Danny Granger: Headed To Phoenix?

看板PACERS作者 (哉哉)時間16年前 (2008/02/28 16:26), 編輯推噓11(1100)
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http://0rz.tw/0f3H0 Danny Granger: Headed To Phoenix? 小葛:進軍鳳凰城? Don’t worry Pacer fans – I’m not talking about a cockamamie trade between the Pacers and Suns. Things have been pretty bad, and unpredictable, in Indiana over the last eighteen months. Dealing Granger anywhere would send the Hoosier faithful out to pasture, further driving down the already league-low attendance at Conseco Fieldhouse. 諸位溜馬迷們,免驚! 我不是在唬爛小葛要被交易到太陽,儘管世事難預料, 不過要是把小葛交易出去,已經是聯盟中倒數的印城票房肯定是雪上加霜。 If you haven’t figured it out already, I’m talking about Granger heading to Phoenix next February to represent the Eastern Conference in the annual NBA All-Star game. 如果你還搞不清楚,我要說的是小葛將有機會在明年的二月在鳳凰城的明星賽 代表東區出賽啦! In just his third professional season Granger is averaging 18.2 points and 5.8 rebounds for the Pacers, who have struggled through a majority of the 2007-08 campaign. He is the team’s leading scorer and has spent a good part of the year shouldering the team’s leading role with both Jermaine O’Neal and Jamaal Tinsley on the shelf. 雖然溜馬本季打的差,身為三年級的小葛已經有平均每場18.2分和5.8籃板的表現, 他現在是隊上的得分王,而且在汀歐兩人穿上西裝後更肩負起球隊領袖的角色。 He has improved dramatically in each of his three seasons, including an incredible jump in production this year despite averaging just one additional minute of playing time. He is posting career-highs across the board, including impressive success rates from the foul line and behind the arc. 他在過去的三個球季都有耀眼的成長,而且今年他平均出賽時間只比去年多了一分鐘 而已,他已經改寫他的生涯新高,並且在罰球跟三分球有顯著的突破。 Granger is shooting 85.9% from the charity stripe, including an incredible run of 65 straight makes, which bested the franchise record of a certain Reggie Miller. He is also hitting 40.1% of his attempts from behind the three-point land, an eight percent increase over his rookie mark. 小葛本季罰球命中率85.9% ,還連續罰進65球超越神米的紀錄,締造隊史新高。而他 的三分球命中率40.1%比他在新人球季還進步了8%。 In addition to his offensive improvement, Granger has upped his defensive efforts for Indiana as well, something the Pacers desperately need the rest of its roster to do. While playing one of the most important roles in Jim O’Brien’s fast-paced offense, Danny is focusing a majority of his time on the other side of the ball. 除了在進攻端的進步,小葛也在溜馬其他人最欠缺的防守端上下功夫。身為歐比王的 進攻系統要角,小葛把他的焦點放在防守上。 “I’m trying to improve on the defensive end right now. We are struggling on defense this season and I think that’s something that you can always improve upon,” Granger, who averages a steal and a block per game, said in New York earlier this month. "我正試著加強防守,我們本季的防守很破,而我認為那是得持續努力的部份。"小葛 本月初在紐約提到,他本季平均每場的抄截和火鍋各一。 Humility is another impressive part of Granger’s repertoire, who despite leading the Pacers in scoring and attempting to lock down versatile opponents on the wing every night, forgoes talking about himself in favor of the team almost every time he opens his mouth. 謙遜是另一樣小葛讓人印象深刻的特質,儘管他是溜馬的得分王兼王牌殺手,他每次 談話都不提他對球隊帶來的貢獻。 When asked whether or not he was comfortable leading Indiana’s offense with O’Neal and Tinsley injured, Granger had this to say: “Our offense doesn’t really focus on one person, it’s a movement offense and guys just have to take advantages of opportunities that come up. With Jermaine out, everyone has to pick up the slack.” 當被問到代替汀歐兩人肩負起隊上的進攻感覺如何,小葛這麼說到: "我們的進攻並不是局限於某人,而是整體的、流動式的進攻,每個人都得把握得分 契機,當小歐不在時,每個人都得更加積極。" While he does properly categorize the team’s offense, Granger is attempting a team-high 13.9 shots per game, more than even O’Neal when he has been healthy enough to play. The numbers indicate that he is the team’s top option, even if he chooses to shyly shrug off the notion of being Indiana’s biggest offensive threat. 小葛的每場平均出手是13.9次隊上第一,比小歐之前健康出賽時還多。這數字代表 他是隊上進攻的的首要選擇,不過小葛總是對他身為球隊的王牌避而不談。 Like an every player not named LeBron, Granger does have some holes in his game. “I could improve my ball-handling,” he admitted. Danny is averaging just 1.9 assists and turns the ball over 2.2 times per game, petty tallies when you consider the type of offense Indiana runs. Both O’Brien and Granger would love to bump that assist average up, while holding the miscues to a minimum. 小葛還是有罩門的。"我得加強我的運球能力"他說到。小葛每場平均只有1.9次助攻 和2.2次的失誤,(petty tallies...這句不會翻) 而歐比王和小葛都希望能夠在減 少失誤的同時增加他的助攻次數。 Becoming more efficient with the ball in his hands, aside from his already strong move towards the basket, would give him an honest shot at earning an all-star nod in 2009. It’s not a knock on Granger, but playing in the East dramatically increases his chances of earning such an appearance. 除了他對籃框有相當的攻擊力之外,當球在他手上能提升更多效率將讓他更有實力 躍升為明年的全明星。雖然這對小葛不算諷刺的酸話,但是在東區相對而言讓他更 有機會挑戰這個頭銜。 It isn’t difficult to imagine him leapfrogging guys like Rasheed Wallace, Caron Butler, Richard Hamilton or Ray Allen next season, especially if he continues his marked improvement. 只要小葛能持續顯著的進步,我們並不難想像他在下個球季能夠超越Rasheed、Butler、 Rip或是Ray Allen這些大咖。 “I think if we turn this around and have a better season next year, I’d have a decent chance of making the all-star team in Phoenix,” Granger admitted before a win over the Knicks on Feb. 6. "如果我們下一季能夠有所表現的話,我認為我有機會到鳳凰城打明星賽。"小葛在 二月六號打敗尼克後說到。 His quick hands should allow him to vastly improve his handle, and further develop his on-ball defense heading into the 2008-09 season. 他敏捷的身手將他在下個賽季更全面地加強他的運球,以及他對持球者的壓迫。 The only things holding Granger back from appearing in Phoenix next February are the play of the struggling Pacers and his own modesty. However, more career-highs in 2009 would speak loudly enough for themselves. 擋在小葛明年二月鳳凰城明星賽路上的將會是溜馬不好不壞的戰績,以及他那謙恭 的個性,然而,明年更多的生涯新高將會是小葛的一大助力。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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暑假目標:運球傳球!!!! GO!!
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