[外電] Suns Basketball: A Love Story

看板PHX-Suns作者時間16年前 (2008/02/24 22:08), 編輯推噓16(1601)
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http://www.nba.com/suns/news/blog_080214.html By: Daniel Banks, suns.com Posted: Feb 14, 2008 It’s a classic plot in countless love stories: Boy falls for girl. Boy loses girl. Boy gets girl back. The Phoenix Suns are counting on a happy ending of their own this season. 這是一個典型的愛的故事的情節︰男孩愛上女孩,男孩失去女孩,男孩重新尋回女孩芳心 。鳳凰城太陽隊正期待著本季一個屬於他們的快樂結局。 Under the guidance of Coach Mike D’Antoni, the Suns brought the NBA a passionate, exciting style of basketball and fans couldn’t help but fall in love. The fast pace, the unselfish spirit, and a sense of genuine joy were the hallmarks of a team that proudly brought fun back in style. 在總教練安東尼的帶領下,太陽隊帶給NBA一個熱情的、振奮人心的籃球風格並且使球迷禁 不住的愛上了他們。快速的步伐、無私的精神、真正歡愉的感覺是這個球隊的標誌,它驕 傲的帶來許多歡樂在球隊的風格中。 Perhaps everyone got spoiled on the excitement. Maybe it was the all-too-early exit from last year’s playoffs. Whatever the reason, there was a feeling that fun was getting harder to find. The Suns entered the season with a serious goal – championship or bust. 每個人刺激的因素似乎都被破壞了,現在說要離開去年季後賽的陰影也許還言之過早,不 管去年失敗的原因是什麼,當初打球的那種快樂似乎很難再尋找到,太陽隊帶著一個認真 的目標面對本球季–總冠軍或是又一次的失敗。 The team got off to a hot start, but it wasn’t long before the team’s potential was questioned. Despite claiming the best record in an intensely competitive Western Conference, there was a sense that something wasn’t quite right. Whether it was chemistry or matchups, Steve Kerr candidly told reporters, “Ultimately - going into the playoffs – would we have felt comfortable with what we had? Maybe not.” 本季依然有著火熱的開始,但過不了多久淺在的危機就一一浮現,儘管人們宣稱今年西區 競爭的強度是有史以來最高的,仍然有種某個地方就是不對勁的感覺,不知道是本身的化 學效應還是對手強度提高。柯爾坦白的告訴記者說〝球隊最終的目標就是在季後賽闖關, 我們對於目前的陣容感到有信心嗎?或許不。” That doesn’t mean the team had fallen into a depression requiring group therapy and Prozac. They still ran, they still dazzled fans, and don’t forget they still had the best record in the West. Boris Diaw puts it this way, “We’ve always had fun. It’s never been sad to play for the Phoenix Suns.” However despite their early achievements, there was a perception that it was meaningless until the Playoffs began. Being great simply wasn’t good enough anymore. 但這並不代表球隊陷入低迷需要任何療法或是解藥,他們仍然在跑,他們仍然令球迷觀賞 的賞心悅目,不要忘記他們仍然是西區的龍頭。迪奧說“我們打球總是開心的,在鳳凰城 太陽隊打球從來就沒有感到難過過。”然而當季後賽開打時,會有種季賽的成就都是無意 義的感覺。 當一隻偉大的球隊已不再足夠,意指總冠軍才是唯一目標。 Like any good love story, the Suns would find a way to rekindle their passion. They got some help in the form of a seven-foot, 320 pound behemoth named Shaquille O’Neal. The trade that brought Shaq to Phoenix was initially criticized by the media, but no one was more thrilled than Steve Nash. The Suns leader welcomed The Diesel’s arrival saying, “It is exciting to have someone come in and shake things up, but to have someone like Shaq come in and shake things up is totally different thing and I think a lot of people would love to have that charisma and energy in their locker room.” 就像許多好的愛情故事,太陽隊需要找到一個方法去重新點燃他們的熱情。他們從一位七 呎高三百二十磅重名為俠客歐尼爾的人那裡得到了幫助,這個交易起初受到媒體的嚴重批 評,但是沒有人比納許感到更加的興奮,太陽隊的老大納許歡迎這部內燃機的到來並說“ 有新的人到來激勵全隊士氣是好的,但是擁有俠客的加入並且激發出新的能量是完全不同 的事,我認為許多人會愛上擁有那樣領導能力以及能量的人在他們的更衣室。” And shake things up, he has. While fans eagerly wait to see what he will do on the court, the four-time champ has already made an impact on his team’s chemistry. D.J. Strawberry has a first-person perspective on how Shaq is already helping the team reclaim their mojo. “More than a basketball player, he's a great guy. He brings so much energy and excitement that he makes everyone play harder. Once we get him on the court it will be amazing,” the Suns rookie said, “He’s helping me already just the few days he's been here.” 他的確給了球隊新的能量。球迷渴望見到他的表現,四次總冠軍的俠客已經帶來巨大的化 學效應在他的球隊。 小草莓是第一位發表關於俠客的到來幫助球隊重新獲取他們的魔力的人。“不只是一個偉 大的籃球員,他也是一個偉大的人。他帶來很多的能量以及激勵使得每個人打得格外賣力 。一旦我們擁有他在球場上,那將會令人感到驚艷。”“他完全幫助了我,儘管這只是他 到來的前幾天而已。” Shaq has made it clear he’s here to help this team in any way he can. “I guarantee you I’m going to make Raja Bell better, Amare' Stoudemire better, all these guys better,” he told the world when he arrived, “I look forward to coming out here and having a good time and just being an addition to a team that’s already good.” 俠客說的很明白,他是來這裡幫助這個球隊用任何他做得到的方式。“我承諾你們,我會 使得貝爾更好阿罵更好以及這裡的所有人都更好,”他一到達就說出這段話,“我向前邁 進來到這裡,並且擁有很不錯的時光,我只是一個本來就已經很好的球隊的添加品。” Besides what he can do on the court, Shaq is inspiring this team – and this town – to not just hope, but believe. “The first thing it takes in winning a championship is the belief,” O’Neal said. “If you can believe you can do it, you can get it done. If there’s ever a doubt that any of you can’t do it you will never win. And I really, really believe that we have a shot.” When The Big Aristotle speaks, people begin to believe. 不管他在球場上究竟可以貢獻什麼,俠客已經鼓舞了這支球隊以及這個城市,不只是存有 希望更是深深的相信。“要拿總冠軍的首要前提就是擁有堅定的信仰。”俠客說,“如果 你相信你做的到,那麼你真的可以做到,只要心中有任何的懷疑關於你能否做到的問題, 那你將永遠贏不到總冠軍。現在我真的真的相信我們有這個機會。”當這位巨大的亞里斯 多德說完後,人們開始相信了。 Phoenix is falling in love with Suns basketball again. You can see it in huddles, in fights for loose balls, and on the bench as Shaq leads the cheers after every amazing play. You can see it, and Shaq hasn’t played a single minute yet. Can you imagine what it will be like after the All-Star break when the team begins to gel around one of the most dominant post players in history? The Suns can. When asked about his plans for the All-Star break Coach D’Antoni quipped, “I’ve got four days I can just smile and think about Shaq.” 鳳凰城太陽重新愛上了太陽隊自己的球風。你可以從他們緊密連結在一起,為了失球而奮 鬥,以及板凳上俠客帶領大家歡呼每一個好球。你可以看到,即使他還沒上場出賽任何一 分鐘。你可以想像當明星賽過後一個在NBA歷史上擁有禁區支配力球員回來的盛況嗎?太陽 隊可以。當被問到關於明星賽期短暫休息的計畫時,總教練安東尼說“我擁有四天的時間 可以微笑然後思考關於俠客的運用。” (終於不冷了...) The goal hasn’t changed. The Suns are still serious about winning the title this year. It’s no secret that Shaq is here for another ring. A Championship is the only possible happy ending to this story, but this team is looking forward to getting there. Veteran Grant Hill said it best, “It should be fun, real fun.” 目標並沒有改變,太陽隊仍然積極的想贏得今年的總冠軍。俠客來這裡想得到另一枚戒指 已不是秘密,對於這個故事來說,總冠軍是唯一的快樂結局,但這支球隊不只是追求那榮 譽並且伴隨著歡樂,希爾說“這將會很開心,真正的開心。” -- 明星賽前的文章,我覺得寫的很好,多年的太陽迷可以看看。愛的故事...XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: matrixki 來自: (02/24 22:11) ※ 編輯: matrixki 來自: (02/24 22:12) ※ 編輯: matrixki 來自: (02/24 22:15)

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大歐 : 自從跟大罵交往...........
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The Big Aristotle ....XD
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推外電 gogo suns
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靠杯…太催淚了吧~@@~ 洋蔥是加免錢的嗎?
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