Re: 請問有關直升博士班的問題

看板PhD作者時間19年前 (2005/12/08 05:05), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《 (除了當老師,我還能幹麻?)》之銘言: : 我現在是碩三 : 幾個月前跟老師談判的結果是 只要系統有訊號就讓我走人 : 最近系統總算量到訊號了 : 跟老師談 : 老師居然說:你工作找好了嗎? 你是女生,為什麼不在留下來把研究做好一點? : 不想發paper嗎? 這樣以後想念博班也比較有漂亮的paper申請 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Is there any rule saying if you are not a MSc student, you cannot publish? From this, you can see the advisor's point... I won't suggest you to agree his point, but suggest him to get better excuse next time. Degree is degree, paper is paper. Let's worry of the degree first, then the paper comes later. This is what you should say. : 老師的建議是中肯的,但是 我實在看不出來,是因為欣賞我的能力所以給予建議 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The only point I agree is, publishing really helps application. However, not quite a lot of PhD student has a paper published before their PhD course. And this is why you want to be a PhD student, to learn how to do it. Even for a PhD student, publish can only be seen as a bonus. Degree is degree, paper is paper. Most of the works for a PhD degree is worthy to publish, however, in most of the world, a PhD degree only means a completed thesis. That's all. : 還是純粹只想多一個免費勞工,多得幾篇論文的自私心態 : 現在已經12月了,我的後面已經排了各學弟要接我的系統 : 現在又不讓我走,是怎樣? : 別人的青春歲月沒有價值嗎?女生就不是人嗎?女生的時間就不值錢嗎? : 那也請給我一個月7萬塊的薪水,我可以考慮跟你慢慢耗 : 唸了兩年半 : 自己的心得是 : 在學術界裡面 跟外面的世界是一樣的複雜的 : 討厭的是有一堆老鼠壞了這鍋粥(其實不應該對教育冠以高道德標準,太多假象了) : 遇到好老闆 自己會心甘情願自動自發的作所謂的研究 做到死也沒有怨言 : 遇到濫老闆 真的只能摸摸鼻子 看自己最低的底限是什麼 到手就走人了 : 世界上有好人,不過不多... : 依社會現況來看,碩士文憑還是有其重要性,說不要我想都只是一時的氣話 : 只是找老師的時候真的要睜大眼用心看,多多打聽老師的風評 : 看著實驗室的成員玩著自相殘殺的把戲,實在蠻好笑的,小世界裡面的廝殺 I would suggest you not to stay there if you want a PhD degree. : 如果只是想找份工作,其實不用唸研究所,用心認真工作,我想日子還是可以過的很好 : 想要比別人過的好,賺大錢,唸完研究所還是得從基層做起, : 沒有實力多那張紙也是沒什麼用的,只是進入門檻比較有優勢 : 學歷跟文憑只有在從事特定工作的時候才會禿顯出他的重要性 : 如果只是想混飯吃,真的不用這麼辛苦.... : 好好賺錢跟妥善理財,日子就可以過的不錯了 : 唸書,感覺好像只是為了爭一口氣,不想在某些時候被一些空有文憑沒有實力的人看扁了 : 大家一起加油吧~~ I think you just need to find a good place and a good supervisor. (I am not talking about PhD in Taiwan now, as the rules of PhD degree is twisted quite a lot there....) Most of the PhD means a specific story and an expert on a specific area. You might be able to learn all the experience from career, however, not 100% of experienced worker will be recognised a PhD-equivalent degree. Most of the PhD's story is a hardship, which is unforgettable in their rest of lives. In the occasions with a good supervisor and good colleagues, a good university and a fair system, that can be nice days in your life. This is why when doctors talking about when they were a mister or a mistress, they usually suddently become excited and remember everything in a minute. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢參( ◆ From:
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