[轉錄][新聞] 戰神五大歸宿

看板Orl-Magic作者 (leon)時間14年前 (2010/06/24 12:46), 編輯推噓5(5013)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1C8iGY6a ] 作者: sampsonlu919 (笑容後的我其實並不快樂) 看板: NBA 標題: [新聞] 戰神五大歸宿 時間: Thu Jun 24 10:34:07 2010 http://www.nba.com.tw/news/article/2010-06-23/40320/40455 戰神五大歸宿:加盟山貓投恩師 落戶魔術拼冠軍 發表時間:2010-06-23 艾佛森(Allen Iverson)最近傳出開始積極進行訓練,為下個球季的復出 進行準備。《DIME雜誌》專欄作家史威尼(Sean Sweeney)指出「戰神」 在下個球季最有可能的五個去處。在史威尼看來,由於艾佛森雖然在2009-10球季 重返費城,但是卻因為突發事件導致離隊而使得雙方的合作上可能留有陰影, 所以他認為「答案」不大可能會重返七六人。 5 NBA TEAMS THAT COULD USE ALLEN IVERSON BY SEAN SWEENEY http://dimemag.com/2010/06/5-nba-teams-that-could-use-allen-iverson/ 1、夏洛特山貓 Charlotte For a while last season, the Bobcats were considered the most logical landing point for Iverson. From a basketball standpoint, the move makes perfect sense. Not only is there the Larry Brown connection, but the Bobcats were swept out of the first round this year because of offensive problems. Against the Orlando Magic in the first round, they averaged just 85 points a game and clearly lacked shot-makers on the offensive end. If Iverson came here, he would play significant minutes – with or without Raymond Felton – on a team who’s outstanding defense could offset Iverson’s shortcomings on that end. His warrior mentality would fit right in with guys like Gerald Wallace and Stephen Jackson. Plus, with a team that has struggled to maintain stability in the front office, Iverson would provide a needed boost for ticket sales and revenue. This team’s potential still isn’t very high, but with Iverson they would at least be relevant. 事實上在 2009-10球季的時候山貓就已經考慮是否要引進艾佛森了, 站在籃球的角度上這個選擇無疑是完美的,因為恩師布朗(Larry Brown) 是艾佛森最相信的幾名教練之一,而且山貓之所以在今年首輪出局就是 因為進攻端上的貧乏。若是艾佛森能夠加盟的話, 那麼無論費爾頓(Raymond Felton)是否留隊,他肯定都能獲得足夠多的 出場時間,這也能夠讓山貓全隊的進攻就會得到改觀。 山貓的奪冠潛力並不是很大,但是有了艾佛森的話他們的競爭力也會隨之上升。 2、亞特蘭大老鷹 Atlanta By most accounts, Iverson loves the ATL. He makes his home there in the summer and seems to enjoy the vibe of the city. The team is in a conundrum at the moment: they are good, but not quite good enough. Their second round meltdown against the Magic confirmed that. With Joe Johnson halfway out the door, the Hawks could really use someone who can create from the perimeter. While a tag team of Jamal Crawford and Iverson might create a lot of over-dribbling and ugly contested jump shots, it would give the Hawks another guy who can make a play at the end of the shot clock. T his past season, that was strictly the domain of just two people: Johnson and Crawford. Iverson could also help sell some tickets for an arena that definitely needs a few extra butts in the seats. But honestly, Atlanta could bring MJ out of retirement and people still probably wouldn’t show up. 之所以會有這份考慮,是因為艾佛森非常喜歡亞特蘭大這座城市, 在夏天的時候他總會待在亞特蘭大的家裡,並且享受著這座城市的氛圍。 老鷹當家後衛強森(Joe Johnson)有可能會在今年夏天走人, 這個時候他們就需要一名能夠提供足夠進攻火力的球員, 此外,艾佛森的到來也勢必會引爆老鷹的球迷市場, 畢竟這支球隊雖然出色但是球票銷售狀況並不十分樂觀。 3、紐約尼克 New York At this point, the Knicks have just four active players on their roster. We really don’t have a clue what they will look like come training camp. They could sign LeBron and D-Wade and become a world superpower…or they could overpay Carlos Boozer and Joe Johnson and cry for David Stern to fix the next Lottery. Considering they have a gaping whole at the point guard spot and employ the type of system that he could thrive in, Iverson actually might make some sense. He would fit next to two wing players, Wilson Chandler and Danilo Gallinari, who aren’t ball-stoppers. Head coach Mike D’Antoni’s system is obviously a huge draw as well. Who doesn’t want to see their stats take a huge jump? Iverson would need to be paired up with another point guard, preferably a bigger one, who could defend and hit outside jumpers. That way, they could spell one another to create a different dynamic. Iverson in New York? It really doesn’t sound that bad. 目前尼克陣容當中實際上只有4名球員是有合約的,他們的目的就是希望能夠 簽下詹姆士(LeBron James)或者是韋德(Dwyane Wade)這樣的超級巨星, 努力打造一支總冠軍級的隊伍。當然,除了這兩人之外,其他的自由球員 如布瑟(Carlos Boozer)、強森(Joe Johnson)也都會是他們的目標。 但是尼克依然缺少一名出色的控衛,因此艾佛森也有可能會是他們搜尋的目標。 4、奧蘭多魔術 Orlando For all of their talent, the Magic really missed Hedo Turkoglu’s playmaking in the conference finals against the Boston Celtics. Iverson was always known as a gunner, but has the ability to get his teammates shots. He could play with Dwight Howard, who would get his back on one end and finish his lobs on the other. The major issue with this move would be whether Iverson could stomach not only a bench role, but being the fourth or fifth offensive option. And I don’t know if Stan and AI could co-exist. But, he would make for a nice change of pace off the bench. And perhaps Iveron’s gritty attitude could help rub off on some of these guys whose toughness seemed lacking when they faced Boston. For a team like the Magic, it would be a low-risk move knowing that Iverson should come cheap and would never play a large part on their team. 魔術陣容當中充滿著天賦出眾的球員,但是他們在沒有特克魯(Hedo Turkoglu) 的情況下還是在季後賽裡輸給了塞爾提克。艾佛森是籃球場上著名的得分手, 他和霍華(Dwight Howard)搭檔的話那麼無疑會進一步釋放這支球隊的進攻火力。 不過最大的問題在於,如果「答案」加盟魔術的話,那麼極有可能要接受替補 的角色,而且應該是球隊的第四號,甚至是第五號進攻選擇。 5、波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Iverson was very close to donning the green via a trade during the 2006 NBA Draft. But at this point in both his career and in the Celtics’ current state, this might end up being the best scenario. This is a veteran team that would force Iverson to fall in line. Doc Rivers may be the best coach in the entire League at handling headstrong and egotistical veterans and Boston’s championship pedigree would draw the respect of Iverson. The one problem would be Rajon Rondo. Moving forward, this is his team and starting next year, it’s in the Celtics’ best interests to get his minutes up to around 37-38 a game. Is having Iverson around for those few extra minutes really worth it? The two tiny guards won’t be able to play together, so it’ll be hard to convince Bubba Chuck to take a vastly smaller role. Two years ago, Iverson would’ve made perfect sense here. Now? It’s a much more cloudy picture. The city of Boston doesn’t seem like a type of place where Iverson would fit in. But, they appreciate winners and hard workers in New England so who knows? 在2006年的選秀大會上,艾佛森幾乎被交易到塞爾提克。 綠衫軍是一支老將雲集的球隊,艾佛森在這支球隊當中的地位恐怕不會很高。 瑞佛斯(Doc Rivers)帶領這樣一支既老又傷的球隊殺入到總決賽當中,無疑是 2009-10球季最優秀的總教練,因此艾佛森也肯定會對他懷有足夠的尊重。 不過最大的問題在於朗多(Rajon Rondo)無疑是球隊主力培養的控衛, 因此艾佛森在綠衫軍的出場時間恐怕也不會多。 -- / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 玉龍 L  Cs LA PHX 曾文頂 曾蓋索  曾爾德 曾奈特 曾諾亞 曾卡曼 曾歐佛 曾奈奈 曾阿馬 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/24 10:35,
06/24 10:35

06/24 10:39,
因為被AI crossover吃掉那球嗎? XD
06/24 10:39

06/24 10:44,
06/24 10:44

06/24 10:47,
不期不待 不受傷害
06/24 10:47

06/24 10:49,
06/24 10:49

06/24 10:50,
06/24 10:50

06/24 10:50,
06/24 10:50

06/24 10:51,
06/24 10:51

06/24 10:51,
06/24 10:51

06/24 10:52,
RONDO進步太誇張了 看看矮豆的上場時間少的可憐
06/24 10:52

06/24 10:54,
AI不可能去山貓 因為他有crossover老喬過....
06/24 10:54

06/24 10:56,
06/24 10:56

06/24 10:56,
06/24 10:56

06/24 11:03,
恩 薪水是問題..
06/24 11:03

06/24 11:04,
06/24 11:04

06/24 11:04,
06/24 11:04

06/24 11:04,
06/24 11:04

06/24 11:06,
06/24 11:06

06/24 11:09,
06/24 11:09

06/24 11:10,
06/24 11:10

06/24 11:13,
如果尼克搞到 閃電龍皇蟹 再+AI的
06/24 11:13

06/24 11:14,
06/24 11:14

06/24 11:14,
去熱火吧 當炎帝替補總該服氣了?
06/24 11:14

06/24 11:15,
06/24 11:15

06/24 11:16,
不要去76人了 我要看好樂迪啊
06/24 11:16

06/24 11:30,
有沒有只要提到老將BOS就會中槍的八卦= =|||
06/24 11:30

06/24 11:33,
06/24 11:33

06/24 11:34,
06/24 11:34

06/24 11:40,
06/24 11:40

06/24 11:40,
06/24 11:40

06/24 11:41,
06/24 11:41

06/24 11:44,
06/24 11:44

06/24 11:46,
不太可能去四  有VC有泥二審
06/24 11:46

06/24 11:47,
06/24 11:47

06/24 11:47,
06/24 11:47

06/24 11:48,
06/24 11:48

06/24 11:48,
06/24 11:48

06/24 11:49,
不過去魔術的話,我就可以只專心支持一支球隊就好 XD
06/24 11:49

06/24 11:50,
06/24 11:50

06/24 12:01,
尼克all star:PG AI,SG Wade,SF LBJ,PF Bosh,C Amare
06/24 12:01

06/24 12:05,
老喬被AI吃掉那求 大家都是在誇獎老喬驚人反應力吧..
06/24 12:05

06/24 12:06,
那個柔軟度跟反應力 大概也只有老喬吧....
06/24 12:06

06/24 12:06,
不過反過來說 能那樣耍掉老喬的人也沒幾個XD
06/24 12:06

06/24 12:34,
06/24 12:34

06/24 12:46,
06/24 12:46
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/24 13:25, , 1F
06/24 13:25, 1F

06/24 14:59, , 2F
論組織能力的話 AI應該是比尼爾森好上許多
06/24 14:59, 2F

06/24 15:00, , 3F
如果單看例行賽 我覺得魔術的進攻有沒有組織都沒差
06/24 15:00, 3F

06/24 15:01, , 4F
因為魔術真的有很多進攻不錯的球員 不過也只能在防守
06/24 15:01, 4F

06/24 15:01, , 5F
較鬆散的例行賽可以發揮 到了防守肉搏戰的季後賽
06/24 15:01, 5F

06/24 15:02, , 6F
06/24 15:02, 6F

06/24 15:03, , 7F
魔術在遇到防守強隊時 球的流動能力差到離譜
06/24 15:03, 7F

06/24 15:04, , 8F
我覺得倒不是尼爾森不想去作組織 而是他缺乏這項能力
06/24 15:04, 8F

06/24 15:05, , 9F
尼爾森切入很快沒錯 但是切入快跟組織球隊進攻是兩回
06/24 15:05, 9F

06/24 15:07, , 10F
事 而是控衞應該要有分球組織的感覺 像CP3 NASH就有
06/24 15:07, 10F

06/24 15:08, , 11F
AI可能沒有這麼棒 不過我個人是覺得還是比尼爾森好上
06/24 15:08, 11F

06/24 15:08, , 12F
06/24 15:08, 12F

06/24 15:12, , 13F
不過尼爾森的防守應該要比AI好一點 外線也比較準
06/24 15:12, 13F

06/24 16:34, , 14F
06/24 16:34, 14F

06/24 17:23, , 15F
老鷹跟超賽應該不會想要 現階段AI對魔術也沒有比較好...
06/24 17:23, 15F

06/25 07:30, , 16F
AI跟Nelson算是同類型的控衛 AI組織比較好一點 但也沒好很多
06/25 07:30, 16F

06/25 07:30, , 17F
06/25 07:30, 17F

06/25 07:31, , 18F
重點是...魔術不需要長時間持球的控衛 要也要防守型的...
06/25 07:31, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1C8kCbSI (Orl-Magic)