〔官網〕目前為止,關於 O'Neal 的謠言還是謠言。

看板PACERS作者 (Faith)時間17年前 (2007/06/27 22:11), 編輯推噓11(1107)
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So Far, O’Neal Trade Rumors Just That 目前為止,關於 O'Neal 的謠言還是謠言。 By Conrad Brunner | June 26, 2007 So what are we, exactly, to make of the steady stream of trade rumors involving Jermaine O'Neal? Does all the smoke mean there's fire somewhere? Or has it only obscured our vision? 到底,我們從多如牛毛的「交易 O'Neal 」傳言中,可以得知什麼 ?我們該以什麼心態去面對?謠言是止於智者,還是,三人成虎, 講得夠多次就會成真? For the moment, we can safely say the recently reported four-team trade that would send O'Neal to Boston, bring Lamar Odom and Andrew Bynum to the Pacers, send Kevin Garnett to the Lakers and a variety of elements to Minnesota is dead. In fact, it was apparently dead before it was reported. Sometimes, you see, parties involved in such trade discussions, sensing things are falling apart, leak strategic details to the media in an attempt to use public reaction to rekindle the deal. 目前為止,我們可以很保險的說,近來甚囂塵上的四隊交易 - O'Neal 前往波士頓,Lamar Odom 與 Adrew Bynum 轉到溜馬, Keven Garnett 加盟湖人以及一些附帶條件-已經宣告破局。事實 上,這樁交易在被披露前就已經告吹。有時候,有興趣進行交易 的各方勢力,會在條件兜不攏的情況下,有技巧的洩露消息,意 圖讓輿論、球迷的反應成為助力。 "I've talked to (Minnesota boss Kevin) McHale but there was never anything mentioned about a four-way deal," Pacers President Larry Bird said Tuesday during his pre-NBA Draft press briefing. "Obviously when Kevin Garnett and players like that are out there you usually call to see what's happening. There's a lot of speculation out there. We do get phone calls every once in awhile not only about Jermaine but about some of our other players. Right now it's just all speculation." 溜馬隊總裁 Larry Bird 周二在NBA選秀會會前記者會中提到: 「我已經與灰狼隊老闆 (McHale) 談過,但是,並沒有聽到什 麼四隊交易的消息。很明顯的,當 Kevin Garnett 與類似等級的球 員成為自由球員,你會去電了解一些事情。外界有很多猜測。我 們的確接到過電話,不只是關於 Jermaine 也有關於其他隊上的球 員。現在,猜測還是猜測。」 Coach Jim O'Brien has made no attempt to mask his interest in coaching O'Neal. Bird likewise said he hopes the franchise forward will be back. Jim O'Brien 教練也從不掩飾他對於能帶到 O'Neal 的興奮。Bird 也 說他希望這位前鋒可以繼續與球隊站在一起。 "I hope so," he said. "I've always said that. He's a very talented player that brings a lot to the table. He's had all of his success here. Hopefully we can all be on the same page and go forward with him." Bird 說:「我希望如此。他是個相當有天份的球員,能帶給球隊 的很多。他在這裡成長茁壯,享受成功帶來的果實。希望,我們 可以肩並肩,與他一起走下去。」 And yet O'Neal's name keeps popping up in rumors like some kind of Website Whack-A-Mole, vanishing here and reappearing over there. To be sure, there are bound to be plenty of teams interested but the early approach in these situations when a star player is perceived to be disenchanted is to try to leverage the player's unhappiness into forcing his team to make an unfavorable deal. Nobody wants to pay full price for O'Neal, just like nobody seems to be willing to pay full price for Bryant or Garnett. 然而,O'Neal 這個名字持續的在這裡出現,那裡冒出,那邊又看 得到。很明顯的,一定有很多球隊有興趣,但是,在這種劇本的 初期,也就是當明星球員自己有轉隊想法/不排斥轉隊/合約到 期時,常見的手段就是去激起球員對於球隊的不滿,借力使力, 讓球隊不得不採取行動,進而以較不利的條件去與他隊協商。沒 人想要真的依照合約所定的「全價」去換來 O'Neal,同樣的也不 會有人真的那麼阿莎力,眼睛閉著任憑 Bryant 、 Garnett 合約寫 多少就付多少。 Not yet, anyway. 總之,提這個都還算太早。 "He's an awful good player and any time you have a player of his caliber you've got to be very careful," Bird said. "And if you do trade him you have to make sure you get something back. But it's all speculation. Hopefully we can do something that makes our team better whether it's Jermaine or whoever. I just hate to give up on a guy with that much talent. Bird 說:「他好的冒煙,任何時候,面對有這種能耐的球員你都 要很小心。如果你把這種能力的球員交易出去,你必定要有同等 價值的回報。但是,這全都是猜測而已。希望,不論是藉由 Jermaine 或是誰,我們都讓球隊變得更好。我非常不願意放掉這 樣一位優秀的球員。」 "Am I shopping Jermaine? We listen to everything that comes our way but as far as calling people and putting him out there on the block, no." Bird 繼續說:「我在兜售 Jermaine 嗎?除了保持消息靈通,我可 沒有四處找買家,準備出售商品,沒有。」 Rarely have two players of the magnitude of Bryant and Garnett been on the market concurrently, but this could actually mark the official beginning of a trend. O'Neal is a similar example, a star that hasn't exactly demanded a trade but made it clear he doesn't want to stick around if his team isn't dramatically improved. There are reports Paul Pierce will follow suit in Boston. Bryant 與 Garnett 這兩位「龐然巨物」同時出現在交易市場上的機 會,可以說是歷史少見,但是,這也許正式揭告一種新潮流的開 始。O'Neal 也可以算進這樣的潮流,一個沒有白紙黑字表白個人 心意,但是,卻讓大家都知道如果球隊沒有大躍進,他們可不願 「呆」下去。據報,Paul Pierece 也將有動作。 Bird believes Bryant will remain with the Lakers, but he's less certain Garnett will return to Minnesota. Bird 相信 Bryant 將會留在湖人,但是,他不認為 Garnett 一定會 留在灰狼。 "It'd be very hard to trade the best player in the league," he said, "So I'm sure the Lakers are doing everything they can to mend the fences. He's such a talent … it's a little discouraging to see him try to get out of there. "Kevin Garnett's been with Minnesota for years and there comes a time when both parties might want to just separate." Bird 說:「交易聯盟最佳球員是相當困難的事。所以,我相信湖 人隊正在全力補救。他。。這麼優。看到他想轉隊有點讓人氣餒 。Kevin Garnett 已經效力灰狼多年,總有一刻,雙方會考慮分開 。」 What these stars may not realize is their contracts are a major obstacle to their team's success. O'Neal, for example, reportedly will earn nearly $20 million next season, which represents about one-third of the team's total salary cap figure. 這些巨星不了解的是,他們的合約是球隊發展的重大阻礙。拿 O'Neal 來說,據了解下季將有將近兩千萬收入的他,將代表全隊 近三分之一的薪資。 "If you really look around our league, what's happened in the last few years is so-called superstars, high-paid players get these extensions, and once they get their extensions and they know they're not going to have a very good team they always want out," Bird said. "That's very discouraging. It's hard to trade a player that makes a third of your cap because other teams can't take on the salaries. But they demand to be traded and it puts a lot of pressure on the franchises. … Bird 說:「如果你好好看看整個聯盟,過去幾年來,所謂的超級 巨星、高薪合約的球員都獲得續約,一旦他們獲得續約,他們又 知道球隊將不會是個強隊,他們又總是想走。這真的很令人難受 。當其他球隊負擔不起的時候,你是很難把佔去全隊三分之一薪 資的球員交易出去的。但是,這些球員說他們想走,這就讓球隊 這邊受到很多壓力。」 "So, if you sign a guy to an extension or sign a guy to a big contract, you better know he's able to carry your franchise." Bird 繼續說到:「所以,如果你與某位球員續約,或是給某位球 員優渥的合約。你最好確定他會帶起整支球隊。」 Whether O'Neal can do that remains to be seen. What the Pacers do not intend to do, however, is to enter a rebuilding phase, which should please the team's leading scorer, rebounder and shot-blocker. O'Neal 是否能夠帶起整支球隊也許仍待時間去證明。溜馬現在要 做的,則是進入重建期,而重建也許可以讓這位隊中得分、籃板 、阻攻王感到高興。 "We're not rebuilding," Bird said. "And if I have a say in it I'll never rebuild. You take what you've got and you add to it. I don't believe in dropping to the very bottom to build yourself up. … You have to add to your core group and build from there." Bird 說:「我們不是在重建。如果我說了算的話,我絕對不會重 建。你由現有基礎上,慢慢茁壯。我不相信什麼砍掉重練。你要 替你的核心成員加分,一步一步變強。」 INTERNOTES … 其他消息 Bird said the team has not yet decided whether to pick up the option on reserve guard Orien Greene. The deadline is June 30. "It's probably a decision we'll make on the 29th," he said. "We feel like we need four point guards. He really didn't get a chance to play much last year. After the first exhibition he broke his finger and was out for an extended period of time. He's very talented. He's got great size and I think he could be a great fit here. It's just what direction we're going to go after looking at all these other players." Bird 說球隊還沒決定是否要留下替補後衛 Orien Greene。期限到 六月三十號。他說:「我們也許會到二十九號才做決定,我們覺 得我們需要四位後衛。他今年其實沒什麼機會上場。第一場熱身 賽後,他的手指斷了,離開球賽相當長一段時間。他很有天份。 他的體格不錯,我想他對於球隊相當有幫助。只是,我們還要做 通盤的考量,將所有球員都放進來看。」 It appears Rick Carlisle no longer is a candidate for the Sonics' head coaching job. Reports out of Seattle indicate Spurs assistant P.J. Carlesimo and former Timberwolves coach Dwayne Casey are the top contenders. Expect a decision sometime before summer-league play begins next Friday but not necessarily before the draft. 看來,Rick Carlisle 不再是超音速隊總教練的候選人了。據報導, 超音速隊表示,馬刺隊助理教練 P. J. Carlesimo 與前灰狼隊教練 Dwayne Casey 是最有希望出線的人選。下週五,也就是夏季聯盟 開賽前,也許會拍板定案,但也有可能延後到選秀會時。 Johnny Davis, who spent last season on Carlisle's staff with the Pacers, was the first of the former assistants to land a job. He was hired as the top assistant to new Memphis coach Marc Iavaroni. Carlisle 上一季的助手 Johnny Davis 成為溜馬隊前任教練團中最先 有新工作的一位-他將成為灰熊隊教練 Marc Iavaroni 的助手。 As a result of his guilty plea last week to a felony count of criminal recklessness, Stephen Jackson not only faces a $5,000 fine and 100 hours of community service, he could face a mandatory 10-game suspension depending on how the NBA interprets his case. Marquis Daniels and Jamaal Tinsley face a Sept. 10 trial date for their role in the incident. 由於上週所犯下的罪行,Stephen Jackson 不只將被罰五千美金與 一百個小時的社區服務,他也許將面臨十場強制禁賽的處分,端 看聯盟如何解讀他的行為。Marquis Daniels 與 Jammal Tinsley 都將 在九月十號出庭受審。 Ron Artest told The Indianapolis Star last week he regrets his decision to request a trade from the Pacers in December 2005. "Certain guys in the league are mentally tough and always ready," Artest said. "But certain guys like me, because of how I grew up, I act out at times. Then you think about it and say, 'Man, I wish I would have gone about that differently.' It's almost like saying you wish you grew up differently. When you grow up like I did, you think that every day, every second is a life-or-death situation, but it's not so. If I could do it again, I would never (have given up on) that team. I had no reason to complain. I had a career year under Carlisle. What was I complaining about? When I look back on it, it was just stupid. Your ego takes over you sometimes." The Kings forward, who has maintained his family's residence in suburban Indianapolis, is once again the subject of trade rumors – none involving the Pacers. Ron Artest 上週告訴印城星報他後悔在05年年底要求被交易, Artest 說:「有些人,心理素質就是夠,但是,有些像我這樣的 人,受到成長背景的影響,沒那麼堅強,偶而就會。。腦袋短路 。你會想說”我希望我自己當初沒做那個決定”,但是,為時已 晚,就像你不可能重新長大一次。當你有我這樣的成長背景,你 會以為每天、每秒都是生死交關的場合,但是,並不是這樣的。 如果,如果我可以重來。我絕對不會轉隊。我沒理由抱怨。我在 Carlisle 手下打了一年。我有什麼好抱怨的。當我回頭看,我只覺 得,真蠢。你的”自尊”有時候左右了你。」這位國王隊的前鋒 ,家人還住在印地安納波里斯郊區的前鋒,又一次成為交易傳言 的主角,只是溜馬隊不在當中。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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推翻譯 難得阿泰說的中肯
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06/28 02:45, , 11F
他只要不要拿球想幹, 就是完美的
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06/28 02:46, , 12F
我是說在場上的時候啦 XD
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我超討厭阿泰 我覺得他根本就背叛了印城 無法接受
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