[外電] Win gives Suns shot at home court

看板PHX-Suns作者 (白夜行)時間16年前 (2008/04/16 21:45), 編輯推噓13(1304)
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外電: http://tinyurl.com/53m2o8 by Paul Coro - Apr. 16, 2008 12:00 AM The Arizona Republic The only thing the Suns know about their playoff fate heading into tonight's season finale is that they will be a sixth seed if they lose at home to Portland. 今晚,將是本賽季最後一天的季賽日,而太陽也將在今晚決定季後賽的最終排名。如果 我們在主場輸給了拓荒者,那我們肯定是第六種子的。 A win might not let them escape that fate, but there ought to be plenty of motivation to go for a victory, which would give the Suns a strong chance to have home-court advantage in a first-round series starting Saturday or Sunday. 或許這一勝不能夠代表什麼,但我們有許多的理由必須去贏得這一勝,因為取得了這一 勝之後,我們在星期六或是在星期日的第一輪季後賽中會取得主場的優勢。 Four of tonight's games affect Phoenix's seeding and/or matchups, but no game other than its own is more crucial to home-court hopes than having Utah win at San Antonio tonight. 今晚有四場非常重要的比賽將會決定太陽的名次,但最重要的那一場是爵士一定要打贏 馬刺才可以,因為這會讓我們取得主場的優勢。 If Phoenix and Utah win tonight, the Suns will have home-court advantage in the first round, likely against Houston. Since losing center Yao Ming, the Rockets have become most teams' secret playoff opponent preference, and Phoenix would get that matchup if the Suns, Jazz and Rockets win tonight. 如果太陽與爵士在今天晚上都取得了勝利,那麼太陽將會在第一輪的比賽中有主場優勢 ,並且對手有可能是火箭。自從火箭缺少了姚明之後,西區的隊伍都非常想要在第一輪 就碰上火箭,而如果今晚的比賽中太陽、爵士、火箭都贏球的話,我們第一輪的對手就 是火箭了。 If the Los Angles Clippers win at Houston and Utah and Phoenix win, the Suns still would get home-court advantage, but it would be against San Antonio. 但如果是快艇打贏了火箭,並且爵士與太陽取得了勝利,那麼太陽還是會有主場的優勢 ,只不過第一輪就會碰到馬刺了。 San Antonio and Utah both have motivation to win. A Spurs loss could mean facing Utah, with the Jazz holding home-court advantage. A Jazz loss likely would mean giving up home-court advantage against Houston and maybe even Phoenix, depending on some of the 16 possible outcome combinations in tonight's four games of impact. 馬刺與爵士都有動力要打贏對手。如果馬刺輸球,在第一輪裡就有可能會碰上爵士了, 並且還是擁有主場優勢的爵士。但如果爵士輸球,那就表示爵士有可能會沒有了主場優 勢,並且在第一輪中就會碰到火箭或者是太陽。 Hill likely out Suns forward Grant Hill was feeling better Tuesday and hoped to play tonight, but Suns head athletic trainer Aaron Nelson plans to hold him out to make sure his groin strain does not have any lingering effects in the postseason. 在星期二的時候,Hill感覺好多了並且希望能夠在今晚的比賽中上場,但太陽的首席運 動訓練師Aaron Nelson希望能夠更確定Hill鼠蹊部拉傷的情況,不希望在進入到季後賽 之後會受到舊傷的影響。 In Monday's game, Hill mildly strained the right-groin area that had bothered him last month and prompted him to sit out three games. 在星期一的比賽裡,Hill稍微地扭到了右鼠蹊部的部位,而這個傷勢其實在上個月時就 一直困擾著Hill,也讓Hill休息了三場比賽。 "I'm comfortable either way," Hill said. "Ultimately, of course, I'd want to play, but I understand that we have bigger plans than just trying to play the last game of the season." "我的身體狀況感覺還不錯,"Hill說。"當然,其實我還蠻想要上場的,但我必須了解 到我們在之後有著更重要的計畫,比起今晚的這一勝更重要了許多。 Amaré Stoudemire (cold) still did not feel well Tuesday but is expected to play tonight. 阿罵似乎有點感冒,在星期二的時候他感到不是很舒服,但在今晚的比賽中,阿罵應 該是會上場的。 Steve Nash's personal physiotherapist, Rick Celebrini, will arrive in Phoenix today for Nash's annual pre-playoff tuneup. Nash had back spasms early last week but has been issue-free for the past three games. Nash的私人醫生"Rick Celebrini"在今天到達了鳳凰城,在每年的季後賽前為Nash的身 體狀況作了檢查。其實在上個星期的時候,Nash的背部有抽搐的情況發生,但在最近的 三場比賽中似乎沒有什麼大礙了。(這也是為什麼Nash最近手感不好的原因吧(茶)。) TNT talks Suns On a Tuesday teleconference, TNT analyst Charles Barkley said a San Antonio-Phoenix series would be "a knockdown, drag-out series." 在星期二的電視訪談中,TNT的球評"Charles Barkley"說馬刺與太陽的一系列戰,將 會是非常漫長且血腥的。 But can the Suns win? 問: 那太陽是否會贏球呢? "Yes, but can they win the next two rounds on the road?" Barkley said. "I don't think any team in (the playoffs) that's not in the top four can win." "當然可以,但是面對到第二輪的挑戰之時,太陽是否能闖得過去呢?"Barkley說。"在 季後賽如此激烈的戰況之中,每一隊都有出局的可能。" Barkley again criticized Stoudemire's rebounding, which is at 9.2 per game this season after averaging 9.6 a year ago. Shaquille O'Neal is averaging 10.7 rebounds in 27 games with the Suns. Barkley又再次批評阿罵的籃板,阿罵本賽季平均籃板有9.2個,去年則是有9.6個。在大 歐加入到了太陽的這27場比賽裡,平均每場比賽裡大歐可以抓下10.7個籃板。 "If they make it to the Finals and don't win, it's not a good season," Barkley said. "Everybody is talking about how well Amaré Stoudemire is scoring. That's not the reason why the Suns aren't going to win. He doesn't rebound the ball. Shaq is averaging more rebounds at this point in his career than Amaré Stoudemire. To me, that is not a good thing. I look at Amaré's rebounding, and that's my biggest problem with him." "如果太陽最後進入到了總決賽,但是沒有贏得總冠軍的話,那這一季對他們來說將會 是不大好的,"Barkley說。"每個人總是都在談論阿罵的得分能力有多強。但這並不是 為什麼太陽無法贏球的理由。他無法很鞏固的抓下籃板。大歐在他的生涯裡,平均每場 比賽比阿罵抓下多2.4個籃板。以我而言,這可並不是件好事。就我對阿罵的籃板功力 來看,這是我認為他要更加改善的地方。" Fellow TNT analyst Reggie Miller agreed that starting each series on the road would be a "tall order . . . especially with Shaq at 35- or 36-years-old, you're asking him to do a lot." 同樣是TNT的球評"Reggie Miller"也同意在這一連串的系列戰當中,將會是一個很大的 "考驗、苛求,尤其是對大歐已經35-36歲的年紀來說,你會要求他要做的更多。" ================================== 如果有翻錯或翻不好的地方,請推文告知, 感謝!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 新的排板方式,請說一下感想啊(茶)。 -- ` *. ◤ ◤◢ *,* ═════════════════ rψoracles -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/16 21:46, , 1F
我剛剛在NBA總版有看到 若太陽第四 火箭第五
04/16 21:46, 1F

04/16 21:47, , 2F
04/16 21:47, 2F

04/16 21:51, , 3F
04/16 21:51, 3F

04/16 21:53, , 4F
那也沒差 Nash來太陽之後 從來沒怕過火箭
04/16 21:53, 4F

04/16 21:54, , 5F
04/16 21:54, 5F

04/16 21:54, , 6F
老巴難得不嘴砲… 不過他有類似x爺的神威 希望他別亂發功
04/16 21:54, 6F

04/16 22:03, , 7F
他已經發功了,看好 Amare 的籃板將會大爆發。XD
04/16 22:03, 7F

04/16 22:07, , 8F
Hill Nash Amare趕快在最後一場調整好啊 季後賽才是開始!
04/16 22:07, 8F

04/16 22:10, , 9F
04/16 22:10, 9F

04/16 22:11, , 10F
04/16 22:11, 10F

04/16 22:13, , 11F
04/16 22:13, 11F

04/16 23:05, , 12F
碰馬刺吧 火箭不要打太陽 去pk爵士
04/16 23:05, 12F

04/17 00:24, , 13F
04/17 00:24, 13F

04/17 00:24, , 14F
04/17 00:24, 14F

04/17 05:49, , 15F
04/17 05:49, 15F

04/17 06:11, , 16F
04/17 06:11, 16F

04/17 06:52, , 17F
04/17 06:52, 17F
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