[外電] Chriss的六十五碼傳球跟怪異的灌籃傳說

看板PHX-Suns作者時間8年前 (2016/06/26 16:31), 8年前編輯推噓18(18018)
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Boivin: Marquese Chriss' past includes tales of 65-yard passes and freakish dunks http://goo.gl/mFFbdW

06/26 23:56,
It’s freakish 這句話應該翻:他的體能是怪獸般的
06/26 23:56
Lorenzo Romar remembers well the day a Washington strength coach took the basketball team outside for a game of touch football. Nonchalantly, one of the newcomers threw a pinpoint 65-yard pass. Lorenzo Romar 還記得那一天,他在華盛頓的教練率領整個籃球隊到美式足球場進行 戶外活動。有個新來的小子在那一天默默的把球擲了65碼遠。 “I thought right then, ‘I am NOT introducing him to Chris Petersen,’ ” Romar said Friday of the Huskies football coach. 「我那時候想的是,『我絕對不會介紹他給 Chris Peterson!』認識!」     ̄ ̄ Romar 說的是他們的美式足球教練。 “Him” was Marquese Chriss, one of two players the Suns secured Thursday in the first round of the NBA draft. In a draft filled with gambles, he is considered among the biggest because of his limited playing experience. He also has such jaw-dropping athleticism that many believe the right tutelage could translate to an all-star career. 而那個默默「他」就是星期四太陽帶走的兩位球員之一的 Chriss。選擇他 被視為是一個很大的賭博,因為他打籃球的經驗實在並不長。但於此同時, 他的運動天賦也讓人瞠目結舌。一般看好如果他可以經過正確的訓練與培養, 那麼他的生涯很可能以一名全明星球員的身分作收。 He is symbolic of a philosophy that should serve the Suns well. 好好服務於太陽,對於他就像是一個具備哲學性的象徵。 Patience with a payoff. 耐心與回報。 “It’s freakish,” Romar, the Huskies basketball coach, said about Chriss’ athleticism. “He does things that blow your mind sometimes. There are players that are really good athletes and people assume they can jump out of the gym. And there are good athletes like Larry Bird because of hand-eye coordination … and all those other great traits. 「這真的很奇怪。」 Chriss 的籃球教練 Romar 這樣談論他的運動天賦, 「有時候他做的事情總會帶走你的注意力。人們總認為好的運動員應該要能夠走出 健身房,而其他好的運動員也要像 Larry Bird 一樣具備良好的手眼協調能力...... 跟其他優秀的特質。」

06/26 22:35,
jump out of the gym應該是指體能超好的意思
06/26 22:35

06/26 22:36,
相對於Bird的協調好,是兩種不同的good athlete,這
06/26 22:36

06/26 22:36,
06/26 22:36
“Marquese has both.” 「而 Marquese Chriss 兩者兼具。」 It is a trait the Suns loved, but their marriage was no sure thing. 這是太陽喜愛他的原因,但他們的結合仍然不那麼有把握。 It was a tough decision, general manager Ryan McDonough said Friday, when the team picked another power forward, Croatia’s Dragan Bender, over Chriss. 麥當勞在星期五表示,太陽繞過 Chriss ,優先選擇 Bender 是一個艱難的決定。 Privately, Chriss was disappointed. Chriss 私底下對此感到很失望。 “He had hoped it would be the Suns,” said Romar, who attended the draft with Chriss. “He had told me he really felt a connection with (coach) Earl Watson. He liked the direction of the organization. I could see (the disappointment) in his face.” 「他說他好希望當一個太陽人。」 Romar 透露,他選秀時全程陪在 Chriss 旁邊。 「他告訴我他感覺到自己跟花生的連結,而且對於球隊的方向也很能認同。 我可以感覺到他的失望溢於言表。」 Behind the scenes, the Suns still had Chriss on their mind. 但在幕後,其實太陽還是把 Chriss 放在心上。 “We thought the teams behind us wanted guards,” McDonough said. 「我認為我們後面的球隊想要後衛。」麥當勞說。 That’s exactly what happened. Then they got more aggressive in discussions, which had started weeks earlier, with Sacramento, who had the eighth pick, offering the Kings their remaining first-round picks, a future second-rounder and the draft rights to Bogdan Bodganovic. 一切就是這樣發生的。稍早於此,太陽已經跟擁有八號籤的國王有過一番討論, 而太陽也付出了兩枚首輪、一枚次輪跟撥個蛋做代價。 Deal done. 交易完成。 “We were ecstatic,” McDonough said. “I think the room erupted.” 「我們欣喜若狂。」麥當勞說,「我感覺房間內像是暴動了。」 (編按:__的,那時候的 Line 群也是) Suns management might want to thank Chriss’ mom, Shawntae Wright, for aiding her son’s journey. 太陽的管理階層可能要感謝 Chriss 的媽媽 , Shawntae Wright 女士一路上陪伴 著她的兒子,還有給予他的教養。 His love for football, where he was a standout tight end, defensive end and free safety, came to an end in eighth grade when he suffered a broken collarbone. 在 Chriss 打足球的時候,他曾經是一個相當出色的邊鋒。(足球術語跳過Orz) 而這一切都在他八年級的時候,因為他的鎖骨骨折畫下了句點。 That’s it, she told him, and then encouraged him to try basketball. 而他的母親鼓勵他,你何不去打籃球呢? He had admitted he was half-hearted about the idea, having only played pick-up games with friends. 他承認,一開始他只跟自己的朋友玩玩籃球而已,打籃球對他來說,也只是玩票性質。 When he tried out for junior varsity his freshman season at Pleasant Grove High School near Sacramento, he was almost cut because of too many big men. 當他高一進入了沙加緬度的高中,他發現籃球幾乎是高個子的遊戲。這讓他更卻步了。 Plus, he was quiet. Shy. Passive. 同時,他也很安靜,害羞,被動。 Midway through that season, he stole a pass during a game and dunked. The crowd went crazy. 直到球季中的時候,他在一場比賽中偷了一球,並且衝到前場灌籃。 他聽到全場的歡呼聲。 He found his love for the game. 他發現他愛上了比賽的感覺。 It wasn’t long after that former Northern Arizona assistant Vic Sfera was out scouting and spotted him. 過了不久,北亞利桑那的助理 Vic Sfera 發現了他。 “We’ve got to offer him,” Sfera told NAU coach Jack Murphy. 「我們得向他提供特別基金,好讓他入學。」 Sfera 告訴 NAU 的教練 Jack Murphy。 They did after Murphy saw him in a Southern California summer basketball tournament following Chriss’ sophomore season and only second year of organized basketball. 而當 Murphy 親自看到他在南加州暑期的籃球比賽後,就真的提供他報價了。這時候, 只是他第二年打籃球。 It was Chriss’ first offer. 這也是 Chriss 第一次收到報價。 “It was his size, his athletic ability and his motor,” Murphy said. “He played hard. 「全因為他的身材,他的運動能力還有他發動進攻的能力。」Murphy說, 「他打得很努力。」 “Sometimes with big guys, especially that athletic, you have questions about how hard they play. He seemed to stick out.” 「對於大個子來說,特別是運動員中的大個子,你會質疑他們到底打球有多努力。 但這似乎不是他的問題。」 It also quickly became clear to Murphy that their efforts might not pay off. 對於 Murphy 而言,他很快就明白,他們的努力沒有白費。 “It soon became obvious he was Pac-12 material,” Murphy said. 「很快就讓人看出,他明顯是 Pac-12 的可造之材。」 Murphy 這樣說。 That he was. 而他確實是。 It wasn’t long before the Huskies came courting. 這只是 Huskies 來觀察他後不久的事情。 “We brought him up to visit in January of his junior year,” Romar said. “ We felt he was so talented, if we didn’t get him to see our school quickly, we were going to lose him. He had grilled us about our engineering program and liked what he saw.” 「我們在一月就把他帶來學校參訪他大一會待的地方。」 Romar 說, 「我們覺得他非常的有天分,以至於如果我們不趕快把他帶來我們學校看看,我們就 會失去他。他看了看我們對他的計畫,也對他看到的一切很有好感。」 They like what they saw on the court. 而他們也喜歡看到他在場上。 He started from day one and scored 29 points in his second game. His athleticism and ability to create shots was impressive, but so too was an ability to score from three-point range. 從他的第二場比賽豪取 29 分開始,他的運動能力跟創造投籃的能力就讓人印象深刻, 而同時他也展現出三分球的投射能力。 NBA scouts turned up the attention. NBA 的球探們開始關注到他了。 They saw a load of talent but also a player who needed to grab more defensive rebounds and who couldn’t stay out of foul trouble. He fouled out in four of his first six games and later in a stretch of six straight. 他們看到了一個很有才華的年輕人,但同時需要在防守籃板跟犯規麻煩上有所長進。 在他最初的六場比賽中有四場都因犯滿離場,而在這方面獲得緩解以後就獲得了六連勝。 Enter his mom, who suggested to the Huskies staff that her son see a sports psychologist. She is a licensed clinical social worker and knew he could benefit from the help. 他的母親是一個運動心理學家,同時也是有執照的臨床社會工作者。 當初給了自己兒子這個建議,是因為知道他可以從中獲得幫助,進而因此獲益。 It did. He knows it’s a product for a short basketball career and that his instincts will improve with his basketball IQ. 而這確實如他所料,在他短小的籃球生涯中,他本能的學著如何提高自己的籃球 IQ 。 He’s always hungry to learn, Romar said. Romar 說,他永遠對於學習充滿渴望。 “When I’d pull him out of a game, and he was walking to the bench, I would be ready to say ‘good job’ but he was already saying, ‘Coach, I should have rotated better.’ Obviously, he was a freshman still learning our system. 「當我把他拉出賽場,而他走進板凳區,我總是準備好要告訴他;『小子,幹得好』, 但他往往已經先說了:「教練,我想我的輪轉應該更流暢一些。」這當然,因為他只是 一個正在學習進入球隊系統的大一小菜鳥。 “He’s such a team guy. You talk about the eighth pick in the draft. Guys like that if they don’t get their minutes, say ‘I’m transferring.’ I never heard anything like that from him.” 「他是一個很有團隊性格的球員,你說你會用第八順位去選擇他,去花費時間,透過 轉讓來取得他只因為喜歡他?我從來沒有從他身上聽過任何這樣的可能性。」 (這邊好像翻得怪怪的) A gamble? 一場賭博? You bet. 你已經下注了。

06/26 17:11,
You bet比較像沒錯,你說對了!不一定要直翻
06/26 17:11
A risk worth taking? 一個值得冒的風險? Definitely. 理所當然。 -- ▃▃ ▅▅▅▅ ▄▄ ▇▇ ▄▄ ██   ▅▅ ▃▉ █▅ ▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄ █▆ █▄ ▄▄▌█▊██▌ 04-05╴╴ ╴╴▄▄ █▅ █▄▌▄▄◤ █ Phx-Suns ▕▕▕▕╱ ╯05-06 ◤◥▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ Dal-Mavs -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PHX-Suns/M.1466929912.A.EC5.html

06/26 16:38, , 1F
如果有翻錯歡迎指正,我很久沒好好碰英文了 QQ
06/26 16:38, 1F
※ 編輯: bll135 (, 06/26/2016 16:44:59

06/26 17:02, , 2F
推 看好他QQ
06/26 17:02, 2F

06/26 17:11, , 3F
You bet比較像沒錯,你說對了!不一定要直翻
06/26 17:11, 3F

06/26 17:14, , 4F
06/26 17:14, 4F

06/26 17:16, , 5F

06/26 17:16, , 6F
06/26 17:16, 6F

06/26 17:19, , 7F
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06/26 17:20, 8F

06/26 17:25, , 9F
06/26 17:25, 9F

06/26 17:26, , 10F
06/26 17:26, 10F

06/26 17:29, , 11F
又是一個真心喜歡太陽的球員 希望他能在這發光發熱
06/26 17:29, 11F

06/26 17:29, , 12F
囉 加油~
06/26 17:29, 12F
※ 編輯: bll135 (, 06/26/2016 17:34:01

06/26 18:12, , 13F
06/26 18:12, 13F

06/26 18:24, , 14F
06/26 18:24, 14F

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06/26 19:11, , 19F
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06/26 19:40, , 20F
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06/26 20:05, , 21F
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06/26 20:32, , 22F
06/26 20:32, 22F

06/26 22:04, , 23F
06/26 22:04, 23F

06/26 22:35, , 24F
jump out of the gym應該是指體能超好的意思
06/26 22:35, 24F

06/26 22:36, , 25F
相對於Bird的協調好,是兩種不同的good athlete,這
06/26 22:36, 25F

06/26 22:36, , 26F
06/26 22:36, 26F

06/26 22:43, , 27F
06/26 22:43, 27F

06/26 23:56, , 28F
It’s freakish 這句話應該翻:他的體能是怪獸般的
06/26 23:56, 28F

06/26 23:57, , 29F
Bender 七尺打三號 不就變durant 以後太陽可以來個
06/26 23:57, 29F

06/26 23:57, , 30F
06/26 23:57, 30F
謝謝兩位 :) ※ 編輯: bll135 (, 06/27/2016 00:58:59

06/27 02:01, , 31F
jump out of the gym是指體能好到可以直接飛出球場
06/27 02:01, 31F

06/27 02:01, , 32F
上一次看到用這字眼評價的好像就是Amare Stoudemire
06/27 02:01, 32F

06/27 11:39, , 33F
06/27 11:39, 33F

06/27 13:52, , 34F
06/27 13:52, 34F

06/27 13:53, , 35F
06/27 13:53, 35F

06/27 13:53, , 36F
06/27 13:53, 36F
文章代碼(AID): #1NRvBux5 (PHX-Suns)