[外電] Gentry:我們還是可以進季後賽

看板PHX-Suns作者 (大叔)時間12年前 (2012/02/20 00:09), 編輯推噓10(10011)
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Suns' Alvin Gentry: We still have a shot at the playoffs Before Friday night's loss to the Los Angeles Lakers, Suns coach Alvin Gentry addressed the notion that teams' records and standings are telling after 30 games. 在對湖人之前教練表示了以上看法 He asserted that this season, with the rushed start and shortened schedule because of the NBA lockout, was unusual enough to allow for a team to turn it around. After four consecutive losses, the Suns are 13th in the 15-team Western Conference. 他說如此倉促的開季讓整個團隊難以整裝待發 ,而在四連敗後 ,太陽在西區十五 隊中排第十三 "Even in our situation, we have a really favorable home schedule coming up," Gentry said. "If you win four, five or six in a row, it's amazing how all of a sudden you can get right back into the playoff situation." 「即使是在這種情形下 ,我們還是有接下來可愛的主場行程 ,如果我們連贏了四五六場 之類 ,你會很驚訝我們又回到季後賽行列了 」 It would be amazing for a team that has dropped into the NBA's bottom half offensively while remaining in the bottom 10 defensively. The Suns have a three-game homestand, starting Sunday against the Lakers, before heading to the All-Star break. Counting on home wins this season at US Airways Center is almost like counting on lottery tickets for income. 現在的太陽進攻是聯盟中下段班 ,防守更是倒數前十 ,接下來有三場主場 ,從對湖人開始 在明星周之前,倒數在家的日子就像在倒數樂透的到來(好酸XD The Suns have lost six of their past eight home games to drop to 5-8 there. 太陽輸了八場之中的六場 ,目前戰績是5-8 "It would be great to go into the break with some wins," Suns small forward Grant Hill said. "We have an opportunity at home." 「如果在明星周之前能贏幾場的話會很好 ,我們在家有機會」Hill表示 In each of their four consecutive losses, the Suns have failed to score 100 points and allowed more than 100. They led after the first quarter in three of those games. The starting unit seldom is the problem, spotting the Suns a first-quarter lead in six of their past nine losses. 在四連敗期間太陽從沒破百 ,而讓對手場場破百 ,而且其中三場第一節領先 先發沒有問題 ,太陽在最近九敗中其中六場第一節贏了對方 "The schedule is so crazy that I personally already feel tired," said Suns center Marcin Gortat, who has played nearly as many minutes this season (1,026) as he did in his last full season with Orlando (1,088). "I feel like I'm hitting the wall slowly. I'm hoping the All-Star break is going to be long. That's no excuse. We've got to get some wins. We don't want to put ourselves in the situation before the break that our record is so bad that we don't even think about making the playoffs after the break." 「這賽程太瘋狂了啦!!我都感到累了,我覺得我好像慢慢撞牆了,希望全明星周末可以長點 ,沒有理由,我們需要勝利 ,我們不能讓自己陷入明星賽休完還是覺得季後賽無望」 鍋貼表示 The Suns take a third crack at the Lakers (18-12) before playing Monday night against Washington (7-24) and ending the pre-break slate Wednesday vs. Golden State (11-16 entering Saturday). 太陽接下來要跟湖人遭遇第三次 ,然後對巫師,再來對勇士 The Suns have dropped the past four meetings to the Lakers, with Kobe Bryant scoring 42, 48 and 36 in the past three. Bryant made 14 of 25 shots in the Lakers' 111-99 home win Friday. 42 ,48 ,36場場被Kobe爆 Bryant's former backup, Suns guard Shannon Brown, went from being out of the rotation to score 15 in Friday's second-half rally. 香濃在對湖人的時候噴了15分 "He made a huge mark," Suns guard Steve Nash said of Brown. "We wouldn't have probably fought back if it weren't for his plays, so it was big." 「沒有他的爆發我們可能輸更慘」Nash on Brown Nash matched a season high with 17 assists Friday night but pinned blame on himself for seven turnovers and 4-of-11 shooting. Nash拿到了本季新高的十七助攻 ,不過他責怪自己的七失誤和4-11的低命中率 "I didn't have it," Nash said. "I've got to be sharp for us to do well." 「我沒有做好 ,我應該更犀利的」Nash Read more: http://tinyurl.com/7oqaxqv 這......說好的樂透簽勒..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/20 00:10, , 1F
表面說法可以很官方的qq 實際大家都知道
02/20 00:10, 1F

02/20 00:12, , 2F
02/20 00:12, 2F

02/20 00:19, , 3F

02/20 00:27, , 4F
不意外 雖然我比較希望專心練球員 放棄今年
02/20 00:27, 4F

02/20 00:47, , 5F
02/20 00:47, 5F

02/20 00:48, , 6F
02/20 00:48, 6F

02/20 00:48, , 7F
02/20 00:48, 7F

02/20 01:29, , 8F
haha i'm rooting for Mavs XDD
02/20 01:29, 8F

02/20 01:45, , 9F
02/20 01:45, 9F

02/20 02:36, , 10F
02/20 02:36, 10F

02/20 03:19, , 11F
02/20 03:19, 11F

02/20 03:44, , 12F
02/20 03:44, 12F

02/20 03:46, , 13F
去年因為封館 很多優秀球員都不敢冒然投入選秀 所以
02/20 03:46, 13F

02/20 03:47, , 14F
今年的選秀只要前10順位 都有機會選到好球員 拜託好
02/20 03:47, 14F

02/20 03:47, , 15F
02/20 03:47, 15F

02/20 08:38, , 16F
02/20 08:38, 16F

02/20 16:27, , 17F
對阿..就算進季後賽是要幹嘛 賺第一輪門票??
02/20 16:27, 17F

02/20 20:39, , 18F
02/20 20:39, 18F

02/20 20:40, , 19F
02/20 20:40, 19F

02/20 20:43, , 20F
Anthony Davis~會是今年的狀元嗎?蠻靈活的大前峰
02/20 20:43, 20F

02/20 22:58, , 21F
放棄比賽對得起買票進場的球迷嗎 ..
02/20 22:58, 21F
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