq7oq http://goo.gl/AzrOcl Headley's RBI double http://goo.gl/wzTsqf http://goo.gl/Wd8uSK Bailey's great start http://goo.gl/1LKtXj http://goo.gl/rHmXjb Reds turn two http://goo.gl/xx3Pbe http://goo.gl/ZbCQ44 Votto on Reds' win http://goo.gl/Lwm49z http://goo.gl/A3hPDV Recap: CIN 4, SD 1 http://goo.gl/11zJJH http://goo.gl/YCQLtY Black on Stults' start 多倫多藍鳥 (TOR) VS 奧克蘭運動家 (OAK) (5 : 2) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/q44kSI http://goo.gl/tBKws6 Lawrie's RBI single http://goo.gl/2iVtrJ http://goo.gl/NgL2M9 Sogard scores on error http://goo.gl/EK8Z3N http://goo.gl/C8sN4l Blue Jays score on passed ball http://goo.gl/pJWI4r http://goo.gl/fjhjTW Sogard scores on another error http://goo.gl/4MtDSL http://goo.gl/C8sN4l Blue Jays score on passed ball http://goo.gl/f8ca41 http://goo.gl/fjhjTW Sogard scores on another error http://goo.gl/Z7hvjR http://goo.gl/B0sbB3 A's turn two in the seventh http://goo.gl/Fo4OCP http://goo.gl/V7HlMJ Rasmus' two-run single http://goo.gl/k8vODN http://goo.gl/nHrNtf Bautista's RBI double http://goo.gl/roMBHj http://goo.gl/VfkKh9 Cecil's first career save http://goo.gl/rpdO2K http://goo.gl/WvL4nz Young's running grab http://goo.gl/vz4z7z http://goo.gl/H0Aej1 Dickey's quality start http://goo.gl/zn95Rn http://goo.gl/TmHLEA Colon's strong outing http://goo.gl/G6EWne http://goo.gl/O9mWtY Recap: TOR 5, OAK 2 - F/10 http://goo.gl/Hl5sFO http://goo.gl/UWJseD Dickey on Blue Jays' win http://goo.gl/Eg7gVO http://goo.gl/xZh9rt Melvin on Colon's outing 舊金山巨人 (SF) VS 費城費城人 (PHI) (9 : 2) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/nrcuaR http://goo.gl/Ov2GGz Kieschnick's first MLB hit http://goo.gl/FL1i1d http://goo.gl/J5aZYO Pill's two-run single http://goo.gl/kygNmT http://goo.gl/P0LVvi Panda's RBI single http://goo.gl/Aw9JRt http://goo.gl/Ov2GGz Kieschnick's first MLB hit http://goo.gl/0CleNR http://goo.gl/J5aZYO Pill's two-run single http://goo.gl/AiQwkk http://goo.gl/pr8l9B Utley's solo homer http://goo.gl/Vkt1gM http://goo.gl/juA67S Gaudin's RBI single http://goo.gl/ZYoRtw http://goo.gl/Dgg1JH Phanatic has fun with Giants http://goo.gl/WH98K8 http://goo.gl/QDTsU4 Pill's RBI single http://goo.gl/X0b4pB http://goo.gl/juA67S Gaudin's RBI single http://goo.gl/tNUgbs http://goo.gl/klh9bX Kieschnick's RBI single http://goo.gl/r0NI8n http://goo.gl/v4EwVU Crawford's solo homer http://goo.gl/34EGKY http://goo.gl/rdn2pZ Pill's solo shot http://goo.gl/RHZko4 http://goo.gl/0tUeC8 Asche's diving stop http://goo.gl/IxVoOV http://goo.gl/ZXtqRn Utley's RBI groundout http://goo.gl/G4dae1 http://goo.gl/m0s9yf Chisholm's first pitch http://goo.gl/8o0qR5 http://goo.gl/yo5MbW Fan snags ball in his hat http://goo.gl/rOaPnf http://goo.gl/aFklUw Phillies turn two http://goo.gl/MGZKnJ http://goo.gl/m4pTsq Sandoval's injury http://goo.gl/rdOqSC http://goo.gl/GtE781 Giants play trick on Kieschnick http://goo.gl/aiHTUN http://goo.gl/1FjKEZ Amaro on Phillies at deadline http://goo.gl/OAWVqg http://goo.gl/JhRfHG Globetrotter's first 'pitch' http://goo.gl/wzpb1v http://goo.gl/lbJjgC Pill's four-RBI game http://goo.gl/8MYQai http://goo.gl/SZZ55p Gaudin's solid outing http://goo.gl/SfJ3RB http://goo.gl/arSrWy Valdes' scoreless relief http://goo.gl/ZGynEr http://goo.gl/gjo7d2 Kieschnick on Major League debut http://goo.gl/Jhxmbx http://goo.gl/Y9IY84 Manuel on Kendrick's outing 聖路易紅雀 (STL) VS 匹茲堡海盜 (PIT) (4 : 5) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/1wij8t http://goo.gl/j1iGNi Holliday's RBI single http://goo.gl/uUuMqP http://goo.gl/j1iGNi Holliday's RBI single http://goo.gl/xXhQCj http://goo.gl/lKUPwp Descalso's RBI single http://goo.gl/K0xmzf http://goo.gl/l5dBNO Alvarez's RBI single http://goo.gl/dKtDtI http://goo.gl/PosU9E Holliday's reviewed single http://goo.gl/6wJk1l http://goo.gl/dfhkd5 Barmes' run-scoring double http://goo.gl/gltsTc http://goo.gl/aNgvO7 Walker's solo jack http://goo.gl/2KYIyu http://goo.gl/pvzpCp Cardinals turn double play http://goo.gl/lx2Aqe http://goo.gl/KDKlNA Barmes' RBI double http://goo.gl/EZiHbE http://goo.gl/ODvps4 Martin's go-ahead RBI single http://goo.gl/wKirqB http://goo.gl/aEPPwz Cruz cuts down Martin http://goo.gl/nSCkkg http://goo.gl/2tBrQE McCutchen's sacrifice fly http://goo.gl/VwviYg http://goo.gl/dCVMfe Melancon shuts the door http://goo.gl/CnnIQt http://goo.gl/PosU9E Holliday's reviewed single http://goo.gl/rlyKmq http://goo.gl/DOQfWI Martin on clutch single http://goo.gl/Z3YWhd http://goo.gl/WSW9hL Cruz's RBI grounder http://goo.gl/an8m1X http://goo.gl/ZdlfK7 Cardinals turn two in sixth http://goo.gl/HcJOnX http://goo.gl/zDWJAV Holliday's RBI single http://goo.gl/mh7Cwd http://goo.gl/aNgvO7 Walker's solo jack http://goo.gl/VygJze http://goo.gl/xllA3S Huntington on Trade Deadline http://goo.gl/XIim3L http://goo.gl/IGj861 Recap: STL 4, PIT 5 http://goo.gl/XA0s4k http://goo.gl/JBPaqw Descalso's heads-up play http://goo.gl/zbeIfs http://goo.gl/Wj3rr7 Bucs on win vs. Cardinals 紐約大都會 (NYM) VS 邁阿密馬林魚 (MIA) (2 : 3) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/Q6M2DY http://goo.gl/p3v9Cr Alvarez's nice glove flip http://goo.gl/YxTQuM http://goo.gl/HzbqM4 Marisnick's first career homer http://goo.gl/ujRtmS http://goo.gl/8P8cJx Murphy's great diving stop http://goo.gl/0cQYSP http://goo.gl/D9Cuf9 Young's reviewed triple http://goo.gl/Qn6NiH http://goo.gl/IEHKHN Marlins' slick double play http://goo.gl/vsQznQ http://goo.gl/ZZXkkd Davis' RBI double http://goo.gl/n8PWPh http://goo.gl/2oRDTK Polanco's diving stop http://goo.gl/BiahDF http://goo.gl/IEHKHN Marlins' slick double play http://goo.gl/Ozkhe0 http://goo.gl/30e2xq Harvey on Mets' pitching http://goo.gl/pZFwDf http://goo.gl/UHQp9T Murphy turns two http://goo.gl/Byw6di http://goo.gl/o5WfBe Wright's stolen base http://goo.gl/RUDwTY http://goo.gl/fx8bfw Dunn closes out Mets http://goo.gl/JcPUAP http://goo.gl/CmZCEy Fan on catching Marisnick homer http://goo.gl/0tNfWZ http://goo.gl/vqRXDF Mejia's solid outing http://goo.gl/RNoZ5D http://goo.gl/lS29LO Alvarez earns second win http://goo.gl/br876l http://goo.gl/qY8uae Rice's lights-out relief http://goo.gl/KmjIXJ http://goo.gl/l5saMQ Marlins on win vs. Mets http://goo.gl/aVpJuW http://goo.gl/spUul7 Marlins on Qualls' tumble http://goo.gl/EiOcBW http://goo.gl/o5rJHv Minervini on Trade Deadline http://goo.gl/n7DCYl http://goo.gl/i66S8m Fan on getting Marisnick's homer http://goo.gl/SFVUPG http://goo.gl/EWUcGz Redmond on win vs. Mets 科羅拉多落磯 (COL) VS 亞特蘭大勇士 (ATL) (0 : 9) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/Ftasfb http://goo.gl/9IqNya Freeman's RBI single http://goo.gl/e2UMk2 http://goo.gl/NNChDQ CarGo nails Uggla at the dish http://goo.gl/hm3AuJ http://goo.gl/wjC0KE Freeman's second RBI single http://goo.gl/j0Wmo8 http://goo.gl/RBFUlZ Minor's RBI single http://goo.gl/HPuUT7 http://goo.gl/uqF8bF Gattis' RBI single http://goo.gl/WMfJuh http://goo.gl/NmD430 McCann's three-run blast http://goo.gl/ZOSkBg http://goo.gl/RBFUlZ Minor's RBI single http://goo.gl/PJl2wF http://goo.gl/uqF8bF Gattis' RBI single http://goo.gl/BJjhqz http://goo.gl/NmD430 McCann's three-run blast http://goo.gl/ZH3t5N http://goo.gl/eqdXrw Rosario's heads-up play http://goo.gl/PhssaA http://goo.gl/PNcdfl Fan falls going for foul ball http://goo.gl/d2VpeZ http://goo.gl/mXwBuJ J. Upton on Braves' win http://goo.gl/dwjWwV http://goo.gl/Q4hZll Freeman's four hits http://goo.gl/PyxmBf http://goo.gl/JGHALn Johnson's RBI infield hit http://goo.gl/vrFEAI http://goo.gl/lcelYP Minor keeps Rox scoreless http://goo.gl/T5qc2V http://goo.gl/cwTuij Arenado's strong throw http://goo.gl/fBMOiE http://goo.gl/GJwjIr Braves' seven-run third inning http://goo.gl/f4Aj9c http://goo.gl/lvCXzv Culberson's family in stands http://goo.gl/YscMMM http://goo.gl/cVtPXx Ump hit by pitch, leaves game http://goo.gl/joLwi8 http://goo.gl/bt5S7I McCann nabs Fowler at second http://goo.gl/TlJIae http://goo.gl/Dmwg8i Recap: COL 0, ATL 9 http://goo.gl/prKio0 http://goo.gl/RJ8S8o McCann does it with bat, glove http://goo.gl/v4rhJv http://goo.gl/jcUjNE CarGo injured after at-bat http://goo.gl/hshVZ6 http://goo.gl/fVRpQO Minor on win over Rockies http://goo.gl/qHGMmi http://goo.gl/1FY4o9 Gonzalez on club's performance 休士頓太空人 (HOU) VS 巴爾的摩金鶯 (BAL) (11 : 0) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/KTZ89b http://goo.gl/XLcM4t Dominguez's RBI single http://goo.gl/07JITH http://goo.gl/99Wi3m Barnes' RBI double http://goo.gl/iNFFLc http://goo.gl/WFCdf8 Grossman's first career homer http://goo.gl/VmsB1h http://goo.gl/Mo5jE8 Castro's grand slam http://goo.gl/SXuDBb http://goo.gl/7Htrgg Showalter on adding Norris http://goo.gl/2Yghwt http://goo.gl/8OVKGl Davis' nice grab http://goo.gl/n1irg1 http://goo.gl/NH6Pe0 Oberholtzer's nice play http://goo.gl/RsXbRZ http://goo.gl/Mo5jE8 Castro's grand slam http://goo.gl/HtV5X0 http://goo.gl/pCqKQB Dominguez's solo homer http://goo.gl/dlAJtB http://goo.gl/pCqKQB Dominguez's solo homer http://goo.gl/kIo18t http://goo.gl/hps5Wi McLouth's sliding grab http://goo.gl/aiyHqR http://goo.gl/K0Y9RD Cisnero gets flyout to end game http://goo.gl/5NJIhs http://goo.gl/HrTtpN Hoes' first Astros at-bat http://goo.gl/3w3de7 http://goo.gl/eh7z0T Wallace's RBI single http://goo.gl/FUkChu http://goo.gl/W3Z1Cf Lo's first career strikeout http://goo.gl/u7fjFB http://goo.gl/dZpDXO Dominguez's four-hit game http://goo.gl/4iAXAy http://goo.gl/AVaOup Oberholtzer's first win http://goo.gl/azHMIk http://goo.gl/u6jIL6 Matusz's strong relief http://goo.gl/dX2kQs http://goo.gl/Z1djuR Astros battery on win over O's http://goo.gl/e2J4Vc http://goo.gl/zg3QkY Castro on facing Norris http://goo.gl/jXbM0B http://goo.gl/jiuaSB Recap: HOU 11, BAL 0 芝加哥白襪 (CWS) VS 克里夫蘭印地安人 (CLE) (5 : 6) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/9g6dA9 http://goo.gl/pwdZC0 Kipnis' RBI groundout http://goo.gl/QXW7Jk http://goo.gl/4NnFj3 Brantley's RBI double http://goo.gl/6AZIKg http://goo.gl/4NnFj3 Brantley's RBI double http://goo.gl/CbJjko http://goo.gl/wHU4vg Dunn's RBI single http://goo.gl/mwuaqi http://goo.gl/RYDqYq Santana's RBI double http://goo.gl/uhcfTb http://goo.gl/WMgAVH Rios' RBI single http://goo.gl/J0GZ4H http://goo.gl/YiSZIn Reynolds' terrific stop http://goo.gl/H5MWG0 http://goo.gl/Vz6DGL Ramirez's RBI double http://goo.gl/FofbPy http://goo.gl/wHU4vg Dunn's RBI single http://goo.gl/g79PDt http://goo.gl/A4g3Sk Keppinger's go-ahead single http://goo.gl/MVzsoE http://goo.gl/A4g3Sk Keppinger's go-ahead single http://goo.gl/4iQ1ug http://goo.gl/VXGkOm Kipnis' game-tying sac fly http://goo.gl/Hw4JLD http://goo.gl/VXGkOm Kipnis' game-tying sac fly http://goo.gl/USc62h http://goo.gl/M5KTjj Santana's walk-off homer http://goo.gl/IFNFuk http://goo.gl/ZMhwfS Sox lose on walk-off homer http://goo.gl/ghGJNz http://goo.gl/ceNh6M Bourn's sac fly http://goo.gl/7vsjx3 http://goo.gl/9hDGog Kluber's solid start http://goo.gl/wzj20h http://goo.gl/K7KJSY Recap: CWS 5, CLE 6 - F/10 http://goo.gl/mbS8eU http://goo.gl/qiaBk2 Brantley on walk-off win 西雅圖水手 (SEA) VS 波士頓紅襪 (BOS) (4 : 5) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/JlRxhd http://goo.gl/iW8WdZ Iwakuma's huge glove flip http://goo.gl/JZ93Lq http://goo.gl/KUsDpV Iwakuma escapes jam http://goo.gl/Yr8wVW http://goo.gl/RJNSgM Seager's RBI double http://goo.gl/FPqYjG http://goo.gl/RJNSgM Seager's RBI double http://goo.gl/cZPifw http://goo.gl/nfFBdI Pedroia's RBI forceout http://goo.gl/wPXu4z http://goo.gl/d8W6xf Holt scores on an error http://goo.gl/R9nCKc http://goo.gl/sfQIr1 Ibanez's RBI single http://goo.gl/QcXC3e http://goo.gl/saVR7U Seager's solo homer http://goo.gl/Y9vy6l http://goo.gl/zH0b3S Pedroia's two-run shot http://goo.gl/IbQOxt http://goo.gl/JcK4g1 Ellsbury's sliding catch http://goo.gl/D38gH8 http://goo.gl/d8W6xf Holt scores on an error http://goo.gl/uNJc1I http://goo.gl/JcK4g1 Ellsbury's sliding catch http://goo.gl/REnHcL http://goo.gl/QtmRj7 M. Saunders nabs Snyder at home http://goo.gl/oikPej http://goo.gl/oXdAzp Gomes' unique double play http://goo.gl/LwAZi4 http://goo.gl/rW8gDG Snyder doubles in the 14th http://goo.gl/uL8uWV http://goo.gl/odxM7r Drew's walk-off single http://goo.gl/UXteZs http://goo.gl/rW8gDG Snyder doubles in the 14th http://goo.gl/UMWxJu http://goo.gl/QtmRj7 M. Saunders nabs Snyder at home http://goo.gl/VkdYqm http://goo.gl/odxM7r Drew's walk-off single http://goo.gl/hfifHQ http://goo.gl/oXdAzp Gomes' unique double play http://goo.gl/ZhhKC7 http://goo.gl/EDPWhL Ellsbury reaches on error http://goo.gl/WamaQt http://goo.gl/uTjY03 Morales' sacrifice fly http://goo.gl/L8FMJ6 http://goo.gl/CMlYpD Drew on walk-off single http://goo.gl/RNaxUN http://goo.gl/4MyWyh Perez's unexpected pitch http://goo.gl/fkjztl http://goo.gl/OVOr87 Holt's great defense http://goo.gl/aCPQ4y http://goo.gl/DQ0Mqf Pedroia's sliding stop http://goo.gl/U6Lv5M http://goo.gl/cfHWDW Mariners fall in the 15th http://goo.gl/ia915g http://goo.gl/ajoMty Lackey's strong start http://goo.gl/tcs921 http://goo.gl/1SgxIO Ibanez returns fan's sunglasses http://goo.gl/OHLFnz http://goo.gl/NsrH2M Britton earns first career win http://goo.gl/AS7wob http://goo.gl/sdAHCW Must C: Cannon http://goo.gl/YJSz4k http://goo.gl/pcq1FB Farrell on winning in extras http://goo.gl/qN3XWg http://goo.gl/Q66l17 Recap: SEA 4, BOS 5 - F/15 亞利桑那響尾蛇 (ARI) VS 坦帕灣光芒 (TB) (7 : 0) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/1M4ibM http://goo.gl/ODY1lc Ross' two-run single http://goo.gl/KA4TpC http://goo.gl/nfERdh Hill's tough play at second http://goo.gl/sDjSLn http://goo.gl/JYMEM4 Chavez's two-run jack http://goo.gl/hMbsDR http://goo.gl/JYMEM4 Chavez's two-run jack http://goo.gl/QlJa5Y http://goo.gl/vszk4x Chavez's RBI single http://goo.gl/LiFdqf http://goo.gl/vszk4x Chavez's RBI single http://goo.gl/5LlGx3 http://goo.gl/jszXXY Bell's big strikeout http://goo.gl/nDvIwD http://goo.gl/uxugkz Bell's big strikeout http://goo.gl/JlXt8Y http://goo.gl/INdl0g Goldschmidt's solo homer http://goo.gl/0noAGx http://goo.gl/wF3i8H Parra's RBI single http://goo.gl/vepbES http://goo.gl/hoFBfB Pennington's sliding catch http://goo.gl/29i2sW http://goo.gl/vb4WfS Prado's game-ending catch http://goo.gl/7mKuDJ http://goo.gl/si9MMA GM Towers on Trade Deadline http://goo.gl/I4zHj2 http://goo.gl/ru9rJ0 Moore talks about his DL trip http://goo.gl/4iwPuJ http://goo.gl/CgbBnI Crain on joining the Rays http://goo.gl/rdeZug http://goo.gl/hnlGNi Rays turn two in seventh http://goo.gl/eUAlzz http://goo.gl/nfERdh Hill's tough play at second http://goo.gl/lCgfFW http://goo.gl/5IzP6y Miley's eight strikeouts http://goo.gl/8Y2Nkv http://goo.gl/VsVCx0 Rays' fine double play in fourth http://goo.gl/fSxrGu http://goo.gl/FB5egf Recap: ARI 7, TB 0 密爾瓦基釀酒人 (MIL) VS 芝加哥小熊 (CHC) (1 : 6) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/JZrB5C http://goo.gl/yxlmaU Castro's solo shot http://goo.gl/hwDUkP http://goo.gl/cyr3mL Rizzo's two-run blast http://goo.gl/LkdLeX http://goo.gl/9sVEy9 Borbon nabs Lucroy at home http://goo.gl/duqgtr http://goo.gl/oxc3Q9 DeJesus' RBI single http://goo.gl/HxfcFc http://goo.gl/Cu479k Schierholtz's nice diving snag http://goo.gl/jPV4Ib http://goo.gl/SQxnwk DeJesus' two-run single http://goo.gl/Yj2G8X http://goo.gl/E7ZjZ7 Lucroy's RBI double http://goo.gl/wvNi7P http://goo.gl/SQxnwk DeJesus' two-run single http://goo.gl/CkLRLS http://goo.gl/E7ZjZ7 Lucroy's RBI double http://goo.gl/ID3ECz http://goo.gl/YqOeLI Lucroy's fielding error http://goo.gl/28WMlX http://goo.gl/6Kc5bv Wooten's 1-2-3 eighth inning http://goo.gl/QJcnO1 http://goo.gl/3ThcxD Jackson's strong outing http://goo.gl/QfiZOm http://goo.gl/u5MzZg Rizzo's mom joins the booth http://goo.gl/sxGMis http://goo.gl/12y09z E. Jackson on win http://goo.gl/ThPkEt http://goo.gl/gWu4tM Sveum on Jackson's start http://goo.gl/Ucuoec http://goo.gl/4qJeCP Recap: MIL 1, CHC 6 洛杉磯天使 (LAA) VS 德州遊騎兵 (TEX) (1 : 2) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/kNMkrR http://goo.gl/VQ1BAf Cowgill throws out Martin http://goo.gl/YmCiMd http://goo.gl/Sjl5wr Cruz's solo blast http://goo.gl/G1bZwW http://goo.gl/VQ1BAf Cowgill throws out Martin http://goo.gl/VZoX60 http://goo.gl/jTNKxQ Hamilton's solo shot http://goo.gl/MrO2kP http://goo.gl/vOCUgw Scheppers escapes the jam http://goo.gl/ro7nGn http://goo.gl/vOCUgw Scheppers escapes jam http://goo.gl/BuK4P5 http://goo.gl/KjC6Qv Beltre's walk-off blast http://goo.gl/zByN0P http://goo.gl/JI91qk Iannetta picks off Andrus http://goo.gl/fU9rS0 http://goo.gl/KjC6Qv Beltre's walk-off blast http://goo.gl/49hEzx http://goo.gl/4DoZjE Angels fall on Beltre's walk-off http://goo.gl/d4wWCq http://goo.gl/OYMd6v Beltre chats after walk-off http://goo.gl/92reTG http://goo.gl/D5LWVn Williams' quality start http://goo.gl/7aAXJo http://goo.gl/VyDitK Recap: LAA 1, TEX 2 http://goo.gl/OAtBwf http://goo.gl/ofwGbE Perez's solid start http://goo.gl/DC9RXY http://goo.gl/7QvoVo Rangers on win vs. Angels http://goo.gl/LSgoA3 http://goo.gl/s5bmDp Washington on Beltre's homer 堪薩斯城皇家 (KC) VS 明尼蘇達雙城 (MIN) (4 : 3) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/2z4NhC http://goo.gl/8605fT Tejada's RBI single http://goo.gl/NyD7zg http://goo.gl/s1SmUQ Florimon's solo blast http://goo.gl/oi1Dit http://goo.gl/5m8oqq Perez's heads-up play http://goo.gl/Zmg2f0 http://goo.gl/NGKGpg Florimon's great play http://goo.gl/YqElnE http://goo.gl/NGKGpg Florimon's great play http://goo.gl/tTXTWU http://goo.gl/iR4zSw Lough's sliding snag http://goo.gl/OotlwP http://goo.gl/grI0OK Plouffe's RBI double http://goo.gl/BZOxiy http://goo.gl/HZrrbh Butler's RBI single http://goo.gl/EwQOU4 http://goo.gl/iR4zSw Lough's sliding snag http://goo.gl/9jxhFE http://goo.gl/KgQGYz Holland shuts the door http://goo.gl/b1Ie9W http://goo.gl/KgQGYz Holland shuts the door http://goo.gl/43FCeb http://goo.gl/GiDxpG Correia nails Tejada at the dish http://goo.gl/Rdg1Cm http://goo.gl/yp9Sj2 Herrmann throws out Hosmer http://goo.gl/YIOtQV http://goo.gl/grI0OK Plouffe's RBI double http://goo.gl/8vYsWs http://goo.gl/idLZo5 Gordon's triple http://goo.gl/AFXBnQ http://goo.gl/vNgChe Mauer throws out Lough http://goo.gl/IFQdgi http://goo.gl/7sQ4Oy Butler's sacrifice fly http://goo.gl/ZW8vuj http://goo.gl/DK55ay Gordon scores on costly error http://goo.gl/NnRRnG http://goo.gl/kyfiEL Herrmann's bases-loaded walk http://goo.gl/GQ6Ua3 http://goo.gl/t3ZFV7 Correia's solid outing http://goo.gl/r394hz http://goo.gl/0N0EFp Guthrie's solid start http://goo.gl/WNvNfk http://goo.gl/5gfkww Crow escapes the jam http://goo.gl/dFThdQ http://goo.gl/HtjcEH Recap: KC 4, MIN 3 http://goo.gl/Fi7R30 http://goo.gl/3PvKJC Guthrie on his win vs. Twins http://goo.gl/KNZodG http://goo.gl/OJLEPF Yost on Royals' performance 紐約洋基 (NYY) VS 洛杉磯道奇 (LAD) (3 : 0) >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/ZwZVaH http://goo.gl/lyqmLD Ace-off: Kuroda vs. Kershaw http://goo.gl/k9ho6T http://goo.gl/7ZlpYW Schumaker's leaping grab http://goo.gl/pVG2H4 http://goo.gl/DprB1p Jeter's diving catch http://goo.gl/gnKIKt http://goo.gl/QgFW6t Wells throws out Gonzalez http://goo.gl/yK1cWu http://goo.gl/DprB1p Jeter's diving catch http://goo.gl/7ba6nT http://goo.gl/6rnDR5 Overbay's go-ahead single http://goo.gl/kaemWr http://goo.gl/QgFW6t Wells throws out Adrian http://goo.gl/coqhWR http://goo.gl/gP1Zei Ichiro, Overbay score on error http://goo.gl/hcRTe5 http://goo.gl/6rnDR5 Overbay's go-ahead single http://goo.gl/NI12n5 http://goo.gl/gP1Zei Ichiro, Overbay score on error http://goo.gl/ptKAzf http://goo.gl/Si06Ff Scully on Mo's career http://goo.gl/wSb6sB http://goo.gl/FOaHP5 Rivera earns the save http://goo.gl/JAK5PM http://goo.gl/5gVVGD Mattingly tossed http://goo.gl/z4aYKG http://goo.gl/LFTL15 Puig plays soccer with Ronaldo http://goo.gl/YIbF7l http://goo.gl/HxbFBx CC on deck http://goo.gl/SMcpwP http://goo.gl/doVBs1 Kuroda's terrific start http://goo.gl/FPKeMN http://goo.gl/ExTLjw Samuel L. Jackson reads lineups http://goo.gl/fAhBuH http://goo.gl/QKbro8 Adrian's leaping grab http://goo.gl/TCLpNS http://goo.gl/v1ozYo Kobe, Magic at the ballpark http://goo.gl/YBx43R http://goo.gl/0MBXiI Kershaw's stellar start http://goo.gl/MA5OhN http://goo.gl/7ZlpYW Schumaker's leaping grab http://goo.gl/RyuA7I http://goo.gl/L8QQjN Sam Jackson visits with Dodgers http://goo.gl/duA04Z http://goo.gl/EfaAhB Yanks on win vs. Dodgers http://goo.gl/A0Of8S http://goo.gl/eOTc6D Mattingly on loss vs. Yankees http://goo.gl/Tj2mJG http://goo.gl/HNjUPn Recap: NYY 3, LAD 0 特殊影音 >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< http://goo.gl/7Xh8VC http://goo.gl/iV9bTy Recap: WSH 1, DET 11 http://goo.gl/Lwm49z http://goo.gl/A3hPDV Recap: CIN 4, SD 1 http://goo.gl/G6EWne http://goo.gl/O9mWtY Recap: TOR 5, OAK 2 - F/10 http://goo.gl/XIim3L http://goo.gl/IGj861 Recap: STL 4, PIT 5 http://goo.gl/TlJIae http://goo.gl/Dmwg8i Recap: COL 0, ATL 9 http://goo.gl/jXbM0B http://goo.gl/jiuaSB Recap: HOU 11, BAL 0 http://goo.gl/wzj20h http://goo.gl/K7KJSY Recap: CWS 5, CLE 6 - F/10 http://goo.gl/qN3XWg http://goo.gl/Q66l17 Recap: SEA 4, BOS 5 - F/15 http://goo.gl/fSxrGu http://goo.gl/FB5egf Recap: ARI 7, TB 0 http://goo.gl/Ucuoec http://goo.gl/4qJeCP Recap: MIL 1, CHC 6 http://goo.gl/7aAXJo http://goo.gl/VyDitK Recap: LAA 1, TEX 2 http://goo.gl/dFThdQ http://goo.gl/HtjcEH Recap: KC 4, MIN 3 http://goo.gl/Tj2mJG http://goo.gl/HNjUPn Recap: NYY 3, LAD 0 http://goo.gl/OVNOFz http://goo.gl/4zCalR 2013-08-01 Top 5 Plays of the Day http://goo.gl/U6Kyxr http://goo.gl/4SsBX2 2013-08-01 快速掃描 http://goo.gl/G4vQVX http://goo.gl/P8RZ1F 2013-08-01 守備精華 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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1, 2名都好準噢!!!!!
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08/01 19:59, 5F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Lacos0918 (, 時間: 08/01/2013 20:02:45
文章代碼(AID): #1H-avdjB (Orioles)