[情報] Amazon在特價P社的遊戲 純CK2全套9.99

看板Paradox作者 (小蟲滑~過來)時間11年前 (2013/01/30 22:17), 編輯推噓2(206)
留言8則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Crusader Kings Pack [Download] $9.99 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B7UK2I2?tag=childsplaycha-20 比下面那個少掉CK2以外的遊戲 Available Now. 除了Crusader Kings Complete以外都可以STEAM啟動 ↑CK1 2013/2/1新消息 ------------------------------------------------- Paradox 2012 Ultimate Pack [Download] $14.99 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B7UKDQS 包含CK2主key+重要dlc+其他遊戲 需在STEAM上啟動 ------------------------------------------------- 剛剛在reddit看到的http://0rz.tw/RwHcS http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10436683&postcount=3932 這篇裡面有捷徑到各個販售的網頁 但是有兩點要注意的 1.刷卡時帳單寄送要填寫美國地址(可以隨便填) 2.reddit有些人無法在steam上面註冊的狀況 (我買4. Paradox War Chest 除了第一個本來就不行外是沒這個問題) (但是我去官方論壇不能連結我的帳號,這部分我也不知道為啥) 以下是我把清單複製過來給大家看 1. Pint Sized Paradox Package - $7.49 ($2.49 after coupon all Steam) contains: Warlock: Master of the Arcane Majesty Gold - HD Majesty 2 Collection Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Holy Land Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Faith Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Albion Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer DLC Crusader Kings II: Mongols DLC Pack Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shields DLC Pack 2. Plentiful Paradox Package - $9.99 ($4.99 after coupon) all activate on Steam, contains: Crusader Kings II Magicka Collection Magicka The Stars Are Left DLC Sword of the Stars - Complete Collection Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition Victoria II 3. Paradox Majesty Franchise - $9.99 ($4.99 after coupon) all activate on Steam, contains: Defenders of Ardania Battlemagic Defenders of Ardania Defenders of Ardania: The Conjurer's Tricks DLC Majesty 2 Collection Majesty Gold - HD Warlock Master of the Arcane Master of Artifacts DLC Warlock Master of the Arcane Power of the Serpent DLC Warlock Master of the Arcane Return of the Elves DLC Warlock Master of the Arcane Powerful Lords DLC Warlock Master of the Arcane 4. Paradox War Chest - $7.49 (2.49 after coupon) all Steam except Achtung Panzer contains: Achtung Panzer Kharkov 1943 - NOT STEAM Gettysburg: Armored Warfare Hearts of Iron III Collection King Arthur Collections King Arthur II Victoria II Victoria II: A House Divided - Expansion Additionally, sometime tomorrow (when OPS is done making the bundles) these will go on sale: Paradox 2012 Pack - $14.99 ($9.99 after coupon) I'll have to reconcile tomorrow what activates on Steam:(他說他明天才會決定那些可以上STEAM使用) (這個部分似乎要等明天的消息,大家可以繼續注意明天這篇文章) A Game Of Dwarves A Game of Dwarves: Ale Pack A Game of Dwarves: Star Dwarves Crusader King Complete Crusader Kings II Crusader Kings II: African Portraits Crusader Kings II: African Unit Pack DLC Crusader Kings II: Byzantine Unit Pack Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shield II Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shields DLC Pack Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome Crusader Kings II: Mediterranean Portraits DLC Crusader Kings II: Mongols DLC Pack Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer DLC Crusader Kings II: Russian Portraits Crusader Kings II: Russian Unit Pack Crusader Kings II: Songs of Albion DLC Crusader Kings II: Songs of Byzantium Crusader Kings II: Songs of Faith DLC Crusader Kings II: Songs of Prosperity DLC Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Caliph DLC Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Holy Land DLC Crusader Kings II: Songs of the RU Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam Crusader Kings II: The Republic DLC Starvoid War of the Roses - House of York Deluxe Edition War of the Roses: House of Lancaster Armor Set DLC War of the Roses: House of York Armor Set DLC Warlock Master of the Arcane Master of Artifacts DLC Warlock Master of the Arcane Power of the Serpent DLC Warlock Master of the Arcane Return of the Elves DLC Warlock Master of the Arcane: Armageddon Warlock: Master of the Arcane Warlock: Master of the Arcane - Powerful Lords DLC -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/30 22:17, , 1F
-5塊的部分不太清楚怎麼去用 我是用沒-5塊的
01/30 22:17, 1F

01/30 22:18, , 2F
01/30 22:18, 2F
※ 編輯: away312 來自: (01/30 22:27)

01/30 22:27, , 3F
5元coupon是去年amazon的活動 買遊戲送的
01/30 22:27, 3F

01/31 02:50, , 4F
01/31 02:50, 4F

01/31 02:51, , 5F
http://goo.gl/qd9Zx Paradox Seas Bundle
01/31 02:51, 5F

01/31 08:32, , 6F
01/31 08:32, 6F

01/31 08:32, , 7F
是要用啟動後STEAM會給一組可以連結的 而不是Amazon上的
01/31 08:32, 7F
※ 編輯: away312 來自: (02/01 18:45)

02/02 14:40, , 8F
請問HOI3系列成熟了嗎? 有陣子沒follow了
02/02 14:40, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1H2IjcS2 (Paradox)