Fw: [外絮] P.J.Tucker與老奶奶的故事

看板PHX-Suns作者 (洪爺)時間8年前 (2016/04/10 09:13), 編輯推噓2(201)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1N2QRMmW ] 作者: bigDwinsch () 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] P.J.Tucker與老奶奶的故事 時間: Sun Apr 10 09:05:22 2016 https://www.instagram.com/p/BD9DW_yJl8y/?taken-by=threalpjtucker17 therealpjtucker17 Ok so last week we played the Utah Jazz at home and after the game there is a section where we greet fans as we are leaving and the first person I meet was this amazing women that was celebrating her 90th birthday. I smiled as she asked me if I would take a picture and afterwards she said can I get a kiss for my favorite guy. Afterwards I gave her a huge and instantly she changed my day. Even tho we lost the game she made everything ok because to me that's what it's all about. Yesterday in Houston our trainer Aaron Nelson came to me and said do you remember the lady you kissed after the Utah game, she died that night at her birthday party after telling everybody it was the best birthday in her 90 years of life!!! No matter how bad your day is going You never know who is watching and how you still have effected their life and what it means to truly live and love life. RIP angel 上週我們在主場迎戰猶他爵士,賽後有一個橋段就是與球迷們見面。在離開賽場的時候我 遇到的第一個球迷就是一位老太太,那天正好是她90歲的生日。當時她問我是否願意和她 合影,我笑著答應了,之後她又問我能不能親一下她最喜歡的球員。我給了她一個大大的 擁抱,我覺得這位老太太一下子改變了我的心情。即使我們那天輸了球,她讓一切都變得 美好了,因為這才是最重要的事情。昨天在Houston我們的訓練師Nelson跑來問我是否還記 得那個在和猶他比賽後親我的老太太,因為她在當天的生日派對之後去世了,而她在派對 上告訴所有親朋好友這是她90年來最棒的生日! !無論生活是多麼糟糕,你永遠不會知道 誰在默默注視著你,永遠不會知道你會如何影響別人的生活,也永遠不會明白這些事情對 於充滿愛的生活來說意味著什麼。 R.I.P. ,天使。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1460250326.A.C20.html

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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: bll135 (, 04/10/2016 09:13:20

04/10 09:28, , 9F
這篇超感人的 QQ 胖塔場內場外真的都好讓我喜歡阿
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文章代碼(AID): #1N2QYnBE (PHX-Suns)