[外電] Suns get Hill

看板PHX-Suns作者 (台北不是我的家)時間17年前 (2007/07/06 13:30), 編輯推噓29(29019)
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原文出處: http://www.azcentral.com/sports/suns/articles/0705hillonline.html -- Grant Hill will be a Sun. Grant Hill將會成為太陽球員。 Hill's agent, Lon Babby said that Hill told Phoenix today that he would join the Suns in his quest for a championship. There is a moratorium on free agent signings until Wednesday. Hill的經紀人Lon Babby表示Hill今天告訴鳳凰城說為了爭取夢寐以求的冠軍戒指他將 會加入太陽。但正式合同要一直等到下禮拜三開放自由球員簽約後才會完成。 Hill was offered the Suns' biennial exception, which will pay him $1.83 million in the coming season and give him a player option to return at $1.97 million for 2008-09. Coming off a seven-year, $92 million contract with Orlando, money was not his biggest lure to Phoenix. 太陽提供給Hill一紙二年期的老將特別條款,接下來這個球季會付給他183萬美元並給 他球員選擇權,如果他選擇'08-'09年球季續留太陽可以再領到197萬美元。剛結束在奧蘭 多一紙為期七年,總額9200萬美元的合約,薪資多寡並不是他選擇太陽的主要依據。 "He established a number of criteria," Babby said. "His opportunity to contribute to a championship would be on the top of the list. He really thought it through and was diligent and concluded this is the best opportunity for his career. He's very, very excited about it." "他立下了一些選擇新東家的標準,"Babby說。"而擁有機會為一支冠軍隊貢獻是他的 首要目標。他真的徹頭徹尾想過才做出結論,認為加入太陽是他職業最好的奪冠機會。他 對此感到非常,非常興奮。" Hill was drawn by the chance to be on a title contender and an important playing role on a team that fits the 6-foot-8 swingman's versatile style. Hill, who will turn 35 in October, could start for Phoenix with Steve Nash, Raja Bell , Shawn Marion and Amare Stoudemire. He also will give Suns Coach Mike D'Antoni another facilitator to help run the offense when Steve Nash is resting. Hill會被吸引是因為有機會成為冠軍候選隊的成員而且在一支適合他6呎8吋搖擺人全 能球風發揮的球隊中扮演一個重要的角色。十月將滿35歲的Hill在太陽可以和Steve Nash 、辣椒標、Matrix、阿罵等人一起擔任先發工作。他同時也提供了太陽教練Mike D'Antoni 另一個在Nash下場休息時負責組織球隊進攻的選擇。 "The opportunity described to him is consistent with what he's looking for," Babby said. "He's not someone looking for anything granted to him but more that he'd have the opportunity to start." "太陽提供的機會和他尋求的不謀而合,"Babby說。"他不是一個把任何事情視為理所 當然的人但他會擁有先發的機會。 Hill chose Phoenix over Detroit, Orlando, San Antonio, Miami and Dallas. Hill heard phone pitches from each team this week, talking to Suns General Manager Steve Kerr and Coach Mike D'Antoni on Tuesday. He also spoke to Steve Nash at some point, Babby said. Hill婉拒了底特律、奧蘭多、聖安東尼奧、邁阿密和達拉斯的邀約而選擇了鳳凰城。 這個禮拜上述每支球隊都藉由電話與Hill接觸,而太陽總管Steve Kerr和教練D'Antoni則 是在星期二與Hill洽談。Hill也和Nash聊過幾次,Babby說。 Hill is coming off one of his healthiest season after an Orlando stay plagued by injuries. He has undergone five surgeries on his left ankle, including one that led to a life-threatening staph infection. He also underwent hernia surgery in the fall of 2005. Hill在奧蘭多時期飽受傷病困擾但上個球季是他最健康的一個球季。他的左腳踝經歷 五度手術,其中一次還因為葡萄球菌感染而差點丟了性命。他在'05年夏天也接受過一次疝 氣手術。 Hill bounced back last season, just as he did to make the 2005 All-Star Game after rebounding from a four-year battle with ankle injuries that caused him to miss all but 47 of 328 games. Last season, Hill played in 65 games and finished a season in uniform, rather than a suit or a hospital, for the first in Orlando . Hill上個球季重振雄風,就像他和讓他在328場比賽中僅能出賽47場的腳踝傷勢奮鬥四 年後在'05年所拿出的,使他重返明星賽那般優異的表現。上個球季Hill出賽65場而且是在 奧蘭多七年以來首度穿著球衣結束球季,而不是穿著西裝或在醫院裡觀戰。 "His health is fine," Babby said. "There is every expectation that he will be healthy." "他的健康狀況良好,"Babby說。"各方都預期它能夠保持健康。" He averaged 14.4 points last season on 51.8 percent shooting and played 30.9 minutes per game. When he has played, Hill has shot 49 percent or better in the past four seasons but he does not have three-point range. Once one of the league's best rebounding swingmen, Hill averaged a career-low 3.6 rebounds last season. 他上個球季平均每場比賽上場30.9分鐘而且以51.8%的高命中率攻下14.4分。過去四個 球季他有上場時平均命中率達到49%或甚至更好,但他有效射程未達三分線。雖然曾經是聯 盟搖擺人中籃板能力最出色的一人,Hill上個球季平均籃板數卻來到了生涯最低的3.6個。 But Phoenix relishes his versatility, court smarts, high character and late-career motivation to win a championship. Hill had pondered retiring before working the NBA Finals for ABC made him want to pursue a championship. His teams have never advanced past the first round in five playoff appearances, including Orlando's first-round sweep to Detroit in April. 但鳳凰城看上的是他的全能球風,場上的智慧,高尚的品格以及職業生涯末期對於冠 軍戒的渴望。Hill已經考慮過要退休,但為ABC講評NBA總冠軍賽後又讓他起心動念想繼續 去追求職業生涯第一枚冠軍戒。包括今年四月份奧蘭多在第一輪被底特律掃地出門,他所 屬的球隊已經五次進軍季後賽但從未闖過第一輪。 Babby said it helped the Suns' chances to have assistant Alvin Gentry on staff. Gentry coached in Detroit for five of Hill's seasons there, including 2 1/2 years that Gentry served as Hill's head coach. Babby說他的加入增加了太陽網羅助理教練Alvin Gentry的機會。Hill還效力於活塞時 Gentry在底特律執教五年,其中包括有二年半是擔任總教練的職務。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/06 13:49, , 1F
07/06 13:49, 1F

07/06 13:54, , 2F
07/06 13:54, 2F

07/06 14:00, , 3F
希望他在太陽有好表現 賀
07/06 14:00, 3F

07/06 14:48, , 4F
他上個球季腳沒問題啊~~是動了疝氣手術 而且魔術教練為了
07/06 14:48, 4F

07/06 14:49, , 5F
保護他 B2B會讓他休息 我們可以期待健康的Hill~~
07/06 14:49, 5F

07/06 15:36, , 6F
不過在太陽會被八人輪替操爆 囧
07/06 15:36, 6F

07/06 20:24, , 7F
爆? 太陽是操爆了多少人?
07/06 20:24, 7F

07/06 21:05, , 8F
D'Antoni的原罪 八人輪替 => 狂操主力&冰凍板凳...
07/06 21:05, 8F

07/07 09:36, , 9F
對很多人來說 反對八人輪替操爆先發冰凍板凳是一種信仰
07/07 09:36, 9F

07/07 09:36, , 10F
07/07 09:36, 10F

07/07 10:32, , 11F
07/07 10:32, 11F

07/07 12:07, , 12F
補樓上 比起去馬刺 我更討厭Hill被馬刺的一些低劣球迷支持
07/07 12:07, 12F

07/08 01:39, , 13F
07/08 01:39, 13F

07/08 02:52, , 14F
07/08 02:52, 14F

07/08 04:52, , 15F
07/08 04:52, 15F

07/08 11:26, , 16F
07/08 11:26, 16F

07/09 00:19, , 17F
07/09 00:19, 17F

07/09 01:09, , 18F
07/09 01:09, 18F

07/09 01:11, , 19F
07/09 01:11, 19F

07/09 01:11, , 20F
07/09 01:11, 20F

07/09 04:55, , 21F
加油 HILL 在07~08這球季跟NASH一起拿個冠軍吧 GO~
07/09 04:55, 21F

07/09 08:55, , 22F
我是沒差啦 反正誰低劣大家心裡有數 自從我剛上PTT在馬刺
07/09 08:55, 22F

07/09 08:56, , 23F
4336篇推文一後 我就一天到晚被那個版的丟水球攻擊
07/09 08:56, 23F

07/09 08:57, , 24F
07/09 08:57, 24F

07/09 09:47, , 25F
07/09 09:47, 25F

07/09 09:48, , 26F
07/09 09:48, 26F

07/09 09:50, , 27F
07/09 09:50, 27F

07/09 10:31, , 28F
ㄎㄎ...只准州官放火 不准百姓點燈 某板做風 ㄎ
07/09 10:31, 28F

07/09 11:38, , 29F
07/09 11:38, 29F

07/09 11:54, , 30F
07/09 11:54, 30F

07/09 11:55, , 31F
07/09 11:55, 31F

07/09 11:56, , 32F
你大可以不必理會他 就像我在某版已經完全不想講話一樣XD
07/09 11:56, 32F

07/09 15:01, , 33F
07/09 15:01, 33F

07/09 15:02, , 34F
07/09 15:02, 34F

07/09 15:03, , 35F
07/09 15:03, 35F

07/09 15:04, , 36F
07/09 15:04, 36F

07/09 16:12, , 37F
07/09 16:12, 37F

07/09 18:55, , 38F
我是那陣子是剛開始用PTT啦 不知道對立情況有這麼嚴重
07/09 18:55, 38F

07/09 18:55, , 39F
07/09 18:55, 39F

07/10 02:16, , 40F
07/10 02:16, 40F

07/10 23:53, , 41F
07/10 23:53, 41F

07/10 23:54, , 42F
07/10 23:54, 42F

07/11 00:00, , 43F
07/11 00:00, 43F

07/11 00:01, , 44F
07/11 00:01, 44F

07/11 07:12, , 45F
太陽板跟馬刺板是有必要這樣一直互酸嗎?? 唉...
07/11 07:12, 45F

07/12 01:07, , 46F
其實總歸一句啦 會支持這種有爭議性拿到冠軍還沾沾自喜的
07/12 01:07, 46F

07/12 01:09, , 47F
就良知上來講本來就有些怪異了 再說馬刺版宗旨不就是在個人
07/12 01:09, 47F

07/12 01:10, , 48F
版內盡情酸 來我馬刺酸就刪? 現在到是進軍來這裡啦?
07/12 01:10, 48F
文章代碼(AID): #16ZTDeJ2 (PHX-Suns)