[黃蜂歷史] 1989-1990

看板Pelicans作者 (晴)時間20年前 (2004/01/09 18:14), 編輯推噓1(100)
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1989-90: A Struggling Sophomore Season 掙扎的二年級生球季 The 1989-90 season got off to a stumbling start. The Hornets lost their first five games before defeating the Orlando Magic, 130-116, in the first meeting of the two franchises. Playing another expansion team for the first time on November 25, Charlotte beat the Minnesota Timberwolves, 81-73. 1989-90球季有個跌跌撞撞的開始.蜂群們連敗了五場,在他們130-116擊敗奧蘭多魔術 開胡之前.這也是這兩隻新球隊第一次交手.11月25日同樣是與另外一隻擴編球隊交手, 夏洛特81-73擊敗了明尼蘇達灰狼. Charlotte could beat the other new clubs, but it struggled against the league's more established units. November and December brought a 10-game losing streak, although December ended on a high note when the Hornets defeated the Houston Rockets, 111-92. The new year, however, was the same old story. Charlotte went 3-31 from early January to mid-March, lowlighted by a club-record 12-game losing skid. 夏洛特有辦法擊敗其他新球隊,但是在面對其他舊有的球隊時就遇上了麻煩.十一月 和十二月有一波十連敗.就算以一場111-92擊敗休士頓火箭的大勝結束十二月.新的 一年當中,同樣的慘劇依然不斷上演,從一月初到三月中成績總共是3-31,創下了隊史 新低的十二連敗. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以上為1989-1990 沒錯~ 就是這麼短而已 ^^"" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

推 01/10, , 1F
隊史第一季總是比較慘淡 ^^
推 01/10, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #__dy9xI (Pelicans)